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Operative Out-Heal Sorcerer's?


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Has anyone else found this? I have a guildy Operative, who is able to out heal me, with consistant 5k+ heals even 6k+ heals aswell as higher healing at the end of the warzone.


So out of curiosity, how on earth, does the class with argueably the best DPS, also able to get the best healing potential?

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1. Operatives don't have the best dps, they have the best burst. Their sustained dps is pretty damn mediocre. And their burst is about to get hit with the nerf bat.


2. Operatives don't inherently outheal sorcerers. Good operatives do outheal mediocre sorcerers though.


Even in pvp I can get 5-6k heals on dark infusion crits and I just hit 50. And the only time I'm beaten on healing is in huttball when I'm the only one who's actually willing to try to get the ball to the goal, while the rest of my team plays deathmatch in the center....


Not to say operatives are really any worse than Sorcerers. All the healers are pretty close in healing potential, just Merc and Ops could do with a somewhat better aoe healing option.

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Has anyone else found this? I have a guildy Operative, who is able to out heal me, with consistant 5k+ heals even 6k+ heals aswell as higher healing at the end of the warzone.


So out of curiosity, how on earth, does the class with argueably the best DPS, also able to get the best healing potential?


they have the worst dps, they have (for a few days at least ) the best burst.


Operative healing abilities are much better suited to pvp environments (recuperative nanotech vs revivification..), neither are that great, but instant vs cast, and then you have their hots etc which can be liberally spread much like a wow druid.

Edited by Adzzy
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they have the worst dps, they have (for a few days at least ) the best burst.


Operative healing abilities are much better suited to pvp environments (recuperative nanotech vs revivification..)


Recuperative nanotech, is considerably weaker in overall healing. But it does have the huge advantage of being completely mobile. No cast time and it sticks to your targets.


But, revivification can be amazing in pvp as well. On voidstar and alderaan at least. Due to how the objectives work on those maps, about half your team should always be pretty clumped together, so it can not only keep everybody topped up, but it also really helps mitigate burst since it ticks so fast. There are very few times it's useful in huttball though.

Edited by Ashkelon
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Well, I've never seen a 6k heal and I occasionally get 5k heals, although most are between 2800 and 4000.


My stats are 1412 End / 1304 Willpower, 38.85% Crit Chance and 72.06% Crit Multiplier and 10.11% Expoertise. Whereas the Operative consistantly healed me for 5k+ and even some 6k heals.


Ok they have the best Burst DPS, but I certainly get spanked by Operatives quite regularly.


I just find it odd, that a class with stealth/best "burst" dps, also has the potential to outheal my sorc. Given that the sorc is squisher, I often find myself #1 target and I can hardly keep myself alive :p.

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Well, I've never seen a 6k heal and I occasionally get 5k heals, although most are between 2800 and 4000.


My stats are 1412 End / 1304 Willpower, 38.85% Crit Chance and 72.06% Crit Multiplier and 10.11% Expoertise. Whereas the Operative consistantly healed me for 5k+ and even some 6k heals.


Ok they have the best Burst DPS, but I certainly get spanked by Operatives quite regularly.


I just find it odd, that a class with stealth/best "burst" dps, also has the potential to outheal my sorc. Given that the sorc is squisher, I often find myself #1 target and I can hardly keep myself alive :p.


And sorcerers are capable of some of the best single target dps if they spec for it, and also have some of the best cc to boot. The operative can't both burst someone down super fast then turn around and get top heals in a single warzone. They have to spec to do either one or the other. Just like all of us.


Also, the Sorc really isn't any squishier than an operative. The difference between medium and light armor is minimal.

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Recuperative nanotech, is considerably weaker in overall healing. But it does have the huge advantage of being completely mobile. No cast time and it sticks to your targets.


it doesn't heal as rapidly, but it's overall healing isn't that bad, especially since their set bonuses benefit it so much (they seem to wear 2 piece pvp even in raiding for the 15% bonus to it, combined with the reduced energy cost of the pve 2 pc)


is it a great lifesaver? not really, but it's certainly a great stat topper.

Edited by Adzzy
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Even in pvp I can get 5-6k heals on dark infusion crits and I just hit 50.


No you don't, because your base would be about 2.6k=2.8k and with even 100% surge, the 30% debuff will bring you below 5k, nevermind 6k. Maybe someone in full Battlemaster with the expertise buff could hit 6k.

Edited by DribblingGiraffe
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Operatives and mercenaries have better base heals than us, often lower cast times with higher base healing. Mercs even have a free, instant cast, no cooldown heal that charges them up. Meanwhile, we have no free heals, our casts are either long or have a cooldown, and any "emergency spam" requires us to use resurgence first to get force bending.


The advantages we have are Reviv hitting infinite targets, and Static Barrier blocking a whole hell of a lot of damage. However, one is a 15 second cooldown, then other is a 20 second lockout.


Overall; endgame we're mediocre. If it weren't for static barrier, we'd be pushed aside for mercs and operatives. The shield, however, is incredible for us. A few hardmode EV fights pretty much require it to avoid DPS insta-deaths.

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All things equal, an Operative SHOULD out heal you. In fact, even a less than average one should do decently. There are 2 major reasons why:


1). The operative aoe HoT is a buff and this easier to use in PvP. This helps to inflate their numbers significantly.


2). Much of your "healing" revolves around Static Barrier which does not show up on the healing charts. Operatives/Mercs don't have a shield, instead using things like stackable HoTs and instant heals to give themselves time to wind-up bigger spells.

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People really need to stop using Warzone totals and spell crit magnitudes as stand-ins for damage/healing meters...


IA named Annaora (or something like that) did 630k healing in a voidstar last night, nuff said.







(And I've personally done 674k on voidstar. Not at all close to an accurate readout.)



I used the actual abilities as my judgement of healing effectiveness, because we have no healing meters and I do not have a similarly geared merc/OP healer at level 50 to test. It's probably not the best judgment, but it's the best I can do right now.

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The nature of HoTs make inflated healing numbers easier. They cannot keep a single target alive as long as us or mercs can. We cannot keep a group alive as long as ops can but our AOE heal is more bursty.


The guy talking about being a fresh 50 and doing 5-6k+ heals is full of it. With the healing reduction in WZ and full champ gear you will be just under 5k on crits without stacking buffs.


Daellia is very right, using wz numbers is counterproductive. The right situations and you can see huge overall healing numbers but the point of WZ are objectives and Sorc has the best utility.

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Our problem (and I speak from a Sage perspective, but its all the same) is we cannot turtle at all. BH turtle awesome, and ia can move while healing. We have to use CC to get clear then heal standing still for the most part.


At least sorcs have the cc to get clear. Aoe knockback on a short CD is huge. An agent getting focused has to vanish, which has a three minute cooldown and makes them immune to heals for 10s.

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