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Outlaw's Den... Why?


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So I went to Outlaw's Den to look for chests with merc commendations and pvp. Well no one else was in this huge area and I found one chest in about an hour. All of a sudden I saw a Sith and I jumped up! I was able to kill him and what do I find? No Merc Commendation. So what is the purpose of this place? There is an auction house, bank, and mailbox here for no reason. What even?!
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Not much really.


Btw, anyone know what that clickable bottle in the southernmost tent does?


it makes the vendor nearby attack you. when you kill him you get a weird buff. he does not respawn for over an hour. This place is *********** weird.


BTW where am I supposed to get merc commendations because I don't earn them anywhere.

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We must be missing something. This place was designed by the world best pvp team.



My sincerest regrets about your laptop, I'll rally to that.


Rly blizz buy immunizard a laptop

Edited by nordmer
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There are chests with merc commendations in them. The chests drop 20 commendations and like 3k credits.


They're slow respawns. Bioware should make them drop 5 commendations and respawn 4 times as frequently or something. Then people might realize they exist.

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The outlaws den is the fabled PvP zone that all the "real PvPers" have been asking for. Objective free Arena, and no rewards.


In all seriousness, the outlaw's den is a great place for tournaments and such. My guild had a 2v2 tournament there a few weeks ago.

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I thought the Outlaw's Den was a way to get level 50's out to Tatooine to pick on poor level 24-30's..


Also, wouldn't Starbucks be liable for the laptop since it was their coffee that caused the actual damage. Sure, you might can blame BW due to the duress they might have caused, but BW will only counter that their product did not cause the physical damage.


Now if your laptop were to have been damaged when it crashed while you were at the GTN or was in the companion window, or trying to open an email with an error message, or while you were trying to click off the same message from your issue you reported back in April that comes up every damn time you log in, you might have a case...

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seriously i've gotten like 10 level 28 medpacs off this well fed womp rat


it's a goldmine

Are you serious?


I'm going to take the rest of the day off and hit this place ... HARD. Those medpacks are no joke.

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Outlaw's Den has NO purpose what so ever. No function in game. Nothing.


I'm sure Bioware had high hopes when they made that teeny, tiny open world PVP area. But they quickly let it drop by the wayside in their rush to introduce new bugs into the game.

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