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Give marauders HEAVY ARMOR so they stop ************


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Till the marnoobers realize that heavy armor gives them about 1000 more armor, which results in 5% reduction by armor.



Also they can still go invis, which juggernauts can't. And they can actually BUFF the GROUP DPS with their cooldowns!

Edited by cheezehustla
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A very, very small portion of this forum is crying for heavy armor. We have quite a nice list of changes we'd like to tweak us a bit.


We're a DPS based class. We have a threat reduction cooldown (Camo) and a DPS increase (Bloodthirst) that just so happens to buff our entire group.


You have access to Force Push in PvP to get people off of you. We have Camo.



Please, cry more.

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A very, very small portion of this forum is crying for heavy armor. We have quite a nice list of changes we'd like to tweak us a bit.


We're a DPS based class. We have a threat reduction cooldown (Camo) and a DPS increase (Bloodthirst) that just so happens to buff our entire group.


You have access to Force Push in PvP to get people off of you. We have Camo.



Please, cry more.





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Yea, well Juggernaut was also supposed to be a DPS class. Nobody brings a juggernaut to raids for DPS.



Bloodthirst is a good reason to bring a marauder.



Funny how you want force push, when you can run through half the huttball map as a ballcarrier without anybody being fast enough to follow you.

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Yea, well Juggernaut was also supposed to be a DPS class. Nobody brings a juggernaut to raids for DPS.



Bloodthirst is a good reason to bring a marauder.



Funny how you want force push, when you can run through half the huttball map as a ballcarrier without anybody being fast enough to follow you.



If we have enough Fury for Predation. Or if Frenzy is up. Or both. Our out-of-Charge mobility is based around that one skill which requires a secondary resource to use.


Juggernauts also have Intercede as well as a removed Charge cooldown after using Push.


Once our Charge is spent if we're rooted or slowed we're rooted or slowed. By that time, if we have more than one person beating on us, chances are - depending on what cooldowns you have available - you're going to die.

Edited by Kibaken
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If we have enough Fury for Predation. Or if Frenzy is up. Or both. Our out-of-Charge mobility is based around that one skill which requires a secondary resource to use.


Juggernauts also have Intercede as well as a removed Charge cooldown after using Push.


Once our Charge is spent if we're rooted or slowed we're rooted or slowed. By that time, if we have more than one person beating on us, chances are - depending on what cooldowns you have available - you're going to die.


Kiba don't dignify this post by replying. Seriously you can tell the OP has never played in a Premade.

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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Kiba don't dignity this post by replying. Seriously you can tell the OP has never played in a Premade.


I'm in a mood to prove people wrong.


Also - the state of melee DPS in this game is terrible to begin with. The only fight that currently matters - Soa NM - will see barely - if any - melee DPS in it because of the amount of mobility needed to and from Mind Traps. The fact we bring something unique to the table is grounds for us coming. You're a "hybrid" class so to speak and don't get any "useful" PvE toys. I apologize, but don't come crying here.

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All marauders really need is a full fledge stun, force choke does not count since it can be broken by a knock back or knockdown or stun. The aoe ability is an incapasitate not a stun since it is broken on any damage recieved. Juggs get 1 stun without speccing and like 3 or so more with specing. Mara's and sent's are the only 2 classes in the game without a full fledge stun base skill, or even with specing.


Another thing mara's need is another 30m ranged attack or at least a way to get our force charge to refreash faster so that we can actually stay on our targets. Most classes have a knockback on a 20 to 30 second delay some classes have more then 1 knockback, or if no range given then an abilty to make us temp immune to roots and snares on a 20 to 30 second CD, this would probably be more fitting to the class.


Finally our top spec skills need to be brought in line with other dps classes top spec abilites. Right now the mara's most damageing spec attack is in annhilation tree on a 12cd can get it down to around 8.5 seconds with multi attacks. Still other classes have abilites just as damaging as this skill on a much lower if any CD at all. With this skill costing 5 rage a 12s cd on top of it is very unneeded and overly punishing. Perhaps a 4 to 5 second delay at most with the same abilty to lower it down to 3 seconds with multi attacks.

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Till the marnoobers realize that heavy armor gives them about 1000 more armor, which results in 5% reduction by armor.



Also they can still go invis, which juggernauts can't. And they can actually BUFF the GROUP DPS with their cooldowns!


Actually, I think the issues with maras have less to do with allowing heavy armor and more with mitigations and talent tree issues. Carnage is especially useless right now.

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I've seen your videos Kiba, and while I respect your opinion, I have not seen any videos where you didn't have a pocket healer or were not in a premade.


How do you do with you aren't rolling with a coordinated Pre-made. Do you have any videos of your skills, sans pocket healers and premades?

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I've seen your videos Kiba, and while I respect your opinion, I have not seen any videos where you didn't have a pocket healer or were not in a premade.


How do you do with you aren't rolling with a coordinated Pre-made. Do you have any videos of your skills, sans pocket healers and premades?


Seriously? Skills with this engine? hahahaha your funny. Besides if you want to take Warzone seriously do it in a Premade otherwise your just trolling in Warzone.

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I've seen your videos Kiba, and while I respect your opinion, I have not seen any videos where you didn't have a pocket healer or were not in a premade.


How do you do with you aren't rolling with a coordinated Pre-made. Do you have any videos of your skills, sans pocket healers and premades?


The videos I have are of streams and currently my second monitor isn't working. I much prefer using two monitors while streaming so I can see the chat and respond as well. When I get my hands on the second one I have on hold for myself I'm going to be streaming a lot - both solo queued and premades.


I can say with confidence that, while there are times I take a risk and put myself out of position, if I play with my head in the game, time my cooldowns correctly and try to go after unguarded targets other people are focusing I can easily pull 350k if I was trying to top the meter which, since you've watched a few of the recordings I have, is not all the time. I'd much rather run the ball - with a premade or not - since we're extremely good ball carriers.



Seriously? Skills with this engine? hahahaha your funny. Besides if you want to take Warzone seriously do it in a Premade otherwise your just trolling in Warzone.


There have been PLENTY of times I've nearly punched my monitor when I hit my Cloak/Saber Ward keybinds, die, and lo and behold they didn't go off. "Skill" will come a lot more into play when they fix the ability delay system. I'm not at all I'm bad; I consider myself a very skilled and veteran gamer. Unfortunately the recordings I have available are a very small spectrum of my play.

Edited by Kibaken
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