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Those are some impressive numbers. Care to share your build?


this is what i was using



theyre all honestly the same build unless you go heavy tactics and would probally do less damage.


i wish i still had a pre 1.1 ss (cause my healing from the med pack was always at like 40k). but was your 500k in a group or pug? cause i was only with a sage healer in my game. rest were qq trash

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YES LOVESHOCK, rofl the person Ive been wanting to speak to, first of all ur video is amazing. You do beast mofo damage and take damage like a champ. I HAS QUESTIONSSSSS. Do you use a shield or generator? Why ion cell over plasma cell. Have my little vanguard babies? Jk Im actually serious about the other 2. Also whats the main offstat you focus on? Surge rating? crit? Power?
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Also what was the chest piece ur vanguard wore in the lvl 50 video? And is that the spec you recommend for pvp? seemed stank nasty for soloing and would be beast for groups.


Also which pvp set do u think is best for is, I personally think the 15% crit chance to HIB is best but its so fugly, and vanguard with the 15% stockstrike crit is black and red. BLACK AND RED. is it worth getting or should i go for the HIB crit%

Edited by SirSparhawk
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I guess it goes to show that even leet dps doesnt win games... oh well.


Oh and to the questions. I use ion cell because of the tbh, 5% damage reduction plus another 16% from armor is not worth the dmg you get from plasma cell. Sure armor doesnt work against everything, but what people dont understand is how often people are using their auto and physical attacks. Plus, adding an extra 700-800 dmg on top of stock strike with ion overload (if ion cells dmg actually works) is really nice. Test it out if you want. You may not think its worth it. Do what i do and when you are in an alderaan wz, go right alone using plasma cell, the do it again if you lose with ion cell. See if you notice the difference. Oh and guard. Guard is so OP its rediculous. Throw that on a healer whenever you can.


right now I'm using my Columi pve set for pvp. I only lose 1% from expertise compared to what i normally wear, and considering so much dmg comes fro my hib, I think the 8% dmg increase from the set bonus is pretty amazing. I will say that once I finish my battlemaster set, i will be wearing that. I dont trust wearing commandos armor, for all i know they could require commando to wear it in the future.


btw, that chest piece in my video is from columi pve set.

Edited by Loveshock
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Ur wearing all columni except the helm? Why again? 8% damage on HIB? So you think that pve set is just worth it more? Btw I agree about ion cell just wanted to make sure i wasnt alone. I have a 50 commando but its boring so I want a trooper, Im new to it. but when u go battlemasters are you going for 15% more crit on stockstrike or HIB? Edited by SirSparhawk
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Also u never answered, Shield or Generator?. Thats my biggest question since generator benefiets from ion overload but I heard its pointless in pvp. Why stockstrike? any specific reason? Not trying to bug just trying to learn from someone whos vid I thought was pretty amazing. Even if only 3 minutes long. If u make a longer 1 let me know Id love to watch it.
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He says he uses Ion cell, so I would assume he uses a shield offhand.


Not true at all, if your not specced/focused on it, then even with ion cell shield is fairly useless. 20% chance of shielding 20% damage from 20% of attacks that arn't crits. doesn't really do all that much. buffing your power with 150-200 is well worth the tradeoff in my opinion. (you still get the 60% extra armor and 5% damage reduction)


It's also worth noteing that ion cell does work (after a fashion). Since even though the Ion cell itself only deals about 30% of tooltip damage, Ion overload deals about 300% damage of the tooltip. Makeing the overall damage the same as what it should have been. (the two tooltips are probarly just mixed up)

Edited by Paralassa
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Not true at all, if your not specced/focused on it, then even with ion cell shield is fairly useless. 20% chance of shielding 20% damage from 20% of attacks that arn't crits. doesn't really do all that much. buffing your power with 150-200 is well worth the tradeoff in my opinion. (you still get the 60% extra armor and 5% damage reduction)


It's also worth noteing that ion cell does work (after a fashion). Since even though the Ion cell itself only deals about 30% of tooltip damage, Ion overload deals about 300% damage of the tooltip. Makeing the overall damage the same as what it should have been. (the two tooltips are probarly just mixed up)


Loveshock uses this spec, and I like it so far. In pve gear he had insane survivability with high damage. Also any1 have any pro tips on not runningo ut of ammo after u use incenidary/nade HIB?




Maybe Im just tired and missing something but can u explain why i shouldnt use a shield over generator? Im new to the whole shield concept so I dont know how all its mechanics work and whats broken and so forth. Appreciate it

Edited by SirSparhawk
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How do you deal with people cleansing off your Incendiary Round? The dot from Ion Cell doesn't count as a burn effect, so HIB no longer refunds ammo and you lose 9% damage on most of your abilities. You also lose the ability to apply on demand snares while bursting, since saving your Stock Strike to slow them when they sprint or trying to use Hammer Shot to apply the slow is extremely bad.


The ability to guard isn't that amazing since you don't have the damage mitigation or the HP of a real tank. Good teams will send one guy to lock down your healer so he never casts, while everyone else dumps massive damage on you. The fact that you are guarding means that you can't be guarded, so you become a very easy target to focus down.

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How doesnt a giant fireball not count as a burn effect? Watch his video I can post its link but its real good.



That should help u, I watch it once a day to try and get an idea but I wish he would post a longer 1 with some texts.


The "giant fireball" is a dot that gets cleansed off by competent players. Without plasma cell, he doesn't have a spammable burn effect that costs no resources. Against competent players, his ability to output meaningful damage would be crippled.


Also, a piece of advice. If you are in melee range, stay in melee range. If you want to kite, then strafe out. Going into melee range, then S-keying over and over doesn't make your attacks hit any harder.

Edited by Kesrik
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The only place in that video when i was trying to kite was when i was obviously kiting while reloading. the back pedaling and running in circles was just a way to keep them on their feet and keep them in front of me other than losing potential dmg while they are behind me. Give knights too much space tho, and you 're basically giving them free focus.
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The only place in that video when i was trying to kite was when i was obviously kiting while reloading. the back pedaling and running in circles was just a way to keep them on their feet and keep them in front of me other than losing potential dmg while they are behind me. Give knights too much space tho, and you 're basically giving them free focus.


You could accomplish the same thing by strafing behind them and staying there. No need to move if they aren't moving. I do agree with your last statement though. Kiting a Knight/Warrior is very bad if they have charge up.


@ Sirsparhawk: The dot from Ion Cell is NOT a burn effect. You lose ammo regen via HIB, you lose extra damage on burn targets. Also, Ion Cell dot is cleansable, and it is not spammable (applying via Hammer Shot is not reliable when you NEED to HIB).

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