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Harnessed Darkness Bugged


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Harnessed Darkness states (in the game, not torhead) that Wither and Shock grant a stack of it.


However, Wither does not grant a stack of Harnessed Darkness. Is this just a tooltip error and is Wither really supposed to give a stack.

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It's a cruel joke the devs put in during the last patch.


If it was intended, it would at the same time be completely OP and seriously wreck an already possibly too complex rotation. They're just screwing with us, don't worry.

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Basically I think Bioware is modifying the talents around and accidently released the tooltips for the talents before they were ready to roll out the actual changes.


Bioware stated once that they don't want people to play Hybrid specs and want to reward players for going "all the way" in a single tree. However, many tanking Assassins were not bothering to pick up Wither and instead going for Death Field or into Deception.


Wither is basically a DPS talent, and there are better places to pick up DPS in other trees.


So I believe that Bioware is going to making Induction only work with Surging Charge, but allow Wither to proc Harnessed Darkness in order to get more players to go 31 in Darkness.


But, we'll have to wait and see.



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I figured you were going to say b/c in your talents it says it makes you both uninterruptable and immune to pushback. Sure you can't interrupted but I have been pushed back'd every damn time when using this ability at 3 stacks. In that sense either the tooltip's wrong or it's bugged.
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Basically I think Bioware is modifying the talents around and accidently released the tooltips for the talents before they were ready to roll out the actual changes.


Bioware stated once that they don't want people to play Hybrid specs and want to reward players for going "all the way" in a single tree. However, many tanking Assassins were not bothering to pick up Wither and instead going for Death Field or into Deception.


Wither is basically a DPS talent, and there are better places to pick up DPS in other trees.


So I believe that Bioware is going to making Induction only work with Surging Charge, but allow Wither to proc Harnessed Darkness in order to get more players to go 31 in Darkness.


But, we'll have to wait and see.




Wither is an agro puller... that does damage and slows the targets (making it longer before they reach you)

Its not a DPS skill.

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I figured you were going to say b/c in your talents it says it makes you both uninterruptable and immune to pushback. Sure you can't interrupted but I have been pushed back'd every damn time when using this ability at 3 stacks. In that sense either the tooltip's wrong or it's bugged.


It's just immune to pushback not you getting pushed back. So when someone attacks you the cast doesn't lose time is all that means.

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Wither is an agro puller... that does damage and slows the targets (making it longer before they reach you)

Its not a DPS skill.


Don't forget it also applies the insanely useful -5% damage debuff on the boss, which can be a lifesaver in AoE situtation. Wither is FAR from a dps talent, if you want a Dps AoE spec madness for Deathfield. To me the damage on Wither is almost inconsequential, what you're really using Wither for is the debuff.


As for the initial question... I'm guessing they went through various ways of buffing Wither, to make 31/10 better than the hybrid spec, and one of the ways was to make Wither proc HD. Then they realised that most people who spec hybrid, don't go for HD either so it wouldn't make much difference, and instead they went for the current route of boosted damage and a snare.

Edited by Talyn_Rahl
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I talked to a live agent last night about this issue. When i explained to him that Harnessed Darkness wasn't granting a charge with Wither, he linked the ability text available to him.


His version/text of Harnessed Darkness did not have Wither included. I was asked "Where did you get this information that Wither applies stacks?" To which i replied, "My talent tree."


I can't recall what he said next, but I believe it was an equivalent of "Hmm."


He told me he would forward the bug report to the relevant people, and hoped to have a solution soon.

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