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Elara or Aric for leveling?


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Currently 20 Commando and just got Elara. Is it faster to level with a healer or with Aric dps'ing? Assuming equal gear for both.


I dont often find myself too low on health so Im guessing Aric, but still not sure.

Edited by Brento
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Dorne's the general go-to girl for most people. Much less DPS, much higher survival rate.


Now, if you can keep yourself breathing without the heals like I have, Aric will help you gun things down much quicker- Elara's more a healbot than a fighter for most people. This includes occasionally learning to taunt mobs off Aric so he doesn't get killed but can continue to hose down the big guys while you kite/tank...think of him as an occasionally overzealous DPS buddy you can practice trading hate with that won't kvetch about the repair bills if you mess up.


I'm still cheerfully using Aric at 31 on Tatooine, no real worries yet.

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I skipped taris and went right to Nar Shaddaa, so I did the whole Nar Shaddaa quests with Aric. As long as you have decent armor and have a good rotation down you should be fine with Aric. If you come up against a boss that you need extra health for you can always bring her along or that part


But i've been leveling with Aric and I like the higher firepower, makes battles go quicker.


Just make sure you've upgraded his blaster.

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Depends on how you play really. As a tank I certainly didn't need heals to survive the average pull, so Jorgan would speed things up a lot - but I do keep Elara geared since she's very useful for solo-ing champions and heroic quests. I did briefly try doing normal missions with Elara, putting her in her DPS stance to hopefully speed things up, but her damage was still nowhere near Jorgan's.


If you're a healer (or a commando who doesn't mind casting a heal on a tough pull) obviously keep Jorgan. DPS could probably go either way, but if you just want to relax and not worry about doing anything stupid, go with Elara (and perhaps later a tank).

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My Trooper is tanker/shield spec so I more often than not go with Aric since my DPS really sucks. With a Commando/DPS build it could go either way; more firepower to drop mobs faster or healing support to survive longer. Try it both ways and see which works best for you. A nice thing is they both use the same gear so you can swap it out to whichever you're using at the moment. Well, the same gear except for weapons that is.


I'll admit it's been a mental adjustment for me playing a tank in this game... even with fully modded at level gear I'm a lot squishier than I'm used to being coming from City of Heroes. You just can't do things like stand in the middle of 17 mobs including Archvillains (Champions here) and survive unassisted in this game. Still, I must admit that even with the things I don't like about this game that I am enjoying myself quite a lot.

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What I found when I switched from Aric to Elara is that Aric had let me be really sloppy about my dpsing. He put out so much damage that it didn't matter much what I was doing. Elara made me a better player by forcing me to be efficient with my rotation.
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They're both good.


Honestly, ALL trooper companions are great for leveling since they're all wearing heavy armor and can take a beating.


What it comes down to is


Are you a Tank? Are you a Healer? Do you want to go fast and risky or slow and safe?


Jorgan = Monsters die quick but you don't have heals if things go south


Elara = Health barely drops but the mobs take longer to kill



As a commando you will also want to look into the amazing 4X and his tanky goodness for heroic stuff.

Edited by dargor-
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As a Commando leveling up I just used Elara and another melee DPS companion you have not acquired yet.


Elara - With her basically able to take on any content until 50 with minimal fuss. Even when something unexpected happens like silver patrol passing by the situation is salvageable. For dual gold Elite or 3 silvers + randoms use the 1 min cc and her heals. Only annoying thing is having to check her skill bar though to see if she has not added her DPS dot once again ...



Melee DPS guy - For much faster and challenging fights ( when bored of Elara ). His DPS is obscene even on elites due to armor penetration. I use a combination of Dots that Snare on Gold Elites or heal him when needed.


Edited by Stovokor
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As a 33 Vanguard I chose Elara for leveling. I'm DPS spec'd into Assault and can burn down groups pretty well but where she shines is in open world pvp. Which you will run into if you are on a PVP server and hit Alderaan+. I have beaten quite a few Imps as long as I wasn't ganged up on.


I'm sure Aric would help in both situations of pve and pvp. I stopped using him though once I got Elara. And don't get me started on MX-14 or whatever his name is...Cool droid companion but he was really lacking.

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Currently 20 Commando and just got Elara. Is it faster to level with a healer or with Aric dps'ing? Assuming equal gear for both.


I dont often find myself too low on health so Im guessing Aric, but still not sure.

im using them both when im grouping i use aric but when i solo i mostly use elara

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