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What rotation do you use for most fights?


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Im a 35, so I dont have all the high lvl abilities. I starting this thread because we marauders are bloated with abilities, and sometimes I get stuck using the same abilities because im overwhelmed by how many there are and maybe overlook great ones that if i tossed in my rotation would make a big difference.


I know everythings situational, but heres may basic rotation I use (Im CARNAGE spec btw):




Force Charge > Smash > Assault x 2 > Gore > Ravage > Force Choke > Force Scream > Assault/Vicious Slash in cycle untill i have enough for: > Beserk (if up) > Vicious Slash x6 > assault x2 > Force Scream -


if they are still alive after this I do the Assault/Vicious Slash cycle untill Gore and Ravage come back from cooldown, and then repeat the cycle from there.



Ill toss a retaliate if it comes up and i have the rage, and obviously ill pommel strike if a force scream incapacitates someone.



Any sugestions to put in from other Carnage specs? Would you add anything? What rotation do you use if you are the other Specs?

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I'm at 50, and roll with:


Force Charge > Battering Assault > Massacre > Gore > Force Scream > Ravage > Force Choke


After that I ensure that Massacre is up at all times (to keep the Ataru strikes coming) and time it with the Force Scream cooldown to get a constant crit with it. Rinse and repeat with the occasional Viscious Throw tossed in.

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If this was BH it would be, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile.


As rage i usually charge, battering, crush, vicious, smash, choke, obliterate, but it can vary.

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The great thing about the marauder is there are a ton of different rotations that you can do based on the situation at hand and how much rage you have built up. It's a priority based system that has a lot of flexibility based on who you are fighting and how the battlefield situation changes over time.
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I was leveling in Carnage and my rotation was perfect imo.


Force Charge -> Battering Assault -> Gore -> Ravage -> Scream + Retaliation.


While I cast Ravage I usually deflect one attack. So as it has no GCD I Use it together with Scream and that's a pretty good burst.

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I'm not sure what Spec you are so I will just post what I do.




- On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

Force Charge -> Smash -> Pommel Strike(First Grey dies) -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Savage Kick(Second grey dies) -> Ravage(Third Grey dies) -> Annihilate(If needed).


- On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

Force Charge -> Deadly Saber midair -> Battering Assault -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Ravage -> Savage Kick(If its a strong/silver, if not skip) -> Annihilate -> Force Choke -> Repeat combo from Deadly Saber.


Most Strongs die once you get to Savage Kick, and for Elites you will want to add defensive cooldowns in between skills.



- On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

Force Charge -> Smash -> Pommel Strike(First Grey dies) -> Massacre -> Force Scream(Second Grey dies) -> Ravage (Third Grey dies) -> Finish last off with personal method of choice.


- On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

Force Charge -> Battering Assault -> Massacre -> Force Scream -> Ravage -> Force Choke -> Massacre spam -> Force Scream.


If your not level 40 yet you'll have a harder time with Carnage since you don't have the reliability to get Blood Frenzy from Massacre. Also defensive cooldowns in between skills for elites.



- On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

Force Charge -> Smash(crit'd) -> Pommel Strike(First die) -> Force Scream(Second dies) -> Ravage(Third dies) -> Autoattack for last.


- On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

Force Charge -> Force Crush -> Battering Assault -> Smash -> Force Choke -> Force Scream -> Obliterate -> Smash -> Force Crush -> Battering Assault -> Smash.


Defensive cooldowns for elites. Most Strongs die by the time you Force Scream.



All my rotations assume you have the Quick Recovery Talent.

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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generally it's:- (at lvl 36)


force charge, savage kick, smash, pommel strike, obfuscate, battering assault, force choke, then alternating between basic attack and vicious slash until smash has recharged. plus chucking in a few shouts and whatever the dual slice thing is that hits upto 5 enemies..


If I'm getting too much heat then I use camouflage as a lock-breaker to deflect NPC dps onto Companion whilst cooldowns clear and to give time to drop a medpack.


if it's really hectic, it's generally "that icon is lit! hit it!"... :)...

Edited by Krebsy
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Assuming a standard group of 2x weak and 1x strong mobs...


Charge Weak 1 > Savage Kick > Target Weak 2 > Smash (Weak 1 dies) > Pummel Strike > Battering Assault (Weak 2 dies) > Target Strong 1 > Deadly Saber > Rupture > Vicious Slash > Ravage > Force Choke

Edited by OniGanon
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