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If you don't like it, then don't play it....simple concept


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And how is this OP make it any better, exactly?

It just gives them a reason to condemn you.

Like the game, but don't worship like a god.

They are watching and screen capping any post like this.

And yes, I like this game, sue me. Some aspects need to be fixed like the issues being addressed since lurking the forums for a month.

In b4 screencapped.:mon_trap:

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Games are for having fun and relaxing from RL. If you don't like it, just move on. Its just a GAME. I have tried so many MMO's since UO, EQ, WOW etc..... I either have fun or quit playing, pretty simple concept. I enjoy SWTOR and the cool stories.

You ever notice how much more negative post there are sometimes because they apparently don't have anything better to do, like play a different game. The rest of us are busy having fun in a Star Wars enviroment. If a game gets this much attention whether good or bad, it just exemplifies that Bioware is on the right track.

Play or don't play..............we really don't care.



While many of the posts you are referring to are petty and repetitive, do you really think this post will make one person change their mind on posting that type of stuff?


Some are posts from people who post rarely and feel they have legit criticism...who arguably could express it better. Some are from generally unhappy people and that's how they express themselves all the time. This type exists in real life too. And yes, some are just trolling. But either way, at least some of the former can be seen as semi-constructive feedback.


I have read your post twice and I don't see how this post will help anything in anyway. and you've obviously taken the time to type up and submit a post stating that you don't care about other players posting habits.


I like the game too, but less posts with zero substance the better. Heck, the only tiny bit of substance mine has is the suggestion to ignore posts you don't like and leave moderating up to the moderators.


Read posts or don't read posts. We really don't care.

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Some people will complain if they bought a product they liked and it didn't work right. They might even want the product seller to fix some things, no big deal.


BioWare is working on fixing/adding/adjusting; just hope they do it fast enough before all that is left of the playerbase is a few thousand biodrone fanbois but not enough players to make raids, fill the GTN, fill zones, etc.


It is fine to be special and wear the magic underpants but this game needs more than just the special chosen few in order to thrive. I want a thriving game full of all kinds of players and if that means we need to add a few features, fix some bugs, adjust imbalances, then lets get busy and do those things.


Special biodrone fanbois can still wear the magic underwear even if we allow normal customers to stay, it just won't be the utopian fairyland of low pop servers so many of them seem to pine for.

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And anyone with even below average intelligence can do 2 minutes of research on the web and discover that they really did misrepresent the graphics and overall quality of the game and there is no arguing against it.



That's your perception my friend, but not mine. I can argue against it easily. The game graphics and quality are exactly what I was expecting from what was shown.

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That's your perception my friend, but not mine. I can argue against it easily. The game graphics and quality are exactly what I was expecting from what was shown.


please prove me wrong good sir, using official screenshots and footage from the Swotor website side by side with your screenshots.

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Hello everyone.


We are going to go ahead and close this thread. We ask that threads on the forums are centered around constructive discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. While we understand that some topics can be frustrating to read, creating threads telling others to "get out" or "not play" is considered rude and not constructive or on topic.


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