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Hide helmet for companion?


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Actually, I wish I could "force" headgear to hide companion heads.

I put a trooper helmet on Qyzen hoping it would hide his ugly face, but above all I was hoping it would muffle his annoying voice.


Alas, whatever headgear I put on Qyzen never shows up.

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Yeah I'd have to agree. I have had my own helmet hidden the bulk of the time because I am not partial to the most of the inquisitor ones.


My main companion (a medium armor-wearing dps gunslinger-equivalent) has looked decent in most of his but trying out my recently acquired healer companion was quite amusing, without a medium piece of willpower gear I instead gave him the helm I just replaced.


Seeing a full sith metallic-looking helm sitting atop an imperial uniform is fairly ridiculous-looking to tell the truth and I'd love to hide it until I can supply him with one that's halfway normal.

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