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Why I friggin love SWTOR


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Not sure if this would be possible with this mmo's engine, but it would be nice to be able to use your force powers in your surroundings, like moving trees or obstacles that are in your way while running around the enviroment.:cool: I think that would be cool Edited by Tronics
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So many options. So much to choose.


That's why I friggin love this game.


Great post. I too have had quite a few "wow" moments, and moments of deep immersion. And I'm also enjoying how alts have quite different storylines, with their own quirks, eccentric characters, etc.


The game gives a great illusion of roleplaying. It's an illusion (because really it's more like a film or a book, more kind of linear, plus your hand in creating your character only comes in a few dailogue choices, it's not really something you can do totally in your control, like in a sandbox or hardcore rp-ing), but it works very well as an illusion.


And surprisingly, it works just as well, if not better, in groups - doing Flashpoints and even ordinary mission storylines together, the group dialogue thing is actually quite an innovation for my money. The roll of the dice and hoping your choice will get picked, but being entertained by whatever pick your teammates make, is itself very immersive and entertaining.

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Theres only 2 things I disliked about the UI,


1: was the companions UI covering your own

2: not being able to have more than two bars at the bottom middle of the screen as I usually use 3, so hopefully they'll update those kinda things.:)

Edited by Tronics
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The game gives a great illusion of roleplaying. It's an illusion (because really it's more like a film or a book, more kind of linear, plus your hand in creating your character only comes in a few dailogue choices, it's not really something you can do totally in your control, like in a sandbox or hardcore rp-ing), but it works very well as an illusion.




There are actually different endings and cutscenes depending on your choices for some of the chapters. it's less of an illusion than you might think at first.

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I agree with the thread. When have you played another game that starts you down a path to kill (X) for what seems like a great reason and then have you second guess yourself when you meet (X) because they have compelling reasons for you not to kill them/complete the mission. The introduction of moral dilemmas makes the game exciting. How many times in the last month have you kept playing for another hour, not to level up or try for another drop, but because you wanted to know what happens next in the class storyline. It's like trying to put down a good book during the exciting parts. The gameplay may not be polished 100% but it's actually quite good and will improve. It's game on for me for quite some time with SWTOR.
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You know how the whiners always whine when people whine about them whining? And then they're all like y u no let me whine without whining about my whining?


Well I find it funny to see how it goes both ways when someone writes something positive for once lol..

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You'll notice how, in all those games, I say nothing about the characters I played. I had no attachment to them. I felt no sense of wonder as I traveled through the games.
This is the innovation in SWTOR and the reason its whole is indeed larger than the sum of all its parts. In my opinion, BioWare is putting the RP in MMORPG.


And speaking of opinions:

Good for you mate.



I stopped reading after that "Personally", and thank you for putting it there. :tran_angel:
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I've only been playing for a matter of hours, but already I love it. 'You had me at 'hello'...' with that opening cinematic that was like a scene from a Star Wars movie I wish someone had made... and I get to play it. The complex choices are really interesting, too, I agree.


I love that the storyline is central - you can't really just tune out and go click click click with mind in neutral. The characters are varied and interesting, the voicover work is really first rate. A few things could be refined - I'd prefer it if the actual dialogue was closer to the options as at times what I'd thought was an assertive statement turned out to be quite rude - but overall it's very impressive.


I'm reminded of an interview about 'Last Samurai' when Billy Connolly commented that we always criticize things for what they are not, instead of for what they are (ie, the movie was meant to be an old fashioned saturday matinee, not a self-important art movie, and should be judged as such).


I hope the new expansion material doesn't progress too fast, as I think this is a game that I'll be playing quite slowly - there's no rush to get to the 'end game raiding'.


It's a stellar achievement. What are the odds of a television series spin off, do you think? Star Wars for grownups, a bit less of this animated kids series stuff.....

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I've had several moments like this.


Namely receiving a ship on my characters, doing their first flashpoint, and getting my lightsaber on my Knight.


Getting the ship was especially epic on my Warrior, because of a consequence to my earlier action that happened before I departed.


TOR gives more of those epic feeling moments than any other MMO, in my opinion. Getting a lightsaber is on par with killing Arthas in WoW, and you're at level 10.

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Natural selection, in its digital form at least, will bleed off the unrighteous subject and the game will be grand. Let that be done! This community will then become a utopia. A cultural beacon for the rest of the MMO world. Indeed we will be small, our numbers.


Imagine the final design of the pop culture concept of Illuminati. This is how notions are played out among the true elitists of the MMO community, population reduction.


Soon what you write of, OP, will be a more distilled reality.... being a true gamer.


Great Post!

Edited by Shortwave
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Cool post. It's nice to see someone enjoying the game as it is.


what is this a used car


As Is No guarantee


Take the used car, buggy, janky and all out broken.


I don't dislike the game, I actually love it. I just wanted add features, LFFP/OP, addon support, mod/macro etc. To tell you Truth I could careless about the bugs and class balance, these can be fixed over the course of the next few months. To this day everytime there is pre expansion patch to WoW, wow breaks. I remember during 4.0 (pre cata) the game was broken. If you left click on interaction stuff it would crash. If you touched water you crashed to your desktop, etc. I could deal with the bugs, I just don't understand who in their right mind would release a game without core mmo features. Its like releasing Halo 4 with no match making and score keeping. I wish they would of waited another six months and released the game complete. Developers need to stop releasing incomplete games period. I don't care if thats how mmos are made. If thats the case then sell it for $29 and call it a beta (ala minecraft) and then when it feels complete sell it for 60 and 15 a month. Don't charge for a beta test.

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I had that moment last night. That weird, geeky, semi-embarrassing moment where, while playing a video game, I made a audible response to something I felt was pretty awesome IN the game. The response went something like this:


'Wow. That's f*%$ing awesome.'


My wife then comes home as I'm saying this.


'What's so awesome, babe?'


'Star Wars,' I responded.


'Ha! OK. Whatever. That's nice.'


The moment was a simple, dramatic beat in the story of the Jedi Consular. I won't give anything away, but it involves forging your light saber. The music builds as your character completes his final task, and then my guy stood there, sword in hand, it felt like I had reached the end of one journey and beginning a new one.


Journey being the appropriate word, not xp-level-grinding-stab-stab-shoot-shoot-chore that is so very standard in most MMOs.


The Consular is my second character created. I had already leveled a Commando up to 32, and for those who have played Trooper, level 32 is a point where a rather sizable portion of your story reaches a resolution. I took a break from Trooper, which is a ton of fun, and opted to go Jedi.


Again, unlike other MMOs, when I roll a new character, I feel as though I am playing a whole new game. New story. New characters. New choices. New adventures. New journeys.


I've played WoW, Champions Online, CoH, WAR, DCU Online, and Star Trek Online. All fine games. All inferior to SWTOR.


The reason?


In each of those games, I liked specific aspects of the games. WoW had great crafting and an open world wonder. Champions had a true comic book feel. CoH character customization is still the best in any MMO. DCU Online brought into the MMO world the simple concept that if I can actually dodge and attack, I DODGE THE ATTACK! In STO, I loved the Foundry.


You'll notice how, in all those games, I say nothing about the characters I played. I had no attachment to them. I felt no sense of wonder as I traveled through the games.


Each had challenging boards. Each had compelling aspects. Each looked great (yes, even WAR). I just didn't care for anyone in the game though. Sure, I made friends. Joined guilds. I interacted with others. I didn't feel attachment to MY character or to any decisions I made. Didn't think what I did made any difference what so ever.


In SWTOR, I actually care. I emphasize with my Consular. When I screw up and make a bad choice, I actually stop playing and say to myself, 'Naw. This guy wouldn't do that. Out of character.'


So many nuances. I tend to want my good characters GOOD. But, what if I roll a Guardian and make him a bit of a jerk? What if I roll Empire and (gasp!) make a moral Bounty Hunter?


So many options. So much to choose.


That's why I friggin love this game.


Seeing as how you had to make comparisons to other MMOs...


What justifies charging a monthly fee for these single player, story driven moments? I'll get 30 hours of this without an MMO grind, without a monthly fee, without a crap ton of bugs, without being watered down when Mass Effect 3 launches in a few months.


I enjoyed the story too, but I can safely say that these entirely self contained moments are NOT what the genre needs and aren't what the majority of MMO fans are looking for.

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yes this game is fun while LEVELING. nobody is denying the leveling part of the game as not being fun in itself.



nothing new to see here really. LEVELING is fun, everything else now..


Few MMOs have a lot of end-game content at release. WoW had two raids when it released, and it took them, if I recall right, 6 months to make another raid.


Rift started with two, but that changed quickly because Trion pumps out content like a Catholic rabbits pumps out babies.

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Few MMOs have a lot of end-game content at release. WoW had two raids when it released, and it took them, if I recall right, 6 months to make another raid.


Rift started with two, but that changed quickly because Trion pumps out content like a Catholic rabbits pumps out babies.


correction wow had no raids at release only end game dungeons. Big raids didn't come till much much later from launch.

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what is this a used car.
No, it's a game that someone is enjoying playing and who is willing to remark so without pointing anything else out ... something very few people do. Some folks though cannot let such things be and always have to rain on the parade.
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Cool post. It's nice to see someone enjoying the game as it is.


not quoting Op because nobody needs a wall 'o text pasted. But my feelings ar emuch teh same. With my JK when i forged my saber, and then right after when I had to use it for the first time...simply amazing.

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