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Players Leaving Warzones


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I'd be in favour of a penalty for leaving a wz but ONLY for the people who where there when it started


I don't want a penalty for leaving huttball number 687000 that day because i join a match in progress trailing by 5 goals...


You can't wait for one more goal?


republic players on Jung MA anyway rarely leave an instance ... but if the reublic is putting the screws to an imp team they begin quitting enmasse about everytime


/go figure


Yeah, okay. I've been in 5 matches that ended due to pubs ragequittin' but never the opposite way.

Edited by RazielHex
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Said it before and I will again. They should have made warzones themselves cross sever. Toss a (Servername) tag after or below the characters name.


THEN they could have made it so that if you queue while you are in a premade you get only matched against others who did a premade. If you queue solo you only get into a solo queue warzone.


This would not work well with the current warzone system. But if it was a single pool from all servers it would work much better.


Winner :)

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I want to PvP, but only if I can win, and I don't need to put forth effort.


U must enjoy losing, have fun with that and gl.



Btw for those who are crying that they get stuck in a wz thats already started because somone left. Just something to think about , NOT EVERYONE LEAVES some people actually crash, get dc'd,have life things to do and have to go ect. Also even if they did leave, why dont you just leave urself? No one is forcing you to stay and im am sure as hell not gona blame you for it because of how the way things are now. Unless they fix the MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES, i dont give a rats azz about deserters.

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The coolest experience I have is a guy ragequit our side in Huttbal which had 2 BMs with their title displayed before the match started, and ends up joining the opposite side in the same game that we destroyed 6-0. I also won a game where we started the game 5 on 8 on Alderran because 4 guys ragequitted before they saw the enemy (against the Republics even). I guess you can say it's only moral victory but it sure feels pretty satisfying, certainly more than a premade clownstomping the opposition.
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I don't notice a huge difference in valor or commendations winning or losing...that is all about the medals. Some losing matches I get more than I do for winning. Maybe that part needs to change, the only place I see a loss really affecting me is the exp gain, which at 50 I don't care about. But at 50 I care about the wins to finish my daily. and with the mission being bugged so I actually have to win like 6 games a night instead of 3 is what I hate. As much as I hate to "reward losers" I'm on the fence with the suggestion to change the daily to just "participate in 3 warzones" instead of win 3 warzones....I think that might help but at the same time give no real reason to even try and win.


But I tell you this, once my daily is done I seem to enjoy myself much more...because it doesn't matter really, and as I said before, I get the same valor and commendations anyway.


When u have to deal with alot of people with battlemaster/champion gear which just STOMP ur team completly and leave no room for you to even get ONE kill, how are you gona earn ur commendations then?

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Just gona point out some reasons why I leave a WZ and some reasons im against for leaving/afk'ing. Although i still disagree we dont NEED a deserter buff right now because of how the situation is with imbalances/bugs.


I leave for the following:


If i join a 0-5 game, umm who ever thinks they should stay is messed up in the head.


If i join a game and even tho the score maybe 0-2, i see my entire team being farmed on my own endzone.


If i have something more important to do outside of games. U know.... Real Life things.


I join a game mid way on say Alderan Wz and the score is in there favor but not by much BUT i see TWO guys just afk'd in a corner.



Theres a few more but cant think of them.


Heres some that im against.



Guy leaves before the game even starts because he thinks that our team is too undergeared,


Guy leaves before game starts because he only wants to play with battlemaster/champion geared people.


Guy AFK's MID GAME because he is too frustrated for w/e reason, but yet the game is still up for grabs both ways.

Guy leaves because they get a lucky score in first 2min.


Guy leaves because they cap 2 Guns on Alderan in first 30 seconds.


Alot of these reasons are based on the fact that those who leave for the wrong reasons are looking for an easy quick win to complete there Daily.


See Ive finished PLENTY of losing games. I just know when its pointless to stay. I too know that you can easily get the same amount of commendations/valor even if u lose, and thats fine, thats why i DONT leave because its not that there roflstomping us, there just out playing us but atleast im able to KILL THEM. Dont get me wrong i still try to win =P.

Edited by Notannos
numerous use of language "Go F'urself" no warning given
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U must enjoy losing, have fun with that and gl.



Btw for those who are crying that they get stuck in a wz thats already started because somone left. Just something to think about , NOT EVERYONE LEAVES some people actually crash, get dc'd,have life things to do and have to go ect. Also even if they did leave, why dont you just leave urself? No one is forcing you to stay and im am sure as hell not gona blame you for it because of how the way things are now. Unless they fix the MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES, i dont give a rats azz about deserters.


I tend not to, because I contribute to victory.

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I just want to point out that although some people leave on their own some people take so long to load that it boots them, it happens alot to my friend, by the time she loads it's booted her cuz it took so long to load. If they place a penalty for leavimg a warzone, its not fair to those people who want to fight but who get booted for taking longer than a min to load '9get dc'd etc). My advice is to wait till later to do a warzone if it makes you mad, i go to have fun, when its starts being no fun, i leave and go back later. I use to think people were just leaving on porpose till I saw people leaving towards the end of a winning warzone, i mean who would leave on purpose if we got it bagged? I think its a loading issue alot of the time. Edited by Coeru
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If they implement matchmaking, at least to where you can pick your war zone, then I wouldn't care if they gave penalties to players that leave war zones.


That being said, I leave war zones all the time. Usually within the 1st 3 seconds getting into it. I don't care what my team is geared in, or if the opposing team of 50's is all geared in BM. But I refuse to play Huttball. So when I get queued for a war zone, and I'm put into a Huttball match I immediately leave as so as it will allow me to click on the queue button.

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I will leave a War zone for several reasons


1. HUTTBALL sucks, I hate it and will leave every time I am forced to show up there. Give me a choice to avoid a wz and i wont have to leave.


2. Getting dumped into a farming HUTBALL match were its 4-0 and the opposing side is playing keep away with the ball to farm kills.


3. getting dumped into a WZ that is almost over and the opposing side is winning easily


4. The game is unstable , the UI will lock up (even ctrl U doesnt free it up) and in some cases the game will DC you for activating abilities too quickly.


"get over it" people want to leave so be it.


As for premades, they should only be for arena play team vs team. Allowing premades in random pvp is ridiculous and can destroy the pvp fun for hours as you face the same premade over and over.


I think AFK valor farming is more irritating than people not wanting to stick around.

Edited by Adacian
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