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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR endgame is an absolute disaster

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Yes, we have experienced probably every single bug in Ops that has been reported. Hell, we didn't even get loot from NM Soa, just the mount and mats. They are frustrating and they should be fixed. I was just simply commenting that the OPs post makes him sound like he is whining because he can't kill bosses when it is in fact doable, as plenty of guilds have shown.


Oh. This is true. But I'm still mad at Soa right now.

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I don't think these threads really do much but I agree with you. With how much time it feels they spent on leveling they should have 2x the content at 50. Also whoever made the trash pulls in this game should honestly be looking for a new one. Tanking in this game is already garbage. For someone who has done high end tanking in multiple games this one is by far the most unbearable and unenjoyable. The pulls aren't even fun to do, I would of preferred all strong/elites and have them semi clumped, how is someone honestly suppose to hold threat on anything when pulls are 20 meters apart, all range and to top of this mountain of garbage they call trash there are more disables, knock back + slows than I can count. They should of just made this a single player RPG Edited by yerdd
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It is very obvious to anyone that has experienced the current end game that SW:TOR was released unfinished and is quite noticeable even while leveling up. That said I am still keeping my sub open for at least a year. The foundation here is solid and I have faith in Bioware.
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It isn't about having as much in total. Much of the content developed in the past 7 years in WoW is obsolete, a person leveling up today would probably skip most of it unless they really went out of their way. The point being made is that the game needs as much End Game Content as WoW today.


you know how much sense that makes? because what you said is SWTOR on release needs as much end game as WoW today ok lets compare cataclysm content compared to SWTOR by your logic swtor is only a little bit short on a couple raids in terms of pve end game.


cata had 3 tier 11 raids and 1 optional raid with one boss that drop pve/pvp loot.


it has brought 5 new dungeons and 2 remade dungeons.


the game changed the old azeroth which doesnt really apply to end game.



so saying the past WoW content doesnt matter then cata doesnt offer much and remember firelands came out 7 months after cata and dragon soul came out almost a year after cata was released.


now please tell me how swtor is not on par of the end game of WoW today

this is your logic dont bring in cata has this stuff now when swtor is just now bringing out its foundation to have better content so far they are doing a good job.

remember rome wasnt built in 1 day.

Edited by genmyke
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It is very obvious to anyone that has experienced the current end game that SW:TOR was released unfinished and is quite noticeable even while leveling up. That said I am still keeping my sub open for at least a year. The foundation here is solid and I have faith in Bioware.


exactly bioware had to put in the foundation they had to get the game released to make it rome (in a sense)


i dont know why people have such expectations when it is a very unrealistic do people not know how much work and effort is put into games now days.

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Some of you guys need respect for other players, you might not agree with his views on it or not, but the bottom line is that a lot of what hes written is true and hes just trying to fix it, saying things like absolute disaster isn't really cool and it does get people riled up, but at least he isn't being a baby and saying"endgame is broke I'm cancelling!" with no constructive input.
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Some of you guys need respect for other players, you might not agree with his views on it or not, but the bottom line is that a lot of what hes written is true and hes just trying to fix it, saying things like absolute disaster isn't really cool and it does get people riled up, but at least he isn't being a baby and saying"endgame is broke I'm cancelling!" with no constructive input.


i just look at all games like this


some developers are much better than others but alot of developers do not get credit all because the game does not meet their expectation which i think is wrong in some ways but to me bioware blizzard valve and ubisoft has some of the most amazing developers i have seen and that is just a few to name.


but the fact is some can do better than others that is why we have #1 guilds on mmos that dont stay top for very long.


it is just not respect for players it is developers as well but to me im a bit neutral but zipper is the only developers right now i hate and i think they suck after seeing a crap in a box called socom 4.

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Some of you guys need respect for other players, you might not agree with his views on it or not, but the bottom line is that a lot of what hes written is true and hes just trying to fix it, saying things like absolute disaster isn't really cool and it does get people riled up, but at least he isn't being a baby and saying"endgame is broke I'm cancelling!" with no constructive input.


Which is exactly my point...but.


I think people are still in this mode of "criticism = trolls saying they hate SWTOR". Most of the 30-day frees are gone , or will go. People need to move more into a mode of discussion than bashing blindly.

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3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses!


Yet another reason why we need duel spec!!!

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I'm mad about all the stuff that's already been brought up.




Yes bugs are regretable and inconvenient .. yes the pve end game is not as comprehensive as it could be... but it is absolutely fine for MOST players FOR THE MOMENT.


Being able to gear up a character and wait for new end game content while you level another character is not a major issue righjt now for MOST players.


IF the PVE end game persists in its current form for 6 months it becomes a more serious issue BUT didnt we just get more content ? Don't Bioware know they need more end game content ? OFC they do.

Edited by Baldness
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Anyone remember Vanguards launch? I was there and it was much much worse. That being said, I hope I am not reading blogs from former developers of this game how much of a mess things were, how they knew it early, and how it was never fixed.


The "first mmo" excuse means nothing. look at Rift. Love or hate that game they address issues faster than any MMO I have ever played. (I started playing MMOs in 1996)


What's happening now is people are getting frustrated and just logging off. That is the worst thing possible for any game. When bugs become so prevalent you no longer want to play, its a bad sign.


I am pulling for BW but honestly they need to get it in gear. They need to pick up the pace and what they say they fix, must actually be fixed. It's a tall order I hope they are up for it.

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Bah, I was there for Vanguard and yes it was awful..but....


Try World War II Online


Initial launch was literally unplayable. Hours downloads then odd almost psychodelic game play followed by CTD. Flying tanks flying boats, and thats when you were lucky enough to log in. One of the most epicly bad launches ever.


And yet I stayed, and ten years later its still my favorite game.


Moral of the story, don't let launch bugs turn you off to a game that you would otherwise like. Stick around, let them shake down and straighten it out.

Edited by Yelloen
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Personally, I am concerned because the endgame was never tested on a large scale the way the leveling content was. They made endgame toons for people to play with, but they were level 40 not level 50 and you were not able to choose class/race or appearance... they were premades.


Without effective testing, you are asking for trouble releasing live content.

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im in the 0.5% of the game population, and they are not fixing the things that effect us, instead, they are fixing the things that effect the 99.5% of the pop. this is bogus.


No, they are promising you this content and listing it as features on the front page, when in fact it is untested and barely working. Then they make pretty bullet points in the patch notes of "fixes" to this content that aren't actually fixed. They get away with this because according to you 99.5% of people haven't seen the content. Yet those same people are quick to point to the Bioware version of the endgame when hyping up the game.

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What MMO's had complete and perfectly fleshed out endgames after exactly 30 days of being live?


For one, if Bioware was more serious to do their homework and not launch SWTOR just prior to the biggest spending spree of the year, e.g. the Christmas rush and actually learned from other MMO's of what worked and didn't work, I think SWTOR could have been a better game.

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Games nowadays don't ever do any DPS check fights, real ones like Ragnaros and Vael. Remember how long it took to kill Ragnaros? I think the first guild in the world did it 5-6 months after WoW came out. What's more funny is that these wanna-be-pro players think "Oh they were just bad back then", ROFL yea because WoW was the first MMO ever. WoW is EASY AS **** now, and ALL MMOS CREATED SINCE are following suit because they want to get that casual in epics.


I remember the first time I saw a warrior with Might shoulders, I just about **** my pants he looked so awesome. DPS checks NEED to be in the game to have a successful start-up, so people don't just BLOW through all the content in 1 month.

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games nowadays don't ever do any dps check fights, real ones like ragnaros and vael. Remember how long it took to kill ragnaros? I think the first guild in the world did it 5-6 months after wow came out. What's more funny is that these wanna-be-pro players think "oh they were just bad back then", rofl yea because wow was the first mmo ever. Wow is easy as **** now, and all mmos created since are following suit because they want to get that casual in epics.


I remember the first time i saw a warrior with might shoulders, i just about **** my pants he looked so awesome. Dps checks need to be in the game to have a successful start-up, so people don't just blow through all the content in 1 month.


<3 +10

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Games nowadays don't ever do any DPS check fights, real ones like Ragnaros and Vael. Remember how long it took to kill Ragnaros? I think the first guild in the world did it 5-6 months after WoW came out. What's more funny is that these wanna-be-pro players think "Oh they were just bad back then", ROFL yea because WoW was the first MMO ever. WoW is EASY AS **** now, and ALL MMOS CREATED SINCE are following suit because they want to get that casual in epics.


I remember the first time I saw a warrior with Might shoulders, I just about **** my pants he looked so awesome. DPS checks NEED to be in the game to have a successful start-up, so people don't just BLOW through all the content in 1 month.


Lol at WoW ever being hard.

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Lol at WoW ever being hard.


I NEVER said it was hard, maybe you should try reading what I said. I said WoW had DPS checks that new MMOs NEVER implement anymore. It gives you something to work towards and gear up everyone. Nowadays that casual kid can get fully decked out in epics in a few weeks.


I raided for over a year and I never actually completed my Giantstalker set. Wanted the chest so bad but was finally able to get the Dragonstalker chest from Nef.


WoW had DPS checks. No games do now.

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