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SWTOR endgame is an absolute disaster

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Perhaps come Feb 1st EAs financials for quarter 4 of 2011 we'll find out how much they shelled out to the shills at the major game review sites for all those 9s. But in all seriousness it couldn't have been much because they all only put 20 hours into the game and thought that was enough to devote to an ongoing subscription based game with little to no innovation or end-game.


EA insiders and institutional investers will be shoring up the stock till then to artificially prop the share price up and trust me I'll be shorting the hell out of it like a baus. Thanks Bioware, Fanboys and EA for my upcoming free vacation to somewhere warm. :cool:

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First and foremost let me assure you that when I say that SWTOR's endgame is a huge mess I am saying this from experience as myself and my guild are one of the most progressed around. We are 4/5 nightmare mode in EV already and most of us have been level 50 since late december. We have consumed all of the content SWTOR has to offer and what we have experienced is alarming.


The flashpoints themselves had (and continue) to have tons of bugs. While some of these have been fixed, the very fact they existed and went live in the firstplace is phenomenal. Until 1.1 3/4 of the flashpoints had unlootable chests. If you managed to beat the instance you would get nothing from most bosses which had chests instead of loot from their bodies. This bug existed for an entire month without Bioware actually addressing it which I find unbelievable. Most companies would have jumped all over a bug like this as soon as it was discovered and had a hotfix out ASAP. bioware however took weeks to finally address this massive issue. then there was the "one of your party is locked to a current flaspoint" bug. This bug made it impossible for a certain person with this bug to enter a flaspoint. The hilarious thing is the bug was able to be passed from one character to another like a disease (this was also the only way to fix it!). To get rid of this bug you would have to figure out who had the bug and have someone else create a lvl 1 alt who you invited to party to pass the bug onto it and then the alt would have it. This bug persisted for weeks! Talk about outrageous.


Raids were and continue to be even more of a disaster IMO. There are so many bugs and problems with both raid clusters and each individual fights I will only focus on the most disgusting of them.


1. In Eternity Vault there was a bug with master loot where if the Raid leader had master loot on and went to pass loot out on the corpse most of the loot would disapear! Only commndations and crafting mats and schematics would be on the corpse while set gear and other drops would simply not be there. The only way to work around this is to have to loot by random loot and everyone having to be careful not to roll on something.


2. Bosses would bug out and do all sorts of fun things. The worst involved Gharj. Gharj would bug out and make it so you couldnt re-enter the raid because you were stuck in combat even though noone was in zone. He would then KILL the entire raid while they were outside EV and in the fleet! The only thing you could do was to reset the instance and re-clear 20-30 min of trash.


3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses! Also whoever itemized Kraggas palace has no understanding of the game or is downright lazy as all the bosses in Kraggas commonly drop loot which cannot be used by the classes it goes to (this may just be a normal mode issue though). My Bounty Hunter for example, recieved light armor pants with willpower on them ***! Does Bioware even test this stuff?


4. Finally the worst raid boss ever created is Soa, the final boss in EV. This may be the single most bugged raid boss I have ever seen. This encounter has so many bugs it would take me 5 pages to explain them all in detail so here are the worst ones. Just last night on hard mode we encountered these ones. After a wipe, sometimes the floor in Soa's room would be half missing and you would have to reset the raid and run back. On the final phase the tank has to kite Soa and get pillars to drop on him so his shield drops and he becomes vunerable. A number of times the pillar would hit him but his shield stayed up! Because of this our guild failed 3 times to Soa and turned what would have been a win into another wipe. We were unable to get beat him because of this garbage yet again. Finally many guilda re reporting Soa after patch 1.1 isnt even dropping loot except for mounts and craft junk. Bioware again is sitting on their hands and taking their sweet time with all of these issue.




I wont even get into PvP issues............but I think most of us are aware of the many problems there.




There are other things as well which are not quite endgame related but incredibly frustrating. Myself and thousands of others who have high end gaming rigs are getting awful performance in SWTOR. I get 10-20 FPS in places like PvP/fleet even though I have a 6970 for crying out loud! I get 50 FPS minimum on high+ settings in every other game I own (BF3, Witcher 2, Rift) but for some reason I get 10 FPS at times in SWTOR. Pathetic.




Lastly, SWTOR is missing the most basic of MMO features like a COMBAT LOG!. What MMO these days releases without a freaking combat log?!!!!!




I really wanted this game to be good and I was expecting it to at least be mediocre and be well polished but to my absolute shock SWTOR is probably the most unpolished and buggy MMO I have every played. How could a game with a budget alledgedly topping $200 Million be this bad? HOW?




For those of you enjoying the game and planning to stick with it, good luck to you and I applaud your patience. SWTOR isnt without its merits of course but as a whole this is the most disapointing launch I have experienced in my 15 years of MMO gaming.


Interesting read. I'm all for personal and private combat logs.

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Perhaps come Feb 1st EAs financials for quarter 4 of 2011 we'll find out how much they shelled out to the shills at the major game review sites for all those 9s. But in all seriousness it couldn't have been much because they all only put 20 hours into the game and thought that was enough to devote to an ongoing subscription based game with little to no innovation or end-game.


EA insiders and institutional investers will be shoring up the stock till then to artificially prop the share price up and trust me I'll be shorting the hell out of it like a baus. Thanks Bioware, Fanboys and EA for my upcoming free vacation to somewhere warm. :cool:



Mogadishu? Live the pirate life? Good bye.

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I NEVER said it was hard, maybe you should try reading what I said. I said WoW had DPS checks that new MMOs NEVER implement anymore. It gives you something to work towards and gear up everyone. Nowadays that casual kid can get fully decked out in epics in a few weeks.


I raided for over a year and I never actually completed my Giantstalker set. Wanted the chest so bad but was finally able to get the Dragonstalker chest from Nef.


WoW had DPS checks. No games do now.


Rag wasn't a DPS check, that was Golemagg. you had to kill him before his two dog pet things killed your offtanks. With Rag you had to survive the Sons of Rag. That was the hardest part of the fight. Took a month or so before the first guild successfully dealt with the sons and defeated rag.

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Lol at WoW ever being hard.


Seems that some one never raided Sunwell or original Naxx. Naxx is why they created the 25 man raids and Sunwell is what made raiding far easier in wotlk. I did enjoy the Iron Council and Yogg Sarron with no help. Only heard, but heroic Rag in Cataclysm is the most difficult boss to have been added to Warcraft yet.

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Seems that some one never raided Sunwell or original Naxx. Naxx is why they created the 25 man raids and Sunwell is what made raiding far easier in wotlk. I did enjoy the Iron Council and Yogg Sarron with no help. Only heard, but heroic Rag in Cataclysm is the most difficult boss to have been added to Warcraft yet.


Yeah...sounds like he never even played Pre BC...oh those were the days.

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I'm truly sorry you have to deal with this awful community OP. You have some really great points but the Bioware Defense Force loves to stick their fingers in their ears and shout "LA LA LA LA BACK TO WOW WITH YOU".


I'm not sure who is worse for the community. You're making a strong case for yourself.

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OP I must thank you for not having a life. It is nerds like yourself who do not work full time and live with your parents/below the poverty line that will allow people like me who can't spend much time on the game (still level 38) To have a nice end game experience by the time I hit 50.


Ok reality check, buddy. You play SWTOR too. You game. You're a nerd who's honestly trying to provoke a negative response with your ignorance. Not cool.

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Yeah...sounds like he never even played Pre BC...oh those were the days.


Oh right and i forgot about Onyxia, which was opened a month before release, and unchanged for a very very long time. Took until march 05 before some one killed Onyxia.


Reminds me of a conversation in guild last night. one of the guys was like "yay, hard karrags place (or whatever) cleared".


And i'm like, wait, wasn't this operation released yesterday?


Now keep in mind that the guys in the guild aren't that good. Definitely not the top 100 guild we were in BC and WotLK. Those guys that are actually good at this game would have cleared all the content by now. 2 days after the new content was released.


Then they get to go back to farming pvp gear right?

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your OP is base off what 2 games rift and wow you dont know what endgame is.. FF 11 now that was hardcore engame with hardcore crafting system and guess what we didnt complain you took pride in what we did. i never down Absolute viture before lvl 75 but you know what i enjoyed the game. so stop your complaining and comparing it to wow and rift
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your OP is base off what 2 games rift and wow you dont know what endgame is.. FF 11 now that was hardcore engame with hardcore crafting system and guess what we didnt complain you took pride in what we did. i never down Absolute viture before lvl 75 but you know what i enjoyed the game. so stop your complaining and comparing it to wow and rift


I think that is his point. Swtor's "hardcore" gaming is pretty fkin terrible.

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Tl;DR - I am ranting about some bugs.

Bugs are everywhere, sweetie, this game is month old.

And, believe me, there are more important problems atm than boss bugs in raids.

What IS underwhelming is generalizing of endgame and endgame items so everything becomes a big porridge. BW needs to make a progression-based end-game with more incentive to craft stuff, to do raids more than one time , repeatedly visit HMs and gearing up companions

Edited by maxbaby
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ITT- guy complaining about stuff that's been fixed.



What, is this game really running out of bugs and bad things that people have to spend their time complaining about errors that were there before hand? SWTOR must be in a good place then!


Cuz WoW has people complaining about current bugs and imbalances. I sure can't wait for the day when people start posting. "I think it's astonishing ole chap that Blizz allowed Kazzak to thrash yonder Stormwind into the ground with his aoe death blasts, I say this speaks ill for the game indeed that this could occur. Blizzard should have reckoned this would happen, what an absolute disastor!"



OP- another armchair game dev who fixes every issue the moment it's found all the time.

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I think that is his point. Swtor's "hardcore" gaming is pretty fkin terrible.


it not that bad currently working on nightmare modes and having time of my life i have this much fun sincce vanillia wow starting my frist MC run ... "Rouge where is your Fire resit gear"... lol


But right now SWTOR is the only decent game i hav efound and works for me i cant get my money from blizzard for my 1 year sub and mi make sure every troll know it as soon and they say they want teir money bak ...


sorry what is fair is fair

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