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Implement 'rare' races to high-end legacy system.


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Rather see a mix match of races per playable classes I would like to see some actual new races added to the game. Some 'new' content, and not just a mix-match of previous races.


For example voss would be a race which most characters are welcomed.


Or have a 'super' race at the end of the legacy system, level 30 for example. One for each class.


I earlier posted about having a yoda race.




The legacy could restrict 99.9% from being able to play as this race. Only people who play for endless hours will be able to play as this race. Which actually gives a long-term reason for people still playing.


The race' mystery would still be maintained.


And it could be like the early days of wow where peoples mouth dropped at the sight of a particular weapon. Only here it can be the race.


Oh and while im at it.. Pod-racing. Man that would be nothing short of awesome!

Edited by KiaThas
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I think tying more races to Legacy would be pretty cool. It'd be a great reward and keep me playing longer (okay, not fooling anyone, this game owns me). City of Heroes did it well with the addition of an alien race and new class when players hit the level cap at the time. Gave people a reason to roll up a new char and keep chugging.

I was a little bummed out when i saw that all the available races are humans, humans with different skintone, or very very slightly modified humans (true sith, zabrak, twi'lek). Come one, bring on the ALIENS!

I want some Mon Cal, Cathar, Rodians, ANYTHING! Its Star Wars! We see these guys all the time in the game, so they have the models for them. Trandoshan companion? Means they figured out how to make armor show on them too! I dont mind if they're limited by class, but we really need a larger variety in our playable races. SW Galaxies pulled it off beautifully, and SWTOR has them beat six ways to sunday.

C'mon, Bioware, i need me a fishman smuggler!

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To balance things out in Open world PvP, a neutral faction should be created with this races available to choose from:


1) Flesh raiders

2) Mon Cal

3) Voss (mystics)

4) Wookies

5) Jawas

6) Droids


They are allow to choose to enter whichever side warzone that they like when Queue into PvP Warzone... or Automatically balance out the other team that's lacking of people/ numbers

Edited by pangwl
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