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What abilities should Sentinel's disregard? (2-part question)


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All of you know that training gets insanely pricey when you are trying to gear you and 4 companions, a ship and everything else there is to do, but just curious what abilities you high level Sent's are not using? I am level 42 and still havent purchased some abilities yet - I figured I would just eventually buy them at level 50 at some point.


Can someone also link me to a good watchman build - just want to see if I am leveling correctly. I know there is a thread on it somewhere here.



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Uh, Blade Storm is pretty far from useless, even for Watchman spec. Train it, the proc abilities (Riposte, Pommel Strike, That Other One) I could take or leave, I don't use em.


Also, Cyclone Slash has its uses, situational though they may be. I know I like having it if I'm fighting a pack of five or six weak/normal enemies and want to think the herd quickly.

Edited by magicswordking
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as a focus spec


riposte - using too much focus for not alot of damage. could be good against saber ward or dodge but generally not worth the extra apm or action


Crippling throw- i use this very rarely but against teams that have a ton of heals i'll use this a bit more.


Zen- I use transcendence and I can basically keep it up all the time. sometimes inspiration.


Cauterize- no reason


Awe - very rarely because i'll be aoeing alot and i'll just give the enemy resolve. I use this sometimes to buy time to get an objective or to escape and cloak.


cyclone slash - its bad.....


Pommel strike and opportune strike - even worse...

Edited by Sikkyu
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cyclone slash

blade storm


Seeing as you listed Blade Storm, which is only a non-major skill in Watchman, I'm assuming you're Watchman. That then makes saying Cyclone Slash is bad completely illogical. After combat, use Cyclone slash to burn off extra focus to the tune of 4 Centering PER FOCUS. Even in the other specs, it can still be used to get some free Centering, albeit much less.


Riposte, Pommel Strike, and Oppertune Strike are all perfectly viable to pull off your bar and never use again. If you want to DPS-tank stuff, Riposte definitely helps that, but outside of that it's really not worth the focus.

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The only one I never use is Riposte, and thats really just because I ran out of toolbar space and have to watch too many other things to see when its active. All the other specials get used pretty routinly for me.


Also, Cyclone Slash rules even if only for its instant cooldown spamability. Spec the box in teir 1 watchman to make it 1 focus, turn on precision slash for 100% armor pen and just spin over and over until all the trash mobs die. Its also handy for stopping multiple players from node capturing in warzones.

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Are you guys kidding me? Most of those skills I use as a watchman. I use Riposte all the time. I have the Recompense perk in watchman tree, which has riposte reduce the cooldown of Rebuke. The more Rebuke is up, the less damage I take and the more focus it generates with the Jedi crusader perk in combat tree. I use Opporrtune strike all the time right after I force leap on a target. I use pommel strike right after I use force sweep or blade storm. Great abilities for killing normal or weak mobs quickly. You guys got to understand, you cant reduce the sentinel to a couple skills and hope to compete with the other dps classes. You guys are just going to handicap yourselves and fall behind on the dps curve.
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Are you guys kidding me? Most of those skills I use as a watchman. I use Riposte all the time. I have the Recompense perk in watchman tree, which has riposte reduce the cooldown of Rebuke. The more Rebuke is up, the less damage I take and the more focus it generates with the Jedi crusader perk in combat tree. I use Opporrtune strike all the time right after I force leap on a target. I use pommel strike right after I use force sweep or blade storm. Great abilities for killing normal or weak mobs quickly. You guys got to understand, you cant reduce the sentinel to a couple skills and hope to compete with the other dps classes. You guys are just going to handicap yourselves and fall behind on the dps curve.


I agree completely and I'm not even 50 yet.

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riposte does less damage and costs more focus than slash. Even if you argue that's off the GCD...it's either bugged or not really...I've spammed it at times only to watch it not go off...that's prolly another story altogether.


Don't know why you wouldn't use bladestorm tho...it hits like a truck regardless of spec.

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riposte does less damage and costs more focus than slash. Even if you argue that's off the GCD...it's either bugged or not really...I've spammed it at times only to watch it not go off...that's prolly another story altogether.


Don't know why you wouldn't use bladestorm tho...it hits like a truck regardless of spec.


In watchman Blade Storm cost an extra focus and does less damage than Slash, especially since Slash can apply Overload Saber AND can reset Cauterize. It's definitely a strong skill for focus/combat, but it's just not worth the focus cost in Watchman.


As for Riposte, the ONLY way it's viable is if you take both Recompense and Jedi Crusader. Those are two mostly neglected traits, and most of the time they're justly neglected. They are situationally amazing though like when you need to fill the tank role in the group. Adding Rebuke's Damage and Riposte in addition to your normal rotation, you should be leaps and bounds above the other DPS in terms of damage done and therefore Threat done so long as you're continuing to be attacked. Add in some off-healing with Zen, and you can lock up threat quite well.

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As I Watchman, I've taken Blade Storm and Riposte out of the mix. Blade Storm is too expensive compared to the reduced-cost Slash and Riposte just wasn't worth it compared to another slash.


I sometimes use Cyclone Slash just to blow throw weak mobs. I use Opportune Strike to slap the crap out of people right after leap. Pommel Strike is somewhat out of the mix too, since it's only useful after a Force Sweep that stuns.

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Are you guys kidding me? Most of those skills I use as a watchman. I use Riposte all the time. I have the Recompense perk in watchman tree, which has riposte reduce the cooldown of Rebuke. The more Rebuke is up, the less damage I take and the more focus it generates with the Jedi crusader perk in combat tree. I use Opporrtune strike all the time right after I force leap on a target. I use pommel strike right after I use force sweep or blade storm. Great abilities for killing normal or weak mobs quickly. You guys got to understand, you cant reduce the sentinel to a couple skills and hope to compete with the other dps classes. You guys are just going to handicap yourselves and fall behind on the dps curve.


Sure you can. You use the skills that perform the best and stop using the skills that stink.

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Anyone who takes ripose out of his bars/keybinds is dumb. What you fail to realise is that it is out of global cooldown. Meaning it's free damage. More than someone else can put out. Sure it costs focus and can't be used always. But when your bar is full, hey, who doesn't like extra damage.
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