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Thanks, well at least I know it's not just me. I am by no means technically challenged, and the only times I have seen consistent driver failures like this I was either able to solve the problem relatively quick, or it was hardware failure. I am having no such luck with swtor.


PS in my above posts I explain what I am running and this is a brand new build, less than a week old, has no problems running any other games at max settings. It ran swtor beautifully before the latest patch.


They'll fix it eventually, I'm sure. Have you submitted a bug report to Bioware yet? I will when I get home later, if they don't know about the problem they can't fix it.

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I had the same issue, driver kept recovering.. it happened regardless of what I was doing even when just surfing around. Apperantly it's a common issue with the drivers, I finally got rid of it by cleaning out everything Nvidia related and installing the last WHQL certified driver, ie no beta driver.. haven't happened since.


I'll have try this when I get home. Thanks for the info.

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Wouldn't surprise me if that has something to do with it then. Since we're in the rare group having this problem and that's the one thing we have in common. I also saw somebody mention something about overclocking and driver changes a few posts back. Maybe it's causing a problem for the cards that are factory overclocked.


Quite a few of the SOC cards have issues with undervolting the GPU/VRAM under heavy load. It can potentially get worse if the CPU is heavily loaded at the same time (depending on the quality of your PSU... quality, not wattage, mind you).

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1. 3rd party software can damage hardware, if you are an ignorant little **** that thinks he knows better at least bother to provide facts instead of "woo troll blah blah"

2. swtor by itself can't actually cause damage as someone stated it doesnt have sufficient access to hardware needs ring0-1.

example.... old starforce actually couldn't identify my new dvd burner so it pinged it hard enough to melt and snap dvd causing most of entrails to become chopped to hell. naturally ubisoft said its starforce fault and starforce said it was covered by eula and it was user fault for not checking compatibility of their hardware with starforce...

also... i did notice an instance where my fps was sitting at 100+ while i have vsync on which naturally caused good amount of heat. pretty much as much as crysis 2 with dx11 tesselation and hi-res textures. but i run profile on my logitec keyboard and it show all the hardware tems clocks and voltages so i noticed it immediately and reset vsync. someone who doesnt monitor such things could sit on an empty world and get 200 fps and fry his gpu. that would be a round about way for swtor to cause actual damage to your video card.

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Quite a few of the SOC cards have issues with undervolting the GPU/VRAM under heavy load. It can potentially get worse if the CPU is heavily loaded at the same time (depending on the quality of your PSU... quality, not wattage, mind you).


I've only had it happen about twice to me, so it hasn't happened much. Luckily my CPU and my PSU are both pretty solid, I guess that's my saving grace there :D

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It's amazing to me how people who say they are in IT can say that software cannot affect hardware. That's just plain silly.


I haven't seen anyone say 'software cannot affect hardware'. They are saying 'software cannot damage or burn-out hardware'. That is true enough.


The only way for software to physically damage hardware is for there to be a problem with the hardware to begin with. GPU's, RAM, PSU's and MB's all have fail-safes built-in to power off the unit before damage can be caused by over-heating or power surges. If that fail-safe has been removed, or subverted in any way by the User, or is simply damaged THEN software can trigger hardware burn-out. But the software is NOT the direct cause of the damage.

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The only way for software to physically damage hardware is for there to be a problem with the hardware to begin with. GPU's, RAM, PSU's and MB's all have fail-safes built-in to power off the unit before damage can be caused by over-heating or power surges. If that fail-safe has been removed, or subverted in any way by the User, or is simply damaged THEN software can trigger hardware burn-out. But the software is NOT the direct cause of the damage.



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Incorrect. A couple years back, Nvidia put out drivers that killed people's cards. It caused them to be over-worked, and caused massive overheating even though the cards temps showed as 60-70 on temp monitors.













That did it, this sent my brain over the edge.


Especially since he was responding to this:


3rd party software doesn't cause video cards to malfunction. A bad video card causes video cards to malfunction.


Thank you, this only further confirms my suspicions that most people who play these games know less than thing one about anything about games or even their computers... sad sad day for the internet really.

Edited by HavenAE
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If the game causes cards and proccessor to overheat constatntly it is pretty much possible that this can cause permanent damage to your system.


The game cannot force your card to overheat. Only your card can force itself to overheat by failing to get rid of the heat created by all the work its saying it can do. It's the card's job to throttle itself if its overworked and cool itself if its overheated.


If you have an overheating card, you should troubleshoot the card, not the game.

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i believe nvidia has a program that i will completely remove any old drivers from your system so you get a nice fresh install.


In most cases ticking Nvidia's clean install option while reinstalling works fine.

Also not installing things you don't need is a good idea, like not installing 3DVision if you don't use it.


Downgrading should be without problems, but if there should be issues with it, Driver Sweeper version 3.0.2 can assist removing leftovers that remain and aren't replaced by a reinstall.

Like with every software, one should look over it carefully and make sure only to select the Nvidia or ATI/AMD display driver.


On a site note. Driver Sweeper has some toolbar crap or alike added, so under installation do not agree to install it, just skip that part, unless you want it.

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People just need to learn that when you buy an hp or a dell, the air flow isn't designed so you can put a 300.00 video card in it and expect it to stay cool. If they do that and then crank up the graphics, it is their fault.


Build your own pc with a power supply that is way overkill, and so many fans that you think your case is trying to take off. You won't have a problem running any hardware without overheating.

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This is silly. Any modern video card will throttle the gpu if it overheats to prevent damage. I can't even remember when they started that. My guess is on cards that can't run this game in the first place. Same with the cpu.


There's enough legitimate problems with ToR without making up false ones.


If it does burn out, it's because someone adjusted the voltage to a level that was inappropriate. People who OC should know the risks and accept the possibility they will fubar it.

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My fan has never sounded the same after playing SWTOR. Fact.


Take it or leave it.


Which fan? You should have at least two, one on your power supply and one on your processor. Mine has 4, an additional one on the back grate and one on my video card itself. If you only have one fan, that is not wise.


Additionally, a noisy-overworked fan is usually a sign that it is long over-due to have your PC's internals cleaned.

Edited by Zebular
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People just need to learn that when you buy an hp or a dell, the air flow isn't designed so you can put a 300.00 video card in it and expect it to stay cool. If they do that and then crank up the graphics, it is their fault.


Build your own pc with a power supply that is way overkill, and so many fans that you think your case is trying to take off. You won't have a problem running any hardware without overheating.


lol my new gaming PC has blue LED lights inside and the entire case (well 85% of it) has like..holes everywhere on the case so the air just goes everywhere. and i have 5 medium/large sized fans inside with a heat sink on the processor.


It's Beast.

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I run a GTS 450. After the patch I found I was getting higher framerate (my computer overall isn't the best) so I turned on High AA and High Shadows. My card is OC'd about 10-20%, and fluctuates between 50c and 60c at 80-100% GPU load. Idles at 40c.


Prior to enabling these settings, I would go between 45c and 50c. Its all in the settings, not in the patch.

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Thank you, this only further confirms my suspicions that most people who play these games know less than thing one about anything about games or even their computers...


Yet they feel compelled to post anyway.











Sad sad day for the internet really.

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If it's ANYTHING, it's cheap power supplies feeding bad power. Your power supply is the most important piece of equipment in your box capable of destroying everything else in it. Yet people will spend $30 on a chinese import that weighs about 4oz.


Goes for all off the shelf systems for the most part as well.

Edited by Lonkley
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Oh it is most definitely a fact that most people have no idea about their computers or what the heck is going on.


The gamers are always chuckling..


LoL yeah...



Damn you SWTOR why you burn out all my light bulb!?!


Why my cat no use litter box no more!?

You send subliminal message, I know!

You ruin my life SWTOR!

Edited by HavenAE
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People just need to learn that when you buy an hp or a dell, the air flow isn't designed so you can put a 300.00 video card in it and expect it to stay cool. If they do that and then crank up the graphics, it is their fault.


This is true. Dells and HPs aren't necessarily made to accommodate significant upgrades in video cards. Often they lack sufficient PSU wattage, PSU power quality (don't run SOC cards on a Tier 3 or lower PSU), or cooling ability.


Build your own pc with a power supply that is way overkill, and so many fans that you think your case is trying to take off. You won't have a problem running any hardware without overheating.


That's actually a pretty stupid idea. Build your own PC with a good quality PSU that is scaled to your needs. A Tier 4 PSU is trash, whether its 400W or 1200W. I use a 625W power supply. That's more than enough for a good video card and a quad-core CPU. And too many fans is often just as bad as too few. I run three fans in my case, and none of them break 800rpm. You can't hear it from three feet away. The CPU never breaks 65C and the GPU never breaks 75C. Both are overclocked.


The point here: Building a PC is good, but if you are stupid about it (sorry, poster, but your advice is simply bad) you're just as bad off as if you got a Dell. At least you'd have a warranty with the Dell.

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