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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who designed for TOR?


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It's only ruined if you allow it to be ruined instead of working with the system. They didn't ruin it for you, you ruined it for yourself.


Appolgists like you are the reason the game is the way it is. For almost 8 months of beta testing you people always said "its only beta" whenever anyone mentioned a part of the game that either needed work, was missing or was down right bad.


It isnt beta anymore, this isnt a single player game, this is an MMORPG. Charaters are not supposed to be tied together, sure as hell not a story based game with different races.


Stop making excuses for piss poor game design.


A ROLE playing game is based on you playing a ROLE. When those ROLES are messed with in a bad way, its the DESIGNERS fault.

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Appolgists like you are the reason the game is the way it is. For almost 8 months of beta testing you people always said "its only beta" whenever anyone mentioned a part of the game that either needed work, was missing or was down right bad.


It isnt beta anymore, this isnt a single player game, this is an MMORPG. Charaters are not supposed to be tied together, sure as hell not a story based game with different races.


Stop making excuses for piss poor game design.


A ROLE playing game is based on you playing a ROLE. When those ROLES are messed with in a bad way, its the DESIGNERS fault.


I'm not making excuses. My characters aren't related. They're from the same house though. I work with the system instead of against it. This is all besides the fact that only a very small percentage of role players exist on these role playing games. Outside of RP servers no one actually bothers to RP and even inside not everyone does.


And once again Surnames ARE ONLY THE BEGINNING.

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And once again Surnames ARE ONLY THE BEGINNING.


No, is THAT why I said family? Is that why in SEVERAL of the posts I made that YOU replied to mentioned characters of different races being RELATED?!? Is that why in one of my posts I say...

Seriously, a design group said yes to the idea that a twi'lek really should have the same surname and family tree of a human, a sith and a chiss...really great idea. I know, lets allow them to pick a sith mother and a chiss father who gave birth to a human!


Hmm, I wonder if that means I know about the upcoming Legacy family tree that allows you to tie your characters together into a family to unlock skills.


Not that any of that matters, you are telling someone that a system in the game is fine and that they can ignore it...which is what happens when a system is good right? right, no really, a good system is one that a player should ignore so it doesnt break the game.


I mean, why say yeah you are right they should stop being lazy and allow a legacy surname unlock to allow players to give each character its own surname and have a better game when I can keep these nuts in my mouth like a good little nuthugger.


Enjoy your game that received a stock downgrade after EAs CEO said retention rates will be lower than expected during the companies investors call and play the fanboy with blinders on who cant admit whats wrong with the game.


Afterall, it doesnt effect you personally so there is nothing wrong.

Edited by Notannos
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If u want to use legacy as a surname in a RP setting, then some feel forced to have same race for those toons involved. In most cases this is the most logical.


If u then choose to have another toon on that server on different faction or different race, this toon will then have the same surname. U can choose to hide this toons legacy name but if u want to use this new toon in RP, it does get complicated to explain how a sith is related to a twi'lek...


U can ofc choose to have ur different raced toons on a different server. there are 3 different rp-pve servers for english.

U could also have the different raced toons show the legacy as a title. This can be explained in rp as this toon is friends of this family or something like that...


Tho i do not know if it is possible to have some toons show legacy as title and some toons using same legacy as surname. But guessing that this is possible.


I have had the same problem my self and solved it by having empire toons on a different server than the republic toons. This setting works for me atleast.


On topic:

As op states it is realy hard to find anything about this. But think that this idea of an kotor mmo could be something they ha thought about sinse kotor 2 or kotor 1 even. It did exist mmo games at this time so it is possible they created the mmo idea back then.

Tho this is pure speculations:D

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As a reminder, please keep the topic of discussion based off the original poster's topic which is "Who is/are the designer for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™?". If you would like to discuss the legacy system please do so by creating a new thread to have the discussion or joining a thread discussing the topic such as this one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=201593&highlight=legacy+system

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Oh well in that case its OK!


No really, its limited to every character on one server so only most of the gaming expierence is ruined with a cheap system that could have been easily corrected by allowing one to chose to have a Chiss with a different surname than a Human...I guess that means its a good idea afterall.


It doesn't have to be a surname. I see a lot of people running around with their name on one line and then the legacy name on the next.


Generic Character Name

The Generic Legacy


You have options tied to the legacy, and you can use them in any way you choose. The facts here are that you are griping about one part of this. You could make two characters as Sith Pureblood, then make a few more. The purebloods could have Name + Surname and the others could have Name, then The <legacy name> on the 2nd line. Or you could simply not have the legacy name displayed at all. There, now you have all your toons with different races/origins tied up neatly.


Holy crap...options...what is this world coming too?


Good lord, they add a new system in to provide something to do post 50 (well, 30ish but you get the idea) and people go bonkers over how fail they believe it is. Hell, we haven't even received the meat of the product yet. It has only been a month, breath people. They probably released early, which I might add was a request by a vocal portion of this very community. So we received a game with some systems not quite ready for prime-time and some bugs that are frustrating but not completely game breaking. Taris was, but hey they got that fixed fairly quick.


Have some patience, provide constructive feedback and lets hope for the best. Or, you can unsub go over to the GW2 forums (wherever they may be, have they put up official forums yet? didn't think so) and then scream about similar nonsense when that game is released. Every MMO that comes out has its share of issues, invariably everyone jumps ship within the first month and misses out on what eventually becomes a respectable game. That or the devs freak out, make sweeping knee-jerk changes and completely ruin their love-child. Here's to hoping BW Devs fix things instead of destroying everything. Illum changes be damned...

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Hello, its a system put in place. If the system is stupid the system is stupid. Unlocking a surname should unlock a surname for each character and not be spread over ALL characters. And the upcoming family legacy is something that ties all characters to a family and if you ignore it youll miss out on the skills it gives.


Its a piss poor system much like crafting, little thought put into it. its like a generic placeholder or something.


You dont create a roleplaying game and do stupid things like this unless you are an amature. It doesnt make sense coming from a company with a GREAT RPG history like Bioware.


The legacy idea could be a GREAT one if they didnt tie it in across all characters like this...its a cheap programming effort on their part.


So... A legacy system would be a great idea if it weren't a legacy system (the entire point of such a system is to tie your characters together)?


I understand what you want, actually, though you express it poorly - you just want your surnames outside of the legacy system. I get it, I also get why they implemented it this way - can't really do normal surname and legacy surname effectively side-by-side, and they decided the latter was a better choice.


I also get that you don't like the system - but it's actually fairly clever, overall. It's just if you INSIST that you must use it as a surname even when you don't want to. Thus, it's a problem for you only if you choose to make it one.


And crafting isn't bad - it's actually quite nice as an ancillary activity. It sounds like you expected it to be more than it was ever advertised or promised to be. If I had to venture a guess, I'd think you're an old SWG player who didn't realize how different these two games were, actually. Quite a few people missed the fact that this was NEVER meant to be a follow-on or successor to SWG.


In the idea, it's not all the difficult to see why they went the route that they did. But "I don't like it so it's stupid" is hardly a mature response.


Also, the legacy system is literally in it's infancy. It's not so much a placeholder as the base they're uilding from. Part of how the game was developed, actually - they used a method called agile development which emphasizes having a playable build at the end of each iteration. The result is that over the course of development, most of your features aren't fully implemented - you have the piece you need in to implement the next piece, and then you expand upon that. This approach, now that we're on live, actually makes it pretty easier for them to build upon any system in the game at all. Thus, they created a stable base for the legacy system and put it in while they work on the next pieces of it. Space combat feels like a similar notion, though it's known that any additions to that are on the Wall of Crazy (ideas that they didn't want to toss out, but couldn't put in the pipe pre-launch). They could, potentially, add on to crafting as well, but it's basically the asme model seen in some other games and they've never advertised anything more in that area than what they've delivered. I don't honestly see what your problem is with it, actually.

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