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Raid Frames in Warfronts


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Morning. Just stopping in to babysit this thread. For all the healers out there, like me, who like to heal in pvp...i want to keep this at the top of the list.


still lovin this game, thanks for a phenomenal experience (minus this small frustration).



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It's really hard to be a healer in warfronts right now, because I can't rely on my raid frames to accurately display people's health or whether they are in range for heals. I basically have to watch the bars over people's heads, which is less than optimal to say the least.


Yeah, its terrible as it is. Can't understand that haven't managed to fix it yet since it was pointed out sooo many times during the beta.

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Sounds like some people have become dependant on mods and add-ons.


This isnt a mod issue. (Im not a fan of mods or mouseovers or anything like that.) This is a basic function of the game that is not working and it is affecting healers.


I wouldnt complain at all if it wasnt so hard to target people jumping all over and behind things.


Last night it was hit or miss with working or not. In some warzones it would start off not working and then work near the end. The difference between a working ops window and one that doesnt is about 70-100k in healing. Thats not something to scoff at and blame on the reliance of mods.

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+1 my healer was complaining about this first night we were playing. Might help me slightly too with putting guard up but I typically see someone getting focus fired and throw it up and I typically leave it up for a while so it's not as important as this is for healing.
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+1 my healer was complaining about this first night we were playing. Might help me slightly too with putting guard up but I typically see someone getting focus fired and throw it up and I typically leave it up for a while so it's not as important as this is for healing.


Yeah.. as a healer this is pretty important to us. I have been having to look at the HP bars over players heads while trying to find them or click their actual character to heal. It's just painful. :'(

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This is driving me up the wall as well. It's bad enough that the health on the op frames lies, but it is nearly impossible when you're trying to see/click the nameplate of an ally in PVP that is being mobbed by enemies. I can only imagine things will get worse in operations when our teammates are relying on us to heal!


Is there any recommended way to report bugs so we can raise awareness of this issue?

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kinda funny I dont see all the apologists chiming off now that the game has launched.


Wheres the fabled 'launch build' that they were all saying BW was holding back that will magically fix all these issues?????


I fought back a sea of fanbois in the game testing forums that felt the need to say 'you just suck' or 'the game is fine give it time --wow didnt have that at launch' when I mentioned this problem in beta.


I basically said I usually play healers and if the issue doesnt get fixed there will be a lack of endgame healers at launch because of it. Yes the game is playable but currently its not fun to heal with the current UI.


My main complaint was the raid frame doesnt show health or debuffs accurately. Its also a big cumbersome box that covers up parts of the UI (is its resizeable but it doesnt have individual group frames) and the windows in the UI dont tile so when you have multiple windows open they cover each other up. Also the tool tip is huge and covers up parts of the UI too.


Most of the replies were the 'you just suck I can heal just fine I luvs me some TOR its the bestest evar' variety or the stupid dps players that never play healers saying 'I dont see a problem'.


Theres a couple examples in this thread, like the guy saying, "dur hurr you just are used to mods & addons." Oblivious.



People dont seem to grasp a dedicated healer needs things like target of target and raid frames that show range, health levels and debuffs accurately. I can wait on the mouseover since they already said they would add it, but trying to heal in a warzone where the frames dont show health right & debuffs right is bad.


Its frustrating enough where I'll probably still play a Consular & Smuggler but I'll go dps til they improve it.

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As a person that either plays a healer in PvP or plays closely with a healer in PvP this is just awful. Did some tonight and it's near impossible to heal. This really needs to be fixed ASAP or healing in PvP will be minimal which is a shame because a lot of the rest of the game is great thus far.
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Agreed. I usually have to look at the bars above their heads and find them in my frames then heal them, even though it says they are full health.


I have noticed that if you reload your UI (ctrl +U twice) doesn't really work either. :(


It'll get fixed but it is aggravating for now.

Edited by Bastionhawk
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