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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So 6 month subscribers


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I thought of going month to month, but the rate of patching and developer blogs/posts convinced me to go for six. And yes, they have been talking to the community quite a lot. Most people have selective hearing (or reading... or comprehension) and ignore anything BW says unless it's going to fix their personal issues immediately (regardless of if they've already confirmed and are working on fixing said issues).


I realized I'm enjoying the story of the classes and doing each story is enough to keep me engaged for months. So I don't regret subbing for six knowing they are working hard on improvements and additional content.

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I'd been playing since Early Access and had subbed for 3 months but somehow they billed me for only 1. oh well. I'll resub for 3 at a time again starting next month.


2 of my RL friends from WoW made the jump as well and a 3rd was considering it but unable to make the switch because of his guild and Blizzard's sneaky "Annual Pass" commitment >_>

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Where you at?


Ignore the people who quit like two days ago and still continue to post here.


Can't wait for the new legacy system as well as the guild bank.

What about you guys?


I subbed for 6 months (though havent gotten my founders title for some reason).


I hope its for longer but ill reaccess at the end of the 6 month run.


Legacy will be nice.

Not guilded and have no plans to be so guild bank pretty meaningless to me other then helping a buddies guild out.


I hope Bioware understands that my 6 month sub isnt a vote of for sure satisfaction/confidence though!


If combat was a little harder and leveling was ALLOT SLOWER I could sit here today and say Im here for at least a year. But at this moment in time I cant say that.


Will completely depend on what they add the next 6 months


I WANT TO STAY for years as I see the potential


But WANT and Do are often seperate items completely.


TOR is simply the best MMORPG on the market and best MMORPG for the forseeable future (from whats been announced like GW2, Arch Age, ect) with one possible exception (though that is losing interest quickly with every newsletter update) in Secret World.


TOR is not perfect though and some stuff does need to change!


Right now I give the game 2 scores


8/10 for TOR

2/10 for how EA/Bioware have handled the bussiness side of TOR.


Clearly EA/Bioware need to get better in their dealings with the public.

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I don't see why companies bother to actually release the game.


There's so many people willing to pay to beta test the game *and* ravenously attack anyone that doesn't completely adore the company at the same time.


P.T. Barnum was completely right...


Come on dude. When you walk around strutting with that much bravado, why wouldn't people attack you. Your opinion isn't any greater than mine, or anyone else's. Get over that fact and move on with life. If you are so confused as to why some people might be enjoying this game and defending it, maybe gaming isn't for you.

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2 of my RL friends from WoW made the jump as well and a 3rd was considering it but unable to make the switch because of his guild and Blizzard's sneaky "Annual Pass" commitment >_>


The lousy thing about WoW’s annual pass is that it goes off the $14.99 rate each month without the reduced rate for commiting to multiple months (like the 6 month). So even the free game you get isn’t all that free, suckers!

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I've got the 6 month subscription, it's all good for me. I'm enjoying the game, and having a great time with friends there. Looking forward to the guild updates, but that is on its way. Chances are pretty good I'll be here as long as the folks at Bioware continue to care about this game. :D
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In for the long haul. I play slow, take my time, and have a lot of fun. Wife is there with me.


Also, apparently it is just me, but I have had little to no trouble with bugs at all. Never had a non lootable chest, never had a bugged boss. Maybe its me just coming into content after it gets fixed, I don't know. I am not saying they don't exist, I just don't seem to be plagued with them like so many others.


As for paying to play, meh, I have no trouble paying $15 a month for something like this. That's what, three trips to Starbucks? Big deal, if $15 a month breaks you, MMORPGs are probably not the best pass time.


I am not a sucker, I just really don't care that much about that amount of money to get my panties in a wad while they work on the game, which they are. I am having fun, warts and all, so who are other folks to call me a sucker? If a person is paying money, and having an amount of fun they feel is worth that money, they are not a sucker. They are a satisfied customer. Don't get mad at them that they like the product you don't.


I don't drink Pepsi, because I am a Coke guy. Doesn't mean I think Pepsi drinkers are *****, they just like a different product. I am sorry if you feel cheated because you bought a Coke by accident, and there is only one thing you can do. Go back to Pepsi. Maybe try a Coke again in a couple months and see if you like it then. ;-)


Now, if BW were not taking steps to remedy the issues people are having, I wouldn't let the door hit me in the butt on the way out.

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