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Suggestion: Ship Decoration


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I primarily come from Sony games such as EQ2. The crowd seems very different here, so I'm fully expecting to be laughed at for this. That's okay. :) I also acknowledge that there are a lot of more important things to be looked at first.


Nonetheless, here's my suggestion. One of my favourite things in EQ2 was house and guildhall interior design, and it's certainly one of the two things most likely to tug me back. Masses of house items are available in game whether as player-crafted furniture, quest rewards, mementoes from important in-game events, or simply purchased from the 'station cash' marketplace. It allows us to create unique and creative homes for each of our main characters should we wish.


While it took years for EQ2 to build up the house item catalogue it has today, I would love it if SWTOR could introduce something like this in a much smaller way -- the ability to customise ship interiors. I'm talking trophies from important kills, being able to put something pretty in girlie companions' cabins, the odd 'wanted' poster for the walls - that sort of thing. The bare utility of the ships isn't realistic when they have so many people living on them. Let us be able to put a personal stamp on them should we want.


I love this game. Not having the ability to personalise living space is very far from a deal-breaker for me. It's just... it would be nice. ;

Edited by fleckle
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I would love to trade out the token carbonite man in my ship for a kolto tank, maybe turn that room just before my bridge into an appropriately Serenity-like galley, big table, some food related amenities. Even dress up the crew quarters to make it look like my interesting and diverse crew actually uses it.
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I think this is a good idea and a chance to incorporate the codex into the game more. For example we unlock titles, and codex entries after finishing the Black Talon FP. I think it would be cool if there were a trophy case/hologram doodad that let us display certain aspects of our achievements on the ship. So when you unlock the first epic enemy codex entry on the black talon, we could also get the option to display her old lightsaber hilt on the trophy case/or in a holographic display. Furthermore, we should be able to choose lighting/scenery based on locations. Like if you've unlocked certain parts of Nar Shaada, perhaps the lighting inside could be set to neon, or display bright colored advertisements on the walls, Korribban locations could unlock red lighting, and Dromund Kaas, purple lighting. Hutta could be yellow/greyish lighting theme. I also think that we should be able to use the hologram table on our ships to display creatures/people we've defeated and subsequently unlocked in the codex. It makes your codex and ship a lot more interesting if you can use the uncovered data in a more meaningful way.
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This game really needs things like this put in. I love the storylines and quests but at some point you have to have something that really shows off your acoplishments and style. I loved this in SWG. I would love to be able to display different armor sets and other items.
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  • 4 months later...
If we can't have physical housing, planetside, then at the very least, I'd like to see us being able to more fully utilize our ships as housing. I'm talking about personalizing space with decorations and rewards, allowing cosmetic modifications, paint/color, and most importantly, making it easier for friends and party members to join your ship.
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Since it's my ship, I should be able to customize everything about it.


When you really think about it, aren't our ships really our flying houses?


But i guess we have to wait xpack for theese features.

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