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Best Companion for Sentinel??


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I am currently 21 Combat Sentinel. I may eventually respec Watchman (if that makes a difference). I have T7 & Kira but don't know which is better to use. I kill faster with Kira, but T7 tanks for me. Logic says, take the tank (T7) but I like the sass & story of Kira better than T7. Does it matter? Will I eventually get a companion that is best for a Sentinel?
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I am currently 21 Combat Sentinel. I may eventually respec Watchman (if that makes a difference). I have T7 & Kira but don't know which is better to use. I kill faster with Kira, but T7 tanks for me. Logic says, take the tank (T7) but I like the sass & story of Kira better than T7. Does it matter? Will I eventually get a companion that is best for a Sentinel?


Yes, you will eventually get a better companion.

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You will get Doc. Healing is a much needed componant of the Sentinel.


I like all the companions and don't like that Doc is so much better than Kira or T7.


I am about to get flamed, but I suggest using the ship droid til you get Doc. In the beginning, T7 is a great tank, but he stops being an effective tank in the 20s. Kira's added DPS can make your own DPS roll enemies, but the closer you get to thw 25-30 range, before you get Doc, there is a period of time where what you need is a healer (unless you are a watchman-specced and have some healing ability of your own, perhaps). As a combat spec, I recommend the ship droid to bridge that gap. He actually heals really well if you know one thing:


Putting him in passive mode will end his heals. So, tell him to attacvk a low level mod and put him into a healing mode. You'll wipe everything else and his low level mob b4 he dies, and he will competently heal both himself and you. If you tell him not to attack stuff, then he won't, but he won't heal you either. Now - flames incoming.

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I have read this (ship droid) quite a few times. It is a very viable option. I just use Kira for the dps. Between her and me we clear the npcs pretty quick (of note: she has all orange gear (republic dnacer outfit) with all the latest mods/enh/armoring for lvl 31, my current level). ultimately its your choice though. Kira works very well for me.
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I have read this (ship droid) quite a few times. It is a very viable option. I just use Kira for the dps. Between her and me we clear the npcs pretty quick (of note: she has all orange gear (republic dnacer outfit) with all the latest mods/enh/armoring for lvl 31, my current level). ultimately its your choice though. Kira works very well for me.


Yeah - I think it is 1/3 situationally dependent, 1/3 playstyle, and 1/3 spec whther you should continue using Kira or go with the ship droid. Kira is probably better for watchman spec. For combat, the ship droid gives continued viability, but levelling Kira cna work too IF you gear her up. The ship droid without even low level droid parts will work just fine tho, so it is a good poor man's option. Btw, though he cannot equip a weapon or gain faction, the ship droid can use T7's hand me down droid armor.

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I used T7 all the way to 50. He does a small AoE which is enough combined with your guaranteed crit +100% dmg force sweep for most packs around your level range. Plus he usually takes damage instead of you, so when you mount up and dismount again both you and your companion are both full health again and ready to roll
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I used T7 all the way to 50. He does a small AoE which is enough combined with your guaranteed crit +100% dmg force sweep for most packs around your level range. Plus he usually takes damage instead of you, so when you mount up and dismount again both you and your companion are both full health again and ready to roll


What is your spec? Just curious because I did not find T7 very effective for me, personally. Not a criticism, bwt, just wondering if it is a difference in spec.

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That's Force. You get a guaranteed crit and +100% dmg on your force sweep from leaping in and using force exhaustion. The crit will usually take the pack of mobs to 10%. With T7's AoE this will mostly bring them down. If not, just finish them off with a quick slash or w/e.
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That's Force. You get a guaranteed crit and +100% dmg on your force sweep from leaping in and using force exhaustion. The crit will usually take the pack of mobs to 10%. With T7's AoE this will mostly bring them down. If not, just finish them off with a quick slash or w/e.


Oh, sorry, but I didn't mean where did you get that ability. I just wondered, generally, what your spec was and if that played into why you found a tank more necessary than a healer. Just curious.

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I used Kira from the time I got her through the end of the game. Like you I started Combat. I made the switch to Watchman in the late 30's. A geared Kira does amazing damage.


In the end I stuck with Kira because the difference in progress time seemed relatively the same. With Kira things burn and die really fast but I'd have to spend a couple second's meditating. With Doc I wouldn't have to meditate, but the fights were a heck of a lot longer.

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I used Kira from the time I got her through the end of the game. Like you I started Combat. I made the switch to Watchman in the late 30's. A geared Kira does amazing damage.


In the end I stuck with Kira because the difference in progress time seemed relatively the same. With Kira things burn and die really fast but I'd have to spend a couple second's meditating. With Doc I wouldn't have to meditate, but the fights were a heck of a lot longer.


That is interesting. What made you respec? I know combat prolly needs some dev attention, but I love burst DPS and with a healer it seems to work well (meaning my fights seem to go quick even with the healer).

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I used Kira from the time I got her through the end of the game. Like you I started Combat. I made the switch to Watchman in the late 30's. A geared Kira does amazing damage.


In the end I stuck with Kira because the difference in progress time seemed relatively the same. With Kira things burn and die really fast but I'd have to spend a couple second's meditating. With Doc I wouldn't have to meditate, but the fights were a heck of a lot longer.


This ^^

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This ^^


I actually switch back and forth between Kira and Scourge now, depending on what kind of fights I'm partaking in. I always leave Kira out for traveling around, in case any imps cross my path, as I like her additional damage in a skirmish.

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I've been using Kira since I got her, mainly for story purposes. With good gear and upgraded weapons, she can handle many enemies on her own. Usually she'll jump to another enemy I'm not attack and tie them up for me. Love her skills and her damage output.


As for C2, I have utilized him before in Heroic 2+ if I'm running with someone else who doesn't have a healer. As long as he doesn't get attacked, C2 works pretty well as a group healer in those situations if you don't have a better option available.

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I used T7 cuz he would taunt the mobs off me, which meant I wouldn't be hit by them. Then after a fight I was full hp and he was about 75% to 50%. I mounted up and dismounted which caused him to get full hp instantly. Then I was ready to face the next pack without having to rest up between fights.
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T7 should be your main man until you get hold of Doc, and that's still a long way away for you right now.


T7s damage will probably stay slightly underneath Kiras when you take equal efforts to keep their gear up to scratch but T7s tankiness and threat gain lifts him far above. As a sentinel you're easily going to gain hate of a boss enemy before Kira, and companions won't continue a fight on behalf of your corpse. Unlike yourself for them.


Because of this, T7 is the optimal choice for getting out the most damage before you're wiped, until you get Doc that is. I would only think Kira could be more useful for a tanky Guardian where DPS is low and survivability is covered.


T7: "T7 = willing to sacrifice for Jedi"

Kira: "I'm just an annoying, attractive, snappy one-liner girl Bioware shoves into every game."

Doc: "Introspection? Is that a fancy word for contact lenses?"

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Doc is on Balmorra, effectively you get him halfway through act 2 (it isn't very long, Balmorra is most of it, and it gets you all your other companions).


Using Kira and keeping her geared is viable, though you'll be resting a lot after fights, especially if you're combat. When you get Doc you WILL use him because of how much easier he makes your life, at least until you get Lord Scourge, who also has a minor heal mechanic, and is a tank.


I'm planning on using Lord Scourge quite a bit now, with Kira and Doc on standby and the rest off slicing. I don't know if its just me but Rusk seems impossibly bad. So I'll be jetting around the galaxy with my crazy Miraluka Jedi/Pureblood Sith buddy cop schtick.

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at the moment, im a 45 watchmen sent, and since i love kira, i used her up til the point that you get lord scourge, then i started using him cause he tanks (still use kira for conversation purposes though, cause scourge hates my jedi ways
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Used T7 till I got Kira.


Then used Kira exclusively till I got Doc. Used him for about, 7-8 levels till I realized fights were taking way too long.


Funny thing is, while using Kira, I found I had to be far more conscious of how I played, letting Kira take aggro if my health got too low, or popping force stasis to get a bit of reprieve and doing whatever healing I could with overloaded attacks/burning. I think I went from 40-50 using Kira again, and honestly never looked back.


Once she is properly geared, you just roll over enemies pretty quickly.

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