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Is the ability delay game breaking to YOU?


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It has nothing at all to do with mine or anyone else's PC..read.




sorry bro, but yes it does, its settings/tweaking or crappy driver support..


wichever it is , software is the cuplrit, as i run 40 fps+ almost all the time on my 3 year old rig


(phenom II 9500 , 2 x 9800gtx+ , 4 gig ram, run of the mill sata hdds )


and the game runs @ 1080p for me like that, on that rig, wich is in no way a monster, and im using two videocards wich are dinosaurs by modern standards..



again, i dont mean to belittle your experience, but to me the fact that it runs good on mine says the problem is software and settings , not crappy coding on the client itself given that it works on my end,


it does however have crappy hardware support it seems, so if i were you id do some driver tweaking, using most of the tricks people here are using (forcing AA , increasing page file size, running fulscreen windowed , xp3 compatibilty , etc)


i admit it ran like crap to me, after a day or two of trying various tweaks i got it running smoothly and looking great, i hope it works for you, and i can just say have a lil patience, its a great game , im sure they will get it running and stable


OH and download memory cleaner, helps a TON with the memory leak problem

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Love the game but for me it is. Canceled my sub so I personally will not pay a monthly sub fee until it's fixed, IF it will ever get fixed.


What do YOU think? You ok with it or does it ruin your game experience to the point that you're done, at least for now?...


No, not caused me a single problem after I worked out what was going on and accounted for it in my game play. A 3 second use time + 1 second ability delay = 4 second use time, work to that and if/when they fix it your abilities just got faster.

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Clearly most of the people posting in here haven't PvP'ed very much.


Try rolling, say, a shadow/assasin. Then stun someone, and run behind them and hit your backstab attack which requires you to be behind the target. If the target moves DURING THE WIND UP ANIMATION (the animation takes almost the entire GCD to animate...an excruciatingly slow wind up followed by a stab) so that he's now facing you, you won't be able to backstab him. For an ability that's listed as "Instant" this is ridiculous.



Another example: the aoe kb that shadow/assasin/sorc/sage's get. Ability says "instant" and can be used as an interrupt. However, before you can interrupt you have to do an animation where you jump up and land. It takes, once again, almost the entire GCD to animate (so almost 1.5 seconds) before the kb/interrupt effect will come into play, making an "instant" ability basically unusable to interrupt a 1.5 sec channeled cast.


Another example: try getting onto your vehicle, and then moving as soon as it appears. Even though the cast bar is finished, it'll take another .5 seconds before you can actually move.

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I am calm I'm just pointing out even on a beast of a computer with a very solid ping i have huge delay. it's nothing to do with pc specs or bandwidth, this much is a fact.


Read my earlier post. I'm sorry that happens for you but it simply doesn't for me on the better of my two computers.

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It might be gamebreaking in particular tight situations and I am getting tired of it, literally.

It turns the game from pleasure/hobby into a chore.

I have to stress extra to push the same button three times so it is actually activated and gives a required result.

I will most definitely take a break from this game at some point in the close future.

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It's funny because you have posts by casters saying it's worse for casters and melee saying it's worse for melee.


Which is it?


I have a 50 of each and I still barely see it.


I see an unforgiving GCD and some animations that finish a little slowly when compared to the GCD.


Is it there? Yes, occasionally. Is it game breaking? Hardly.


You do realize that the combat animations are detailed and very complex. How many mmo's have you played where every single big spell or skill had its own individual animation?


It stands to reason that when you have an animation system this intricate that some of the animations will get out of sync with the global occasionally. Bioware will nail this down.

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I'm not doing any of those things. I am telling you that I have experienced the delay on a mediocre pc, and that it doesn't exist on my high end pc. Simple as that.


You said..."Originally Posted by LordTaurog

Its your pc, so stop blaming bioware. Had this issue on my home pc (average), not an issue on my apartment pc (beast mode)."

It happens on high spec pc's you where trying to say it only happens on low end one's.

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It's things like interupt.. You see the nemy casting and you hit interupt but it wont happen unless current animation is finished.


People who play wow are used to animation being interupted and int going off immediately..


Excatly, this game cannot and will not become competitive in pvp until it's fixed, simple as.

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You said..."Originally Posted by LordTaurog

Its your pc, so stop blaming bioware. Had this issue on my home pc (average), not an issue on my apartment pc (beast mode)."

It happens on high spec pc's you where trying to say it only happens on low end one's.


I was referring to my post just before that one, but thank you I am aware of what I said and I stand by it. Come on over brohammed we will play a little swtor and you can see for yourself.

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