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150 Kills/Arnaments for Ilum PVP weekly?


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It's okay, for quality of life, they'll buff the respawning of crates from 10 minutes to 10 seconds.


This is the Empire we're talking about, after all... the Devs favorite faction. They won't be inconvenienced much longer.

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On Ven Zallow there isn't a sign of the Republic on Ilum at all..


The crates take so long to respawn and there's 30 Imps competing for them so there's no point at all to even try to get the daily done, let alone the weekly.


So broken..

Edited by JackalDark
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On Ven Zallow there isn't a sign of republics on Ilum at all..


The crates take so long to respawn and there's 30 Imps competing for them so there's no point at all to even try to get the daily done, let alone the weekly.


So broken..



Yo, we heard you liked to zerg in your zerg. So we added more zerg to your zerg.

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I assume this game is making money off it's kotr fans, star war fans and pve fans. Clearly you don't release a game this expensive with zero testing done. So I won't stay for a game that doesn't and has never wanted me.


the pve forum's only complaint is no mater loot, no dps meter...it's night and day compared to this forum.

Edited by Mezira
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I went to Ilum tonight. At first, there was only 1-2 Jedi, and too many Sith. Later on there were about 12 Jedi, but only 6 Siths. We retreated to base, hoping they would 'farm us' , and then we get our kill using focus fire and infinite rez at med point.


Then the Jedis left.


The problem with Ilum is simple : PvP only works if both sides are close to equal in number. Once the ratio goes over 1.5 either way, it simply doesn't work.


As to Warzone, it's Huttball x 6, and most end early because one side only have 5 players due to quitting.


PvP at 50 is a total disaster. I won't be doing it anymore until it's fixed. In the meantime, I'll just level my alt. At least the PvE is still good. It's a shame though, as this was the first PvP MMORPG I enjoyed.

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I went to Ilum tonight. At first, there was only 1-2 Jedi, and too many Sith. Later on there were about 12 Jedi, but only 6 Siths. We retreated to base, hoping they would 'farm us' , and then we get our kill using focus fire and infinite rez at med point.


Then the Jedis left.


The problem with Ilum is simple : PvP only works if both sides are close to equal in number. Once the ratio goes over 1.5 either way, it simply doesn't work.


As to Warzone, it's Huttball x 6, and most end early because one side only have 5 players due to quitting.


PvP at 50 is a total disaster. I won't be doing it anymore until it's fixed. In the meantime, I'll just level my alt. At least the PvE is still good. It's a shame though, as this was the first PvP MMORPG I enjoyed.




Warzones went from extremely fun to a total waste of time.


Every game is a Blowout and you have to be lucky enough to be on the winning side.



They need to implement a Valor balance to Warzones.. I'm sick of seeing a FULL team of Battlemasters Vs a full team of fresh 50's.


It should be 4 BM(premade) + scrubs VS 4 BM(premade) + Scrubs

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Whether or not finding 150 players is easy/difficult because of your faction/server population this weekly is a ******* joke because a 150 kill weekly is the best they could come up with for an open world pvp mechanic. You must be ******* kidding me.


well, that's also the only idea they came up with for "leveling", so I'm not surprised really.

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On some servers 150 is going to be a pretty small number. On other servers, like mine, it's going to be astronomically huge until the faction populations balance out. At my current rate, splitting my 2.5hrs / night between Ilum and Warzones, it's going to take about 15 days to hit 150 PKs / armaments.


The fact is that I'm either grossly outnumbered or there are no imps present.


I'm not complaining - I believe it will even out over time. It's just the reality on many servers right now.

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If you think killing 150 players over the course of one week is too much, you ain't a big PVP player then are you? And if you aren't PVP player, why would you care about completing PVP quest?


I have never seen more than 1 Imp on Ilum or 3 Republic at the same time. Its mathmatically impossible on my server.

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lol, let me see you complete that when there are nowhere to find and kill 150 players... especially if you are imperial hehehehe


I can typically finish my weekly in two or three hours after they reset, it's not a huge issue. Join an ops group.

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lol, let me see you complete that when there are nowhere to find and kill 150 players... especially if you are imperial hehehehe


its too easy to get kills as Imp, thats why its no Fun we run a huge zerg and run into tons of repub zergs in smaller number.. and steam roll them i play a sorc i quickly aoe and tag as nany as i can. my Valor per hour is too good it needs a nerf i get 200 valor if fully capped per kill and well if we own 1 repub zerg.. we get a few thousand yesterday my zerg owned a repub zerg about 4,5 times in 15 mins i lvl from 48 to 1/4th the way into 50. Getting kills in Ilum gos really fast.. to fast

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The problem isn't the number, it's that this is the best pvp quest they could think up -- and it's made difficult to impossible by the lack of time spent on actually considering how their pvp system would work given the lack of incentive for equal populations.


Since BW, in it's genius, didn't think to cap the numbers in Ilum by sides, on heavy Empire servers that 100 person Ilum is skewed very quickly. It can take me several hours, in our small republic representaion to kill 30 people -- mostly because killing the same player twice in a short time doesn't yield a reward, and you only find the same players running around in groups small enough to get an actual fight out of. Once the 60 person zerg hits, getting a kill or two in the slideshow becomes a roll of the dice.

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