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premade pvp teams should be banned


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yea,yea same old ******** you read from Rift to SWTOR.


remember TOR is heading into a PvP direction, Premades sud Never Ever Mix with randoms.

it can cost them dearly on the long run, ask all those other company's.


also I really Never understand the argument of them.

for instance, make you'r own premade?, what that for crap?

If i like a burger, do not means I wanna meet the cow.


Age of Conan.

Warhammer Online (also so damn funky Premades)


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yea,yea same old ******** you read from Rift to SWTOR.


remember TOR is heading into a PvP direction, Premades sud Never Ever Mix with randoms.

it can cost them dearly on the long run, ask all those other company's.


also I really Never understand the argument of them.

for instance, make you'r own premade?, what that for crap?

If i like a burger, do not means I wanna meet the cow.


Age of Conan.

Warhammer Online (also so damn funky Premades)



now this is a TROLL

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Right here wee go premades in SWTOR, not everyone will get anoyed at this but *** a keen pvper i am. I dont think premades should fight against pug groups for warzones.


How can this be fair ? pugs = people dont know each other atol meaning neirly no co operation, premades all most likly know each other. Meaning know each others playstyles and able to work together alot better. Wich then gives the pug team neirly no chance to win.



My question is will BW Stop this or will they let this go on forever? not only me asking this alot of my friends think the same thing, pvp is unfair against premades. And no point staying in the warzone.



Well one other thing why is there no penalty to people just leaving battlegroups when they are loosing? makes things alot harder for the players that stay. but they people that leave can just join the que again? how is that right ?



would it not be apropriate to give these warzone leavers even 20 mins to think about what they did ?:p mabi then they would stay in the battle, and then mabi the battles would be more even and fair :)


on a last note premades are making pvp boring and alot of people just give up against them, just ban them and people will be happier playing warzones even with the ability lag :)



may the force be with u alll :)


I humbly disagree with you, OP. I think Pre-Mades make people better players. Sure, they'll tear apart a pug because they have tactics and communication (generally vocal communication). If you don't want to lose, make your own Pre-Mades and fight against them! You'll find a bunch of pugs that you'll tear up, so there is that.

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As people have said, you can't easily make a team that's 100% premade (though, to be fair, you can form two 4-mans from the same guild and keep requeuing until you both pop at the same time - effort though).


I'd rather not ban premades though (and I usually queue solo at the moment due to my playtime) simply because it's a social thing for people to group together to do content they love.


I think they did say something about having ranked WZs in the future, so maybe all the PvP guilds or regular premades will be off playing 8v8 professional Huttball and you'll kind of get your wish by proxy. Depends on the ratio of time invested against rewards as compared to running normal, non-ranked WZs I'd imagine.

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Right here wee go premades in SWTOR, not everyone will get anoyed at this but *** a keen pvper i am. I dont think premades should fight against pug groups for warzones.


How can this be fair ? pugs = people dont know each other atol meaning neirly no co operation, premades all most likly know each other. Meaning know each others playstyles and able to work together alot better. Wich then gives the pug team neirly no chance to win.



My question is will BW Stop this or will they let this go on forever? not only me asking this alot of my friends think the same thing, pvp is unfair against premades. And no point staying in the warzone.



Well one other thing why is there no penalty to people just leaving battlegroups when they are loosing? makes things alot harder for the players that stay. but they people that leave can just join the que again? how is that right ?



would it not be apropriate to give these warzone leavers even 20 mins to think about what they did ?:p mabi then they would stay in the battle, and then mabi the battles would be more even and fair :)


on a last note premades are making pvp boring and alot of people just give up against them, just ban them and people will be happier playing warzones even with the ability lag :)



may the force be with u alll :)


I agree with your general statement. Premades should not be allowed to play against pugs. The most fun I've had is Pug vs. Pug. Premade vs. Premade is fun, but happens so rarily that it blows. Until they come up with a ranking system, I think you shouldn't be able to play against 4 randoms with your premade group.

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I agree with your general statement. Premades should not be allowed to play against pugs. The most fun I've had is Pug vs. Pug. Premade vs. Premade is fun, but happens so rarily that it blows. Until they come up with a ranking system, I think you shouldn't be able to play against 4 randoms with your premade group.


agreed someone talking the truth ^^

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The problem is that until populations on some servers increase, adding further bracketing to the matchmaking system is just going to have a negative impact on the amount of PvP people can engage in.


Premades appear more frustrating in this game because the queues are server-specific so you run into the same group of players more often. Especially if it's a Republic premade (on Imperial-heavy servers like mine), you're likely to run into them for every non-Huttball game until they log off.


But it's still probably more commendations/valor points per hour to run four losing matches against premades than to run one vitorious match against another pug team. Some servers just don't have the population to support multi-bracketed PvP queues yet.


The ranked PvP system, when it comes in, will reduce the number of premades if implemented well.

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If you think it's unfair, make your own premade. You have the same ability as we do to gather into a group and **** **** up. Don't have people to group with? Find them. I did. Don't limit my ability to do better than you do because I put in extra time and effort to win the warzones. The amount of effort you put in to doing well, is how well you will do. I don't want the game to prevent me from doing better than some scrub who joined a queue just because. I want to be able to proudfully kick his *** because I put in the effort to make a group that loves to PvP.
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Please leave this carebare stuff in wow. That game is not fun anymore because blizzard manages *everything*, formation of groups, which classes can need on loot, everything.


More sandbox, less game forcing us into how to play the game.




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now this is a TROLL


learn first what it means.

a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community.


my argument, was validated. and not without reason.

you just scream something like a little child, not know what to say.

try again, try harder.

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Was thinking this last night. If WZ were just about kill counter I don't think it would matter but because an objective is involved it really changes everything.



Who would win in a group of


Team led by swat with 4 people who use radios to communicate, which makes sure that at least 50% of the team knows what they are doing.


Team of random people with cellphones who text each other, which guarantees nothing.

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Please leave this carebare stuff in wow. That game is not fun anymore because blizzard manages *everything*, formation of groups, which classes can need on loot, everything.


More sandbox, less game forcing us into how to play the game.


Is this the same arguments Wallstreet made to the government? It sure is sweet when you're the one taking advantage of it.

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Simple fix. Premades get put into a cross server queue to fight other premades.


Pug players fight people on their server.


It makes a lot of sense and gives everyone what they want.


Only facing your own server is too small a pool of players to allow premades to just get free wins. It's free wins when I premade, and it's free wins when the opposition premades. The only time it's even fun is when it's a premade against a premade.

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We need separate brackets for premades and pugs but there's no sense even talking about that until and unless they implement cross server warzones. And there's probably no sense talking about cross server warzones until and unless some of the more pressing issues are resolved, including bugs and probably faction imbalance and its effects on Ilum.
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They already stated they will be implementing rated warzones as recently as yesterday in the video of upcoming changes. Until then, as multiple people have already informed you that you can queue up at most 4 people at a single time. Just because other players are willing to put an effort and organize, doesn't mean they should be penalized because you are A) unwilling B) unprepared C) unorganized or D) lack time.


If you go up against premades, I encourage you to suck it up. Or you can just do like many other solo queuers and just leave the WZ until Bioware implements a proper deserter debuff to discourage such a defeatist behaviour in the zone that allows the most balanced gameplay in PVP (i.e. unlike Ilum).

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Simple fix. Premades get put into a cross server queue to fight other premades.


Pug players fight people on their server.


It makes a lot of sense and gives everyone what they want.


Only facing your own server is too small a pool of players to allow premades to just get free wins. It's free wins when I premade, and it's free wins when the opposition premades. The only time it's even fun is when it's a premade against a premade.


Sorry, Sir, but this will never work because it makes too much sense.


/end sarcasm


great idea.

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correct me if im wrong here, but the same opportunity to group is afforded to every player. don't get me wrong its annoying as crap when that team consists of one guy to grab the ball and 3 pull to chain pull him over the goal line, but that's more a class problem then grouping.


the problem is you can't really design pvp situations around solo queuers if for the simple reason that if you didnt have group queueing there wouldn't be anything to stop people from just queueing at the same time and winding up in the same warzone.

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Sorry, Sir, but this will never work because it makes too much sense.


/end sarcasm


great idea.


There was too much sarcasm in your reply for me to tell if you liked my post or not.


But thank you.



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Dumbest post ever (ok, maybe not, but the idea is lame). There is always enough time for communication prior to a match. I am in a guild that has a lot of PvP'ers. We almost always are rolling at least one full pre-made group, and it is a blast. When we get in a WZ, most of the time it is only one of the pre-made groups. Only one time did we get a group of 4 and 3 into the same WZ while I was playing, and most of the times our two groups end up in different WZ's. I find that the time before you actually begin the WZ is the time that makes or breaks the WZ success. Stop just dancing and clapping while waiting for the doors to open and communicate with your teammates.


Here are some suggestions to make your Pug more effective. Ask who is a healer before the match. The Ops leader can put marks on friendly and enemy players, so use it. Put a shield over your team's healers so everyone knows who to protect. When you find an enemy healer, put a target over them. You will be surprised how everyone will attack the person who is targeted. Coordinate PRIOR to starting the WZ, and you will need less communication in a WZ. Every WZ I bark orders (yes it might piss some people off, but when people listen we tend to win more than lose). I am always typing things like "we are going left with 4, don't follow us."


In the end, if you like PvP'ing and are tired of losing because you are in a Pug - join a guild that PvP's with groups. The OP is basically saying "I am a selfish player who doesn't want to work with anyone else and am tired of losing because there are other people who have figured out that the way to win is through teamwork." IMHO.

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