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Tone down operatives


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Everyone knows that people who can't handle stealth classes cry about it on the forums and are never satisfied no matter how much said class is nerfed.


I hope they don't nerf 'em at all. And I'm a proponent of nerfs; I think nerfs are a vastly overlooked tool in game design.


But you're wrong.


You got pounced on from stealth by a stealth/assassination class and it made you mad? Nobody cares. Make a grease stain out of 'em next time you see 'em. That's what I do.

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Watch out, there's some of them lurking around, ready to pounce on posts like this.


Prepare to be told one or more of the following:

  • "Learn to play"
  • "Stop crying, we're fine"
  • "Stay with a group"
  • "Get better gear"
  • "U mad"


Patience. It's coming.

Edited by JHarkrider
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Watch out, there's some of them lurking around, ready to pounce on posts like this.


Prepare to be told one or more of the following:

  • "Learn to play"
  • "Stop crying, we're fine"
  • "Stay with a group"
  • "Get better gear"
  • "U mad"


Patience. It's coming.


It's funny because most of the people defending DPS Operatives and Scoundrels don't even play them.


Lrn2play, from your friendly neighborhood healer who has explained at least eight times today how to beat a DPS Smuggler / Scoundrel.

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It's funny because most of the people defending DPS Operatives and Scoundrels don't even play them.


Lrn2play, from your friendly neighborhood healer who has explained at least eight times today how to beat a DPS Smuggler / Scoundrel.


Alas, I don't need to "Lrn2play". I was merely warning the OP of what he can expect the response to this post to be like, based on my observations of similar posts recently. Your assumption that my video game skills are lacking is quite inaccurate, but I do appreciate your concern for my wellbeing.

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Operatives don't seem so tough if I get the drop on them. Yeah, they hit hard EVEN out of stealth without that opener but that what my stuns are for. Still right now I don't seem to put out enough damage to drop them before they use a stun of their own and escape. I'm reserving judgement about them till I get fully geared in champ/battlemaster stuff. Be careful calling for nerfs before your fully geared. You might just be getting rocked by someone who way out gears you and some classes do better with less than other more gear dependent classes. Just my opinion.
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I play a scoundrel personally, and yeah we can put out quite a bit of damage even if not specced into it, but from what i have seen the real complaint people have is the 50% knock down chance skill that scoundrels/ops get on a one opening attack from stealth, if that alone was removed i think a lot of the yelling would quiet down.


I can see where being able to do that, then if they happen to break free using their CC breaker, the op/scoundel can just restun right way, yeah the persons resolve bar may be full now, but big deal they already used their one CC break, and are at 50%-30% health now, they are screwed.


I could be wrong, even without that ability there will be lots of compalints but if you honestly stand still long enough for a scoundrel or op to do that, and your a squishy class (and not being guarded) you most likely deserved it, i never stop moving in pvp unless i am throwing out a long cast heal or skill, and the way stealth works here, once you spot someone in stealth it is pretty easy to see em again, because you get a ghost image of them for quite awhile (if your equal level)...


but what do i know *shrug* people will complain still if they think they are disadvantaged in comparison to XXX class.

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If you're letting yourself get hammered for the full 3s knockdown without popping your cc break, then you deserve to get trounced by an Op. They are fine the way they are.


2 Minute Cool Down..... it's so totally usable every time. And P.S stop playing in the scrubby 10-49 bracket, go play in the 50 bracket with the full battlemaster geared Operatives, you'll be here calling for nerfs in a few hours when you get hit with the 7k crit on the opener.

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Everyone knows that people who can't handle stealth classes cry about it on the forums and are never satisfied no matter how much said class is nerfed.


I hope they don't nerf 'em at all. And I'm a proponent of nerfs; I think nerfs are a vastly overlooked tool in game design.


But you're wrong.


You got pounced on from stealth by a stealth/assassination class and it made you mad? Nobody cares. Make a grease stain out of 'em next time you see 'em. That's what I do.


Lol you're cute. So tryhard. Nerf's still coming btw.

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playing an offensive guardian. ops dont bother me more than other classes. they are fine.


did anyone make incredibly bad experiences since 1.1 (nerf of stacking consumables)? i am very sure that the unintended high burst should have come down to an acceptable level now.

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