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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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WTH are you talking about?


It isn't part of the game .. it's just typical, rude immature gamer behavior.


Eh? Really?


I operate under this philosophy. If YOU wanted to kill it, you'd tag it. Didn't tag it? Free game. Waiting by me for it to respawn? Better tab/1 faster than me. You are probably one of those pretentious jerks who refuses to group too. Kill faster, be better.

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I guess there will always be people who desperately try to justify rude and shallow behavior. May most of your time be spent waiting for objectives to respawn, after you've cleared most of your way to them, only to have someone else run in and grab them while youre fighting... and may the mobs you cleared respawn before the objective does, forcing you to kill them again while someone ELSE runs in and grabs the objective.


Hopefully on endless repeat.


I have had people take objectives right before I intend to click on them. I either wait if there is only one objective or find another one if there are others. You act as if killing a few mobs or waiting 30-60 seconds is some monumental task.


You cannot control what others do. You can only control how you react to them. Keeping that much hatred for others over something so petty is really not that good for your health. Let it go. It is just a game.

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This sort of attitude is why ninja looters exist. It's pretty disgusting.


One of the most frustrating situations I've run in to was while doing the bomb diffusion quest on Belsavis (Empire).


For those of you not familiar with it, you hit something like 4 different objective points. At each point, there's a bomb planted that you have to right-click to eject its core. Before you can grab the core, enemies spawn, and you have to kill them because you can't take the core while you're in combat. Pretty simple, right?


Except while the core is ejected, anybody who's on the quest can snatch it, whether they ejected it or not. So, while i'm fighting off the enemies that spawned from the quest objective I triggered, this jackhole strolls up and steals my core. So I have to wait for the bomb to respawn and do it all over again.


It only really wasted about a minute of my time, but the gall of somebody to steal my quest objective right from under my nose (not to mention the obvious stupidity of the moron who developed the quest not making the objectives tagged once they're used).



This quest I agree should be fixed as the mobs spawn after you cilck on the item, and then you have to click on it again to finish. Once you click it the first time, it should be yours.

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I don't, really, see why the mechanic allows this. Objects- like radar towers to be destroyed, security chests, computer terminals to be sliced, etc etc - anything which glows with the healthy radioactive aura of light blue interactivity are surely partially "instanced" anyway- in the sense that they only glow blue client-side if they're interactive *for you* - Note that once you've collected/destroyed/graffitied/sabotaged enough of them to fulful your objective, they all lose their blue glow.


So... why not take that a step further, and have the state-change that occurs when they're used *also* be player specific.


If you're on Dromund Kaas destroying slaves' water towers... you kill the mobs surrounding the water tower, move in, right click... water tower stops glowing blue, you shoot/sabre etc at it, it blows up and disappears. Fine.


If you're on Dromund Kaas destroying slaves' water towers... you kill the mobs surrounding the water tower, some bounty hunter scurries in past you, and right-clicks it before you can... then in *his* viewer, that water tower stops glowing blue, he shoots it, it blows up and disappears, he's claimed it. In *your* viewer, you just see him pause, crouch next to it, and move on... unless you happen to be grouped with him, and sharing his 'instance'. No respawn time delay... because the thing doesn't "despawn" for you in the first place. Same with security chests, they all exist once... for each player.


Since the player-specific behaviour of interactable objects is already at least partially there, wouldn't setting it up this way avoid the ninjaing problem at a stroke?

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:
Unless it had a respawn greater than a few seconds, I don't see why you are so upset.
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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


Thats probably why we see low populations on servers. Since a lot of quest objectives would either mean the server is calculating too much data, or too many people ninja'ing the few objectives shared in the limited space that computers can handle. Many MMOs do this as well, and they also claim to have 100s of people in the same place. Maybe its all a lie by certain MMOs.


What do you think?


So instead they could be adding a mechanism to prevent this kind of ninjaing, for example;


lets say a certain quest objective has an NPC attached to it as its defender. That when a person clears the defender from the quest objective they can activate the quest objective. However if someone tries to ninja the quest objective, the objective will realize that this other person did not remove the defender so another NPC will spawn. Of course there can be other mechanisms in place but the point is to punish people from ninja'ing and the quest objective is being surrounded by NPCs which everyone should run into to use the quest objective.





Make the quest objective an instant cast, which also does not reset. The instant cast is useful in world pvp scenarios. trying to cast something for 10 secs in a vulnerable spot could easily mean you will never complete the objective in a densely populated server with a real threat of the opposing faction.

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People show their true selves when they have no fear of repercussions. We see this in-game, and we see it on these boards.


The smart-alecs who love to crow about getting in the way of somebody else's fun/reward/whatever wouldn't dream of doing so if they knew there was a chance that the offended party might break their nose for it. But if that's all they have to make themselves feel big in a life where they feel small I, like Mister T before me, pity them.

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Typical MMO (and human) behavior, sadly.


I wish it were different, and I wish it could be stopped, but I doubt that's ever going to happen.


jerks like this will usually repeat this type of behavior in public, so if you don't mind few hrs In jail you can give them what for when they cut that line at w/e destination your at. and if they are kids I find kickihg them in the butt then denying works very well.:p thease little lessons help them to realize that You can be punished for being a jerk to others, it's like the lady with 110 turkeys in the Quick check at thanks giving.. or the person who forgets their wallet then cuts the beer line when they return with thier wallet, if you fail go tot he back of the line loser!

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Unless it had a respawn greater than a few seconds, I don't see why you are so upset.


your exactly the problem you do not see a problem with screwing others, you probally drive under the speed limit in the fast lane too and don,t see why you should have to wait in line, I blame your parents and trophies for the losing team Mentality that is so common today.

I have a question if you were about to pay for you food int eh grocry line and I shoved you outta the way would those few seconds matter to you?

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A woman pepper sprayed someone during a black friday sale so that she could get an xbox360. This was in plain view of everyone around, with blatant disregard for others standing nearby, or the fact that her identity was easily determinable.


All so she could get a video game console on the cheap.


And somehow, people are still surprised when some teenager with full anonymity rushes past them to grab a node or quest objective.


Time to join the real world, not everyone is kind. Reality bites.

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Selfish or malicious behavior between two living and breathing human beings is wrong whether IRL or in game. I can fantasize my sadistic evil Sith all I want but I won't be nasty without provocation to a real being.


However. To the OP. I'm not going to say this is the rule - it's probably the exception, but this happened to me recently enough it's worth sharing.


In a fairly busy quest zone there were like 3 players completing objectives in what appeared to be different stages of a quest. The quest item I was destroying in question was pretty plentiful, tons of them available all around me. At one point I destroy one and as I get close I notice a dude fighting a mob. He was at 80% and the mob almost dead so I let him be.


After I moved to another item I start getting the nastiest tells about "how dare I". Common sense told me that what had probably happened was that he was fighting that dude to get to the objective I got. As I said earlier, since there was a column, I didn't even notice the other guy till I had destroyed the objective. Luckily there were billions all over with few mobs alive.


I understood his indignation but he went off on a plethora of cuss words that would've made a sailor blush. No matter my understanding at his frustrations, I'm not going TP reply rainbows and ponies to a stringy of epithets launched my way. I just put him on ignore and went on with life.


The only regret I had was that if he hadn't fired up in turn firing me up, I would've explained the misunderstanding and offered to help him clear any other mobs he needed in the area as compensation. Sadly, anger begets anger and that's the way it went


Only reason I share that story is that sometimes, those ninjaing things are not made out of malice, and if anger is held back for only a little, the ending could've ended with 2 new friends.

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