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Cancelling my pre-order


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As long & drawn out you made your post, and had some intelligence in there I wonder why you didn't use that same intelligence to figure the later you preordered the later you will gain early access.


UP TO 5 days means between 1 and 5...


What lack of communication? Can you not see what they have been posting? Yesterday they threw in 5 waves including the extra, stated a huge spike in orders initially that steadied out, clearly posted should be into August preorders today which happened. Plent of posts telling you it pretty much got everyone for August.


So, what conclusion could you draw for tomorrow? Maybe all of September and possibly a few days in October for tomorrow?


Then after tomorrow, would it be that hard to find out what dates are still waiting? Figure out how many were let in and be able to conclude for the next?


Thank you for the back handed compliment, even thought it was well cloaked in condescension ;)


Please don't misinterpret me - I don't mind either way, I have no issue in not getting in now tomorrow, whenever. I ordered late, I get in late. I am not a kid, and not whining like one.


I do however find it disingenuous to use the whole 'up to 5 DAYS!' as a sales point. yes, it is UP TO 5 days, but by the reaction, it is pretty obvious that this was not explicitly stated.


As for the communication, I do feel that it is bad. Threads closed, threads deleted. No info on the Twitter feed. Flippant Dev responses. These are facts, not opinion.


As for 'figuring things out' - why should we, as the paying customers have to 'figure anything out' - there should be a level of certainty. Why not post a 'non-binding road map' as a sticky, listing the dates you mention, with a clear caveat that it is a guide only?


As for me, I will be enjoying Xmas with my wife, daughter and family, and certainly not wasting my time in an MMO - as such it makes no odds to me if I get in on the 20 January not December, but this is not good PR when trying to build a community.

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Who wouldn't complain? Do you realize that he bought "Collector's Edition" ... This kind of Early Release was not announced on 1st day you were able to pre-order Star Wars!...



the man pays 500$ for Collectors Edition + Gadgets, and yet still does not get into early release?


What kinda of a stupid early access is this? I am never pre-ordering another MMO in my life.


"Upon pre-order, players will be granted a redemption code that will unlock early game access** as well as an in-game color stone to change your weapon effect. Pre-order quantities are limited and Early Game Access will only be available to those who pre-order the game and redeem their code before the game’s official release."


above statement was made the first day the pre-release when up for sale, nothing states how many days access you get, so if they gave you 1 hour before release, it would still be early game access.


good riddance to those who are impatient, you won't be missed.

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all the FALSE dates is killin me...just checked and the last group that got in were around early-mid Oct...tomorrow should see most of the rest in


Go have a party for the coming event of you being allowed to play the game early and if you can get in tomorrow awesome if not, have a "I had a party and didn't get in but tomorrow I will get in Party."


you see where this is leading, riiiight...MAJOR hangover and you playing while holding your head in pain, but having fun!!


Party on people!!!:D

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!



I pre-ordered in October, but codes were all kinds of messed up and I did not receive an actual working code until December 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give SWTOR my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am I to expect them to successfully manage a large scale MMO?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(



Ok.. Ok.. Calm Shame.. Calm...



Ok.. Soo your entire Beef is that they havnt given you a set day that you can play right?

You yourself have said you don't care how much EGA you get right?


Assume it wont be untill the last day of EGA and check your e-mail once a night...




The reason they arnt telling people when they will get in is due to them watching the servers to make sure everything is going smoothly before the next batch gets in... Its like getting rdy to ride a Carnival ride.. You get in line but have no real idea of when youll get to ride.


*But Shameful.. some rides have signs saying how long the wait is from your spot in line*

Yes.. but this is a general idea of what it could be... not the actual time..


If you want a general idea... You put your code in in October.. There for you may get in tomorrow.. but definitly before those in December.. unless your too close to those in December then you might get to ride together! Wooooo...



I don't understand why people can't just be happy that the game is coming out and eveyone who pre-ordered will get into the game before the official launch.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.
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