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Cancelling my pre-order


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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!



I pre-ordered in October, but codes were all kinds of messed up and I did not receive an actual working code until December 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give SWTOR my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am I to expect them to successfully manage a large scale MMO?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(

Edited by Dichotomi
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When did you register your codes?


By the rate of issue from the last few days, I'd expect Sep-Mid Oct tomorrow

Mid Oct - Late Nov Friday. December Sat.


(This is all guesswork and could be +/- 5 days for any of the above... but let us know when your pre-order codes were applied and someone may be able to help)

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!


They're still figuring it out, it's touch and go. Also, up to five days early is a pretty general idea. It's really not as bad as it seems.

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!


Erh...we got two days EXTRA and still people complain? They said UP TO 5 DAYS early access....(which starts tomorrow).


As for EGA, think they are up to around early/mid Sept as of the last wave today, so I would imagine they might get up to Mid Oct tomorrow (I might get EGA tomorrow which is GREAT, if not, no biggie, and I got the collectors edition as well)

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Here's a reason for giving them your money. YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez. Origin allowing us to possibly get into the game early is a privilege to us, not a requirement of them. If your sanity depends on absolutely knowing when you will have access to the game, then it's the 20th. You will most definitely have access on the 20th. Your ultimatum only makes sense if you pre-ordered the game solely for the chance that Origin would be magnanimous enough to let ppl in early (which i am pretty sure they were not advertising until just recently). You are anxious. I get that. I am too. But cancelling your order just cuz you don't know exactly how early you will be let in? That's a bit petulant, don't you think?


Now if you will excuse me, I got my invite. Logging in now. (jk- still anxiously, stoically waiting in line)

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The not knowing idd is a bummer ain't it? Builds up patience though.Maybe one day sooner then you would think they'll be mail begging us to play the game asap and maybe a bit free? See recent WoW's 7 days Free game time.Competition is good isn't it?:) Don't get a heart attack over this pretty soon you'll be sorry you've wasted so many brain cells F5'ing your Mail. Edited by Cadivus
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Here's a reason for giving them your money. YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez. Origin allowing us to possibly get into the game early is a privilege to us, not a requirement of them. If your sanity depends on absolutely knowing when you will have access to the game, then it's the 20th. You will most definitely have access on the 20th. Your ultimatum only makes sense if you pre-ordered the game solely for the chance that Origin would be magnanimous enough to let ppl in early (which i am pretty sure they were not advertising until just recently). You are anxious. I get that. I am too. But cancelling your order just cuz you don't know exactly how early you will be let in? That's a bit petulant, don't you think?


Now if you will excuse me, I got my invite. Logging in now. (jk- still anxiously, stoically waiting in line)


I wish People could think more like you, these forums would be so much better without all the Qq ing. StarWars is being released the 20th, so go AFK , go get drunk, go do whatever u want come back the 20th and you can play. simple solution.

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Here's a reason for giving them your money. YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez. Origin allowing us to possibly get into the game early is a privilege to us, not a requirement of them. If your sanity depends on absolutely knowing when you will have access to the game, then it's the 20th. You will most definitely have access on the 20th. Your ultimatum only makes sense if you pre-ordered the game solely for the chance that Origin would be magnanimous enough to let ppl in early (which i am pretty sure they were not advertising until just recently). You are anxious. I get that. I am too. But cancelling your order just cuz you don't know exactly how early you will be let in? That's a bit petulant, don't you think?


Now if you will excuse me, I got my invite. Logging in now. (jk- still anxiously, stoically waiting in line)


Origin is not giving early access EA/Bioware/Lucas is. I did not order my CE from Origin (nor would I) I ordered form Best Buy...I just spoke to a CS rep from them where they are experiencing a number of people placing the orders on hold and cancelling because of this issue.

My order is on hold until tomorrow at which point (if I do not get to speak to a real live person at SWTOR or get an email) I will get a call back from Best Buy (a service that SWTOR doesn't offer) to give them my decision.

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Here's a reason for giving them your money. YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez. Origin allowing us to possibly get into the game early is a privilege to us, not a requirement of them. If your sanity depends on absolutely knowing when you will have access to the game, then it's the 20th. You will most definitely have access on the 20th. Your ultimatum only makes sense if you pre-ordered the game solely for the chance that Origin would be magnanimous enough to let ppl in early (which i am pretty sure they were not advertising until just recently). You are anxious. I get that. I am too. But cancelling your order just cuz you don't know exactly how early you will be let in? That's a bit petulant, don't you think?


Now if you will excuse me, I got my invite. Logging in now. (jk- still anxiously, stoically waiting in line)


Or you would only pre order under the assumption that they will do what they say they're going to do. They said we will have early access and are effing it up so bad and simply not telling people why they are having problems. If they could jsut shoot out some emails explaining themselves that would go a long way. It is not some privilege granted by a benevolent company. But a promise that in mine, and many peoples opinion they are breaking.

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I've been a member of these forums since 2009 and even tried starting a blog committed to the game. (didn't work out) I didn't order until December; But you'd think years of constructive participation would count for something. (ie: that it would also count alongside when you've actually pre-ordered the game)


How many more hours should I keep checking my email today?

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Or you would only pre order under the assumption that they will do what they say they're going to do. They said we will have early access and are effing it up so bad and simply not telling people why they are having problems. If they could jsut shoot out some emails explaining themselves that would go a long way. It is not some privilege granted by a benevolent company. But a promise that in mine, and many peoples opinion they are breaking.



All I am asking for is some basic communication. z

Again I would not care if I only got one day EA... I just want to know something. :eek:

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Origin is not giving early access EA/Bioware/Lucas is. I did not order my CE from Origin (nor would I) I ordered form Best Buy...I just spoke to a CS rep from them where they are experiencing a number of people placing the orders on hold and cancelling because of this issue.

My order is on hold until tomorrow at which point (if I do not get to speak to a real live person at SWTOR or get an email) I will get a call back from Best Buy (a service that SWTOR doesn't offer) to give them my decision.


I less person that will QQ and think he is the most important person in the world. Give them your money back. Some of us want to play the game and enjoy it, you sir seem to not care about the game, more about getting in earlier than the release date... who cares? YOU WILL PLAY the 20th! even if you order 1 min before midnight the 19th

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Here's a reason for giving them your money. YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez. Origin allowing us to possibly get into the game early is a privilege to us, not a requirement of them. If your sanity depends on absolutely knowing when you will have access to the game, then it's the 20th. You will most definitely have access on the 20th. Your ultimatum only makes sense if you pre-ordered the game solely for the chance that Origin would be magnanimous enough to let ppl in early (which i am pretty sure they were not advertising until just recently). You are anxious. I get that. I am too. But cancelling your order just cuz you don't know exactly how early you will be let in? That's a bit petulant, don't you think?


Now if you will excuse me, I got my invite. Logging in now. (jk- still anxiously, stoically waiting in line)

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I less person that will QQ and think he is the most important person in the world. Give them your money back. Some of us want to play the game and enjoy it, you sir seem to not care about the game, more about getting in earlier than the release date... who cares? YOU WILL PLAY the 20th! even if you order 1 min before midnight the 19th


Amen to this. To much crying going on in these forums.

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Honestly, the amount of people trying to return the game because they couldnt play today is ridiculous. I understand Bioware isnt handling this very well...But if people actually read the rules instead of just the headline, this wouldnt be an issue.


Do you guys click on every internet link that says "FREE IPAD, JUST CLICK HERE!"

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I think BW or whoever should refund anyone wanting their money back because they haven't got their early access invite yet (which wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow anyway and doesnt really matter that much in the run) because if history is any sort of teacher - this little issue (assuming it IS an issue) is likely to be the smallest of such issues that will crop up as the game evolves and if people are going to throw such tantrums and cancel orders over 5-days worth of early access - let them go - BW will save billons in customer care costs by not having to pour through frivolous customer care complaints, which they can then reinvest in the game - improving it for reasonable people like me to enjoy.
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