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SKILLS---> when do they start to function ?!!?


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How many recent high profile MMOs have released without bugs? Everyone keeps towing the Rifts line, but everything I read about that release was huge queues, little if any end game, and an overall stale gaming experience. I don't recall any other recent MMO that released without issues. That isn't really a justification for the current state of TOR, I would have liked to see a more fluid release personally. I ran smack into the Taris issue, and still do not want to step foot on that planet even though I know it is fixed.

What up to a fellow dev. Yeah, I'm not bashing Bioware or the devs, believe me. I'm just saying it's a sign of the times that we as consumers have to expect stuff to not work. As devs we get rushed by management who got rushed by upper management who got rushed by the board who got rushed by the parent company who got rushed by their investors. The alternative is Quake takes three years to hit shelves and WoW takes five. Truth be told, I prefer the alternative. I prefer the old dev cycles and near bug-free code. I prefer the old industry climate. Agile Development is the A.I.D.S. of our profession.


Btw, Taris was fun last night. Fun like an anal probe... :/

Edited by mrHaterade
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What up to a fellow dev. Yeah, I'm not bashing Bioware or the devs, believe me. I'm just saying it's a sign of the times that we as consumers have to expect stuff to not work. As devs we get rushed by management who got rushed by upper management who got rushed by the board who got rushed by the parent company who got rushed by their investors. The alternative is Quake takes three years to hit shelves and WoW takes five.


Btw, Taris was fun last night. Fun like an anal probe... :/



I hear ya, not only are they being pushed to get the product out by everyone you mentioned but their fans are going bonkers about it as well. How many threads were created in the months prior to the game's release crying for it to be released. Now that it is here, we have to suffer through a number of bugs that leave some of us scratching our heads. "How did that make it through a QA cycle?"


Having been through my share of production installs, I know that there are times when the question is asked "Is this something that will be a "game" breaker?". I don't design games, the term "game breaker" is just something used by a lot of devs/leads/managers. I digress, if the answer is "No, there's a work around or it shouldnt' be a huge impact" then we move forward with the code as is. This is on release night of course, something is found during testing after the code was promoted to the live environment. If the answer to that question is "Yes" then things are backed out. I'm sure those are the times when BW says "we had to push back the install a day or three".


People have to remember that TOR, and other MMOs for that matter, have a lot of moving parts. Sometimes you fix one thing, and then discover that it broke 5 other processes that you didn't realize were related in any way. Then you need to back out your fix, in dev (hopfully), and then go about finding a fix that doesn't cause more problems.

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At no point were people qq rage quitting with the initial point of this post, people were simply stating bioware is severely lagging on fixing the problem with marauders/sentinels and the fact they have the time to do all this other **** when something so basic as a class functions become optional is a valid complaint, again, doesn't matter how good the game is, bugs usually mean you have to deal with issues of interaction with the environment, instead, as marauder/sentinel you must cross your fingers and hope just to interact with your character, that is a major problem.
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...the fact they have the time to do all this other **** when something so basic as a class functions become optional is a valid complaint...

Well here's something I overlooked in my previous rant, and now feel stupid because of said oversight: The team working on the 1.1 content is not the same team working on class ability mechanics. And you don't freeze Team A to help work on Team B's bugs because they'll just cause more problems. The release of 1.1 had no impact on the timeline of bug fixes to unrelated issues.

Edited by Paralassa
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At no point were people qq rage quitting with the initial point of this post, people were simply stating bioware is severely lagging on fixing the problem with marauders/sentinels and the fact they have the time to do all this other **** when something so basic as a class functions become optional is a valid complaint, again, doesn't matter how good the game is, bugs usually mean you have to deal with issues of interaction with the environment, instead, as marauder/sentinel you must cross your fingers and hope just to interact with your character, that is a major problem.


Here is the problem I have with this line of reasoning. You believe that it is horribly broken, when I know based on people that I play with that it is not broken for everyone. So the solution here is not to rage on about how much you want this fixed, instead you should be gathering data and passing it along. Vague imagery about skills not working doesn't help solve anything. You need to provide specific details about what you were doing, when you were doing and what the net result was. Dumping that into a forum post is probably not the best way to help either. Send an email to their tech group, if there is one (I haven't checked) that way the info is logged to a ticket and they have a better point of reference.


Yelling at us doesn't solve your problem, and I'm guessing it doesn't help you feel any better since your issue still isn't resolved.

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Here is the problem I have with this line of reasoning. You believe that it is horribly broken, when I know based on people that I play with that it is not broken for everyone. So the solution here is not to rage on about how much you want this fixed, instead you should be gathering data and passing it along. Vague imagery about skills not working doesn't help solve anything. You need to provide specific details about what you were doing, when you were doing and what the net result was. Dumping that into a forum post is probably not the best way to help either. Send an email to their tech group, if there is one (I haven't checked) that way the info is logged to a ticket and they have a better point of reference.


Yelling at us doesn't solve your problem, and I'm guessing it doesn't help you feel any better since your issue still isn't resolved.


I'm curious as to how you think I raged? I am fairly certain i simply added objective observations to an issue stated, perhaps you assume simply because I criticize that i must be emotional, this is not the case. Its not a constant, as stated, it is random, and pvp related issues mostly. But thanks for the guide on how to react to bugs, I wish I had known how to do that all during beta testing, omg, I could of been more productive (sarcasm), now if you'd like to stop trying to play superior intellect and actually understand the discussion, feel free. No one is yelling at anybody, I know text makes interpretation difficult at times, but you seemed to have missed the context totally... try again. btw, didn't even start this thread.



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