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Well, just chill out for another month or two and maybe you'll see server merges.


This is just my personal opinion so I expect to be flamed on this:


Until MMO's stop copying the old WoW/Rift/Warhammer/swtor/aion model of 2 faction and instanced pve/pvp, you'll keep seeing games like this crash and burn. It's a crying shame Lineage 2 doesn't take better care of it's community (and botting problems) or Shadowbane didn't have a stronger launch =/ Personally I'm going back to WoW because it's the best of what it's style of MMO does.


I'd rather see an MMO that's strictly PvE centered like FFXI again or PvP centered where it's more like guild vs guild. And to give credit where credit is due, WoW copied a lot of it's vanilla gameplay mechanics from EQ but added in instances and eventually more PvP rewards. I didn't like battlegrounds at first because I liked the world PvP but since everything is polished and balanced now it's literally an e-sport and that's pretty fun.


This game is hardly polished and you can feel it when you play it. I'd rather just go play something that is fun again. Probably just going to take a break from MMO's because I'm tired of being screwed out of my money for these half-baked releases. And when WoW/L2/FFXI came out there weren't a quarter of the MMO's out that there are now. The standard has been set. Meet them or fail. Rift had some minor launch issues but not nearly has bad as this tragedy of a game =(




WoW has been around what 6 years or more as with all those games been around more then two years. This game is just passing its first month. Give it time you never know what we will be saying about this game in 6 years.

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WoW has been around what 6 years or more as with all those games been around more then two years. This game is just passing its first month. Give it time you never know what we will be saying about this game in 6 years.


Whatever happened to that Star Wars game?


Hell, I dunno, it imploded after like a year and a half or so.


Oh yeah, that was when they released Fog of Gungantopia right?


Yeah, something like that.



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Hey darthmazley...Glad it made you smile a bit... but if i told you why i have bad spelling ect...



I could care less about the perfect written word...

This day and age its all about the texting anyways..

i could write like that....

but again don't care...

I know in my mind that if you can post something that you could decipher bad spelling..

Its show the lack of a strong mind to read the bad writing and only see bad typos...



Anyway lest i got to do something tonight that made me smile....

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WoW has been around what 6 years or more as with all those games been around more then two years. This game is just passing its first month. Give it time you never know what we will be saying about this game in 6 years.


I'm pretty sure I could finish all the hard modes (experts) on Rift when it first came out. This game only 2 were remotely possible to finish. That's pretty uncool. Loot boxes not opening and bosses 1 shotting tanks for no reason? Why'd it take them a whole month to fix those but a couple hours to fix economy exploits? Or better yet, why didn't the game come out with better UI customization? Why couldn't we pick what warzone to go in? Do you really think that the community wouldn't ask for that kind of stuff?


Not to mention most of the promises they made about the game in their pod-casts fell short. Plus crafting is a joke, almost all the lv 50 schems are BOP. Whats the point of spending hundreds of thousands of credits for a flippin level 49 schem proc that MIGHT have the stats you're looking for.

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Whatever happened to that Star Wars game?


Hell, I dunno, it imploded after like a year and a half or so.


Oh yeah, that was when they released Fog of Gungantopia right?


Yeah, something like that.




Everybody said the same thing about WoW. Look where it went. You very well might be right. I don't think so but who knows. Could be sitting where WoW is now. Star Wars has a fan base something WoW didn't at the beginning.

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Everybody said the same thing about WoW. Look where it went. You very well might be right. I don't think so but who knows. Could be sitting where WoW is now. Star Wars has a fan base something WoW didn't at the beginning.


Rift and Warhammer kept saying the same thing =/ Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play in a better world than the warcraft lore ****, but it's still a better game. Sure I like swinging lightsabers and shooting NPC's in the face during cinematics (much better that having to party with a gnome or a goblin for the love of god) but the rest of the game (swtor) just isn't fun to play. It's so bleh, been there done that, done that better in fact.


Lv 1-50 I was a beleiver, this game would rick roll the competition, but then I took a hard mode and some raids two to the knee (and then a 1.1 Ilum PvP experience) and said I'm done paying these game developers for these crappy grames.

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I'm pretty sure I could finish all the hard modes (experts) on Rift when it first came out. This game only 2 were remotely possible to finish. That's pretty uncool. Loot boxes not opening and bosses 1 shotting tanks for no reason? Why'd it take them a whole month to fix those but a couple hours to fix economy exploits? Or better yet, why didn't the game come out with better UI customization? Why couldn't we pick what warzone to go in? Do you really think that the community wouldn't ask for that kind of stuff?


Not to mention most of the promises they made about the game in their pod-casts fell short. Plus crafting is a joke, almost all the lv 50 schems are BOP. Whats the point of spending hundreds of thousands of credits for a flippin level 49 schem proc that MIGHT have the stats you're looking for.


Well you must understand a couple hours that a team of second year college students probably fixed cleaning up codes. The true dev team is working on big fixes that will not be fixed in one day. As far as the customization well can't say much there didn't really mind the choices would have liked a few more options myself. Perhaps in time they will look at that perhaps they want you to go to legacy for more options. Not sure I follow 100%.


As far as the Warzones go. One would make you have a longer wait. More rebels on one server means longer que times. Perhaps they didn't want you to wait. I don't see an issue. Believe it or not I come to like huttball being empire I hate the republic tag I sometimes get. Plus I don't like force lightning that much. One of my issues were splitting the 50's from the pack did it round the PvP yes but did it detract from level 50 from going good yes. They earned the gear let them show off. If you were less then 50 it bumped your ability,


Last but not least I can't speak of the 49 schemes cause well I am not there yet. I rolled an Assassin first went to 40 realized it wasn't me and went to Bounty Hunter now level 43. I like it so going clear up to 50 then I am going to try Republic yuck just to get a feel for that side of the fence. You must try different things perhaps you might see the other side.

Edited by jackalious
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You mean I could of intended exactly that, I felt the full stop was a little more impact-full...


"Could of" is wrong. The contraction "could've" is a contraction of "could" and "have".


There's nothing wrong with the two sentences I posted. With the possible exception of "impactful", but that's stylistic. ;)

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If you want to correct someone's grammar you better come correct. I mean you should bring out the James Joyce writing skills and be like, "You suck, you suck too, you're worse."


Did you look at the OP's post? lol I'm surprised you didn't have an aneurysm!

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You mean I could have intended exactly that, I felt the full stop was a little more impact-full...



"Indeed, that is what I could have intended to say; however, I was of the opinion that the full stop between sentences was far more impactful than a simple comma."


Happy? ;)

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Well you must understand a couple hours that a team of second year college students probably fixed cleaning up codes. The true dev team is working on big fixes that will not be fixed in one day. As far as the customization well can't say much there didn't really mind the choices would have liked a few more options myself. Perhaps in time they will look at that perhaps they want you to go to legacy for more options. Not sure I follow 100%. Well one would make you have a longer wait. More rebels on one server means longer que times. Perhaps they didn't want you to wait. I don't see an issue. Believe it or not I come to like huttball being empire I hate the republic tag I sometimes get. Plus I don't like force lightning that much.


Last but not least I can't speak of the 49 schemes cause well I am not there yet. I rolled an Assassin first went to 40 realized it wasn't me and went to Bounty Hunter now level 43. I like it so going clear up to 50 then I am going to try Republic yuck just to get a fell for that side of the fence. You must try different things perhaps you might see the other side.


Eh, the TL : DR version of my feelings would be: end game sucks, and still sucks post 1.1. Don't feel like playing alts, not enough to do with my 1 toon.

Edited by GambinoV
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