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Good job!!! Me My whole Guild all Ended the game today only 20 of use...Was it that the game was too buggy? No... was it that messy Iiilum up...No was the game not fun? We all really liked the game...My toon ended level 50 /64 valor .. still crushing in level 50 pvp...Full battle master gear...but now the pvp so boring not sure what u change and no one talking about it PvP is a small part of the game Till u hit level 50 then it going to take a big chunk of time up.....I left the game for one huge reason... The Devs or whoever where taking down post of player that had thing to say that where wrong... i read at lest 30 posted when hitting Refresh.. that where closed within 1 to 5 min of them getting posted !!!!!:eek: SO I POSTED 1 was up for 4 min then boom gone.... was like ok.. i make other boom email to me banned my post ....Boom deleted My own CC stuff.... Boom whole Guild leaves Boom all Sever pop r at light and holding again GREAT JOB!!! 1..HOW TO GET YOUR PLAYER BACK? fire your forum employees... 2 Read what the vast probs r ... Try to Fix them 1 by 1 by at lest tell use what your going to do or that your trying 2 do about the Bugs!!! not give me a vid of thing years from now that might or might not be in game...DO I WANT ANYTHING FOR FREE? NO!!! DO I WANT TO HAVE FUN PLAYING THIS GAME ??? YES....FOR ALL YOUR player that love this game for the right reason im sorry i feel bad too... for those players that this game is perfect u must work for swg in some way so Suck my mother @@@@ @@@@ and go away so real players can get some stuff fixed in game ....Sorry about my Spelling !!!! im Sad to leave! (may the devs roll you all back ) sure my post will be taking off time it up is 2;19 Boom Screen shot!
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That all your can say is your spelling bad? wow your could care less about this game i see,,


Stop, breath, and find the . you're looking for lol


(Also there's a difference between "you", "your" and "you're". Your disregard to grammar also makes your argument invalid.)

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