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In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


Ability lag votes "yes". If the game won't let me play at close to my full potential then I will find a game that will.

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This is the first MMO that i haven't re-subbed for after the first free month. It's like we're paying to play in the beta (and the developers don't even fix the bugs or implement new ideas that will make the game better). The state this game is in currently is completely unacceptable for today's gaming standards and Bioware's once good reputation will forever be tarnished because of it.


+1, i kinda feel sorry for bioware, a 3+ years work mmo, becoming paying beta testing


BTW: didn't already those problems appear in test servers and still they the published the patch?


How will it ever be fair if now republic fights 1 to 5 and understuffed?

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I feel like SWTOR was a big joke on gamers...


I can see the executives at Bioware thinking... "Look how many idiots paid $50 for this game. We just farted and and put star wars on the title."


I wish I could get my money back.... I dont understand why we cant really. If we went to subway for a italian grinder and got poop on bread we would....

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If there's going to be a large subscription loss, it'll probably come in about a month or so, when Republics perceive that they absoultely have no chance of defeating a real or imagined army of Empire Battlemasters due to Ilum exploits. Right now, even if this army exists, they still don't have time to get their BM gear to actually decimate the opposition. But in a month they will, if this army truly exists.
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I feel like SWTOR was a big joke on gamers...


I can see the executives at Bioware thinking... "Look how many idiots paid $50 for this game. We just farted and and put star wars on the title."


I wish I could get my money back.... I dont understand why we cant really. If we went to subway for a italian grinder and got poop on bread we would....


Honestly, Bioware has yet to make a bad single player RPG IMO.


I think this game was overly-hyped and anticaped for to long and made the DEVs rush to complete it and had the mind thought of, "We will fix small errors after the game is released our subscribers will not mind."

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Honestly, Bioware has yet to make a bad single player RPG IMO.


I think this game was overly-hyped and anticaped for to long and made the DEVs rush to complete it and had the mind thought of, "We will fix small errors after the game is released our subscribers will not mind."


They don't even have that mentality. They blatantly said beta testers' feedbacks were inconsequential during the months of beta we had because they had an "internal" team of testers where they got the information they think is better.


They don't listen. It's sheer audacity on James Ohlen's part to lie with a straight face that they do listen to the players when shaping their game. Even something that the community united as this Ilum fiasco is basically being unaddressed or has ineffective band-aid fixes that does nothing.



And really? Empire has already outnumbered Republic on most servers and BioWare went ahead and changed Sith Warrior's version of Awe to make victims fall onto the ground flailing around like helpless children. Does the Empire seriously need more incentives for players to play it?


There's a seriously vast detachment between the SWTOR dev team and their players.


I wonder how happy EA and Bioware's investors will be in a few months?

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Remember how in all the interviews and whatever BioWare was asked, "So the story is good, where's all the MMO aspects."


Then BioWare was all like, "Don't worry bro, it's all there. All the normal stuff you'd expect."


Lesson learned from TOR:


If an upcoming MMO doesn't show you their endgame, that's a red flag for disaster.

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I've already unsubscribed after the first free month and all but two of the people I levelled with have too - really wanted to like the game and enjoyed the pre endgame stuff immensely, but the animation/latency bugs/control responsiveness are beyond crippling. Kick etc being blocked by animations is just gamebreaking.


I hope they fix this though, definitely interested in another look when (if? it seems very core) gets fixed.


Yeah I agree with this. Nothing else bugs me about this game other than the animations and character response lag. Makes the game a chore to play when I feel that I have to compensate for things like those.

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I'm resubbing because I'm a silly fanboy, but I was pretty close to unsubscribing a few times as I moved along to 50.


My friends convinced me to keep playing another month, but I feel like a lot needs to happen to keep me around beyond that.


It feels like this game tried to be Star Wars: WoW and it's failing at many things all at once.

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


I unsubbed today.

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Yes, and not because of stupid warzones. It's because there is no real PVP, just instanced shlt. You can get that in any other MMO. Open World PVP is what is missing in the current generation. Bioware continues to ignore that fact.
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  1. Characters seem so unresponsive.
  2. Hated WoWs world pvp maps, but those were 100x better than this garbage.
  3. No arena.
  4. Too many bugs to list.
  5. No damage meters/combat log.
  6. Horrible load times in some maps.
  7. Story is getting boring, I skip all the story options now.
  8. PVP balance has been ruined with geared out Sith who pvp less than me.
  9. My sage looks terrible wearing nothing but pretty dresses.
  10. I throw pebbles at people that you can barely see, while my "mirror" class shoots deadly looking lightning spells.


Issues they need to fix or I am just gonna play Super Mario brothers until a better MMO comes out.

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They don't even have that mentality. They blatantly said beta testers' feedbacks were inconsequential during the months of beta we had because they had an "internal" team of testers where they got the information they think is better.


They don't listen. It's sheer audacity on James Ohlen's part to lie with a straight face that they do listen to the players when shaping their game. Even something that the community united as this Ilum fiasco is basically being unaddressed or has ineffective band-aid fixes that does nothing.



And really? Empire has already outnumbered Republic on most servers and BioWare went ahead and changed Sith Warrior's version of Awe to make victims fall onto the ground flailing around like helpless children. Does the Empire seriously need more incentives for players to play it?


There's a seriously vast detachment between the SWTOR dev team and their players.


I wonder how happy EA and Bioware's investors will be in a few months?



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I will not do PvP on this game until they fix it. I will level up characters, enjoy the wonderful PvE storylines, and if I get bored of that, I'll unsub. If I read one day they actually implement sustainable, objective based PvP that isn't based on the idea of dailies and gear acquisition, (implement something like DAoC PVP) then I'll resub for PvP. Edited by LexiCazam
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They expanded the servers or something, that's why there's more space now...


Pirates of the Burning Sea did that too. They even changed the definition of light, medium and heavy. As in, how many people was light, how many medium and how many heavy. All in order to make it look like the game was fine. Guess what? It wasn't. It was dead in 3 months, F2P in a while, and still dead today. I'm thinking that Penny Arcade comic was right on the money.

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