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Lightsaber Color


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My Shadow Consular will likely go red, as I have forseen a fall to the Dark Side in his future. Not a complete fall, but a partial fall.


For my Sage Consular, I'm intending to go classic blue, but wouldn't be adverse to Yellow either.


My Knight will be green. Definitely green.


I was kinda shocked that you could use a red crystal even if you were a "neutral" Jedi. I fully expected a requirement of at least Dark I in order to use it.


Question though: Has there been any indication that an orange crystal exists? Not orange as in item quality, but orange as the color, like Kyle Katarn's blade?


Because if there is an orange, I'm gonna have to rock that on my Knight, and switch my sage over to Green.


There's a double-bladed lightsaber on Coruscant with an orange crystal. One of the 3 commendation vendors. It'll cost you 14, but I ended that planet with 40 of them and I didn't even take all of them I was offered in quest rewards. So cost really isn't an issue.


It had an alignment restriction, but I don't think it had anything to do with the crystal. It may have been just the lightsaber itself that had the restriction, it was dark 1 and it had a darkish sounding name.


So anyway, you could try that.

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I'm currently rolling with a Blue colored blade, but i think it would be cool to see a more whiter colored blue.


Oh n by the way -


But, more importanly: What crafting skill can lower my ship and give it spinners?


1 of the best sayings i have read yet in the forums, ROTFLMFAO!!!

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