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Republic = Hardmode


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When you create a character and you start by picking Republic or Empire,


Please add this to the selection:



Republic = HARDMODE






BioWare always has this option in their games one way or another....




Major population imbalance for Empire. Check.

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check.

Patches that favor Empire. Check.

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check.

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.)

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I'm interested to know, as I play a republic mirror class (JK), what are the imbalances between the rep and imp mirror classes?


to list a couple.....


project = shock, yet project has a flight time to target meaning it applies damage later then shock


flash bang = flash grenade (Smug and op aoe cc) smug one has a 30 second longer CD then the imp one (tho they've acknowledged this BUT HAVEN'T FIXED IT YET even tho it's LITERALLY changing a variable)



ALTHOUGH here's one in the republics favor


sage aoe heal = sorc aoe heal. Sage aoe heal gives the intended initial heal as well as the HoT for staying in the circle afterwards, sorcerers does not

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Major population imbalance for Empire. Check.


I'm on the biggest server in EU and I've got /played time of nearly 3 days. I haven't seen a single republic player, let alone empire after starting area.

Don't feel the "imbalance" anywhere when I'm always playing alone :p

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to list a couple.....


project = shock, yet project has a flight time to target meaning it applies damage later then shock


flash bang = flash grenade (Smug and op aoe cc) smug one has a 30 second longer CD then the imp one (tho they've acknowledged this BUT HAVEN'T FIXED IT YET even tho it's LITERALLY changing a variable)



ALTHOUGH here's one in the republics favor


sage aoe heal = sorc aoe heal. Sage aoe heal gives the intended initial heal as well as the HoT for staying in the circle afterwards, sorcerers does not


flash bang/flash grenade one is fixed as of patch 1.1, read the patch notes before you post threads about complete and total bs. It's completely impossible for any animation or cooldown difference between Mirrors to be bugs or oversight amirite? Patience my young apprentice, the end is not nigh.

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flash bang/flash grenade one is fixed as of patch 1.1, read the patch notes before you post threads about complete and total bs. It's completely impossible for any animation or cooldown difference between Mirrors to be bugs or oversight amirite? Patience my young apprentice, the end is not nigh.


ok legitimately didn't see the bang/grenade fix


as for shock/project they admitted they were aware of it pre launch in a video and haven't done anything about it yet

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Major population imbalance for Empire. Check.

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check.

Patches that favor Empire. Check.

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check....


How do you know?

How so?

How so?

How so?

That's your opinion.

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I'm on the biggest server in EU and I've got /played time of nearly 3 days. I haven't seen a single republic player, let alone empire after starting area.

Don't feel the "imbalance" anywhere when I'm always playing alone :p


This is b/c so many people are quitting this joke of a glorified 1 player game with instanced based battlegrounds and/or Zerg-fest Ilum.



(oh I mean MMO......wait no...... no its not)

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How do you know? - how many huttballs do u get vs how many civil war/void star i mean that's just for pvp but that's a decent way to be able to tell, or just go on the fleet for each faction

How so? there are some legitimate things (such as shock/project imbalance and the newly-fixed flashbang/grenade imba

How so? no clue on the patch one

How so? no clue on this one either

That's your opinion. agreed


responses in red

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ok legitimately didn't see the bang/grenade fix


as for shock/project they admitted they were aware of it pre launch in a video and haven't done anything about it yet


I understand not seeing it, and I'm sorry I know I sounded like a douche I'm just really tired of hateful threads. I realize you are not trying to be hateful so I will fix my attitude starting: Now.


Back on topic, if they have admitted that they are aware of an issue, they will fix it. Not immediately, but they will. They more than like have much larger issues on their minds at the time. The Project/Shock difference in damage is like what? 1 second? The global cooldown is 1.5, so it's not like the Sorcs are gonna be able to do more damage to you within that time frame. The only situation in which this is false is when the Sorc casted his Shock .5 seconds before you, so yes he will start casting again before you.


They will fix this when they can get around to it, I assure you. I'm not a Dev, or an Official of Bioware at all. And no, I'm not a fanboy, I have never even played Mass Effect. But a Developer will not listen to a million complaints without subconsciously hearing "Hey, you, go fix Project" in his sleep at night. The equipment I use at my job makes a tiny beep everytime I use it, and I hear that in my sleep at night. Customer complaints are a lot louder than a beep.

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When you create a character and you start by picking Republic or Empire,


Please add this to the selection:


Republic = HARDMODE




BioWare always has this option in their games one way or another....


Major population imbalance for Empire. Check.

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check.

Patches that favor Empire. Check.

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check.

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.)


What do you mean that Bioware always has this option? What you mean their previous Star Wars MMOs favoured the Empire? Wait...but they've never had one of those before...you must mean that their previous MMOs have favoured...wait, none of those either. Well, you must mean that their previous Star Wars games that had you picking Empire or Republic at the start had these problems...wait. Nope.




Major population imbalance for Empire. Check. - That's outwith Bioware's control. People flocked to the Empire because they like playing the Dark Side. People like to be the bad guy. How could BW have improved this, in your opinion?

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check. - Classes are mirrored on each faction with only really spell animations and equipable weapon types being different. Actual material differences are bugs, and are fixed.

Patches that favor Empire. Check. What? When?

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check. I seem to remember a whole series of videos leading up to launch, each with two Bioware devs, each arguing the case for one class being better - and in each case one was Republic and one was Empire.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check. Total opinion, not fact. I actually prefer the Jedi Sage's invisible force powers (with rocks and scenery used to demonstrate their effect) to the flashy showiness of the Sorcerer's purple lightning. It seems much truer to the way the force was used in the movies.

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.) Again, opinion as fact - If you like evil-looking gear for Siths then maybe this is true for you. Although I would say Smuggler and Trooper gear is nicer than BH and IA gear....and the difference between Jedi and Sith gear wasn't really Bioware's fault - George Lucas decided what Jedi wore and their color palette some time in the 1970s. Also I really like the Jedi Consular gear.


Don't get me wrong, I think this game has some serious flaws. But this post is just silly - there's no demonstratable evidence that there is any kind of "faction favouritism" - and people who think that any game developer would intentionally shoot themselves in the foot by trying to favour one faction in a 2 faction game is delusional.

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I don't seem to see the imbalance in people playing Empire.


My first character was a Bounty Hunter (at lv 15 at the moment).


I have also just rolled a Jedi Knight and I am seeing far more peoplel in the starter area than I ever did as a Bounty Hunter.


Server is The Shadow Runner EU.

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Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check.

Patches that favor Empire. Check.

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check.

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.)


Don't forget your tinfoil hat ;)


And seriously? end game gear is better looking? Its all equally awful with probably sage/shadow as the only decent looking gear i've seen.


Don't forget, we don't get Cyan sabers either, we're stuck with purple. +1 for the Republic :D

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wow.... so many things wrong in this post. I dont even have the energy to educate you right now (3:30am atm) but i will be brief:


What do you mean that Bioware always has this option? What you mean their previous Star Wars MMOs favoured the Empire? Wait...but they've never had one of those before...you must mean that their previous MMOs have favoured...wait, none of those either. Well, you must mean that their previous Star Wars games that had you picking Empire or Republic at the start had these problems...wait. Nope.


The option to select the LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY to play......not Empire vs Republic...... Try to understand the subject matter of the post.





Major population imbalance for Empire. Check. - That's outwith Bioware's control. People flocked to the Empire because they like playing the Dark Side. People like to be the bad guy. How could BW have improved this, in your opinion?

Just stating a known fact that would make it HARDER as republic especially on a PvP Server? Again.....subject matter.

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check. - Classes are mirrored on each faction with only really spell animations and equipable weapon types being different. Actual material differences are bugs, and are fixed.

There are AT LEAST 20 different abilites that favor the Empire side that are supposed to be mirrors.... a TON of posts on these forums listing them all in detail, look it up.

Patches that favor Empire. Check. What? When?
1.1? Empire obtaining massive amounts of Valor?..... BioWare is fully aware of the Ilum changes favoring the faction with 3:1 numbers on average......

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check. I seem to remember a whole series of videos leading up to launch, each with two Bioware devs, each arguing the case for one class being better - and in each case one was Republic and one was Empire.
LOL ? videos by devs? Did you see the "a bunch of players beating on 1 mob is not very heroic" video too ? Videos by devs....good one.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check. Total opinion, not fact. I actually prefer the Jedi Sage's invisible force powers (with rocks and scenery used to demonstrate their effect) to the flashy showiness of the Sorcerer's purple lightning. It seems much truer to the way the force was used in the movies.

Sigh.... this is referring to the fact that animations go off FASTER than the Republic counterpart....creating an ADVANTAGE. THIS IS NOT OPINION.....LOOK IT UP. THERE ARE MANY!

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.) Again, opinion as fact - If you like evil-looking gear for Siths then maybe this is true for you. Although I would say Smuggler and Trooper gear is nicer than BH and IA gear....and the difference between Jedi and Sith gear wasn't really Bioware's fault - George Lucas decided what Jedi wore and their color palette some time in the 1970s. Also I really like the Jedi Consular gear.

Check out Jedi knights ENDGAME PvP Gear...... it doesnt look anything like the movies. But yes, this is my opinion.... and most others' as well from what I hear.
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Major population imbalance for Empire. Check. - That's outwith Bioware's control. People flocked to the Empire because they like playing the Dark Side. People like to be the bad guy. How could BW have improved this, in your opinion?


That's not true, Bioware could have taken a page from previous games like Warhammer Online and Planetside. Granted, those are more pvp based but they could have tweaked it. Basically if one team was strongly outnumbering the other the weaker team got a bonus. Sometimes it was XP or a bonus to what TOR would call Valor. I don't know if some sort of bonus would make a huge difference, but it would be more then what they've attempted so far..

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Major population imbalance for Empire. Check.

Which will change with the queuing issues arising from the introduction of the Level 50 PvP bracket.

Class imbalances in Empire's favor. Check.

Anything that is there is pretty tiny(approaching irrelevancy as an asymptote approaches zero), and there's some in the opposite direction.

Patches that favor Empire. Check.

Issues in bugs (not apparent until live) arising from the faction imbalance, which as I said should come around to sort itself.

Favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware Devs. Check.

False. And everyone always thinks that the devs favour the faction they're not playing.

Animations for core abilities that are better for Empire. Check.

Pfft. Subjective at best.

(Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.)

Again, subjective at best. Also custom gear - though end-game mods do take some work.


Also, it should be mentioned that at this time the Republic has an easier time queuing for PvP and a tighter community due to the fact that you're more likely to see the same people again. Which in turn helps strategies develop even in solo queues/PUGs.

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We must fight the zerg infestation facing LITERALLY impossible odds :D


On my server at least....from what i understood majority of PvP servers are plagued by huge faction imbalance to the extent of Republic not even showing up on Ilum any more, not all servers off course, but many indeed.

Edited by Vlacke
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