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Why you shouldn't be concerned about all the QQ on this forum


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Lol, not being a bouncer, just wondering why they didn't just talk to the manager and let the other customers have a good evening? See what I am getting at? Let them know, in a reasonable manner, what your issues are, and possibly any solutions you may have for them, then move on. they have already acknowledged every issue on the forums, and now I'm seeing the "I'm unsubbing, who's with me?" How does that help at all? BioWare/EA can see the sub numbers and know where the problems are.


I see the same number of "I am unsubing" posts with "Thank you BW" or "I am not unsubing" posts. You obviously only concerned about the former. I am concerned about both. I find both of these trash. But I find some very interesting posts that complain and people that are harassing the author. And believe me, your posts now do not help BW at any way. If they are not ready to solve it, no complain nor praises will make them do it faster.


The reasoning of the complains are the lack of some really serious features, the poor support and the lack of tools to help supporting and the poor prioritization of issues.

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I see the same number of "I am unsubing" posts with "Thank you BW" or "I am not unsubing" posts. You obviously only concerned about the former. I am concerned about both. I find both of these trash. But I find some very interesting posts that complain and people that are harassing the author. And believe me, your posts now do not help BW at any way. If they are not ready to solve it, no complain nor praises will make them do it faster.


The reasoning of the complains are the lack of some really serious features, the poor support and the lack of tools to help supporting and the poor prioritization of issues.


You are not understanding what I am saying. But that is ok. Have a good morning/evening.

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Now you have to decide. You either compare the two games or not.


You can't say wow is more complete because it is old and on the other hand compare the rage in the forums! A 7 year old have comes with the natural tired customer base which has little patience. And you say it that since it happens in an old game, that will happen in a new one. Well no.

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To compare the community of WoW and SWTOR is short sighted, sure there is much complaining also on the WoW forums, but many players play that game already for years and always return to that game, SWTOR has not proven itself and people who leave SWTOR might never return.


And the complaining on the forums is a good thing, it shows the devs that there is much room for improvement. The truly disappointed players just leave without telling what made them leaving. So every complain is useful!


I agree with you to a degree. Not every complain you see here is usefull. There alot of threads that is pure QQ, epic fail ima gonna leave kk thnx bai, threads. With no indication what they dislike, or they just dislike everything, and continue to speculate Swtors doom on these forums.

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I agree. For 6 years I played WoW and almost every other MMO that hit the market and I can say with some confidence that the amount of doomsayers on its forums never stopped for a single day.


Developers don't post for some days ---> "They don't care about this game anymore. Only milking us for money to develop SC2/Diablo 3/NextMMO"


Developers post and agree with thread asking for change ---> "They lie!" or "This will kill the game if implemented!"


Developers disagree ---> "They don't play this game. We know what it needs!" or "This will kill the game if not implemented!"


Announcing official changes ---> "Unbalanced! Unplayable! The end is nigh!"


Patching ---> "They destroyed the game with this patch!"


Not patching ---> "They don't care anymore!"


See the similarities? You know that kind of game lacks these posts? A game with a small niche appeal and a very close nit community.

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You should have seen the WoW Forums when BC was announced and those "my first MMORPG" players realized that the dungeonsets they spent months farming for were going to be worthless.


I say Dungeonsats because the majority of those players never even set a foot in a 40 man raid instance.


Good times.


Anyway, WoW went to crap after BC, but somehow they still managed to gain players.

But there have been WoW are dying threads since that time.

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Must be why EA's stock was downgraded today from SWTOR worries. Because it's all so normal and expected.


The same stock holders who told us their was no financial crisis? They make their money on speculation and it is NOT indicative of anything. They are wrong all the *********** time.

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the 1% knew what the game was before they started playing it but they bought it anyways.


i am confused by this logic


There simply isn't a good comeback to this. There were dozens of videos on every streaming site when the NDA was lifted, open beta weekend for everyone interested enough to have a forum account and a lot of reviews everywhere.


Not to mention that Bioware always made it pretty clear what their game was about and what wouldn't be in it.


They failed to do the barest minimum of research before purchase and somehow it is BWs fault? I think not.

Edited by PuchuuTwo
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Well despite my original post, i do have to say that there is very big issu that will most likely have it's weight on my personal appreciation of the game.


The whole "character responsivness" issue. While it's managable at the leveling stage, it is the single deal breaker problem for me as you reach level 50. Too many times have i let a friend die in a heroic dungeon because my **** button took 1 second to response. Which is too much when you start doing the harcore endgame content.


Hopefully this will be adressed before march.


If not, than i guess i will pause my subscription untill they fix it.

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All i've got to say to Bioware is: Dont let the whiners bully you.


You made an incredible game and you should be very proud of it. It can only get better from here. I know you're not used to having people hate on you when you do good work, but these people hate on it because it makes them look cool in their eyes.

We all want the game to become even better with time. If for that patches need to be delayed and extra maintnance must happen then so be it.


Just dont let yourselves be bullied and dont show desperation, because really, i know you wanted the game to be perfect out of the gate and just have everyone flock to it and praise, but you have to understand that in the internet haters are gonna hate. Its just the way it is. They dont respect logic or intelligence.


Also, its the last day of the free month, all the haters are gonna create their last hate threads to leave their poison as long as possible. Tomorrow we will have a fresh start, with better feedback and costumers who enjoy this game and want to see it get even better. :)


And dont worry about the haters that leave now, they will be back once its obvious to everyone that SWTOR is the best MMO out in the market. Dont be like George Lucas, dont give up because of the haters, thats what they want.

Edited by Nemmar
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I have to agree. There are many complaint threads/posts..... but they are still here. If it was so bad, or another game so much better, they would have moved on by now.


I hear a lot of "I paid my money and I'm unhappy!" but there is also a place to tell bioware why you are unsubscribing when you unsubscribe. The only reason to post on the general discussion forum is to try to stir up a comotion. At least that is the only way that makes sense to me.


When I go out to eat and have a subpar meal, I may tell the manager what was wrong so it doesn't happen again, then I go home and probably wont go back to the same place again for a while. I don't hang out in front and tell incoming customers that the product they may pay for is not good and the restaraunt is going to fail.


That is what consumer reports is for.


The playerbase IS the consumer reports in this comparison. We're consuming swtor and reporting on it. What they do with that data is their choice, and what I do with my money is mine. don't expect my money, earn it.

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Their are things the game needs and fixing that needs to happen. NO SANE OR REASONABLE PERSON WILL ARGUE THIS. Bioware knows this as well. So many people *****ed about UI and rightly so (UI scaling can not come fast enough), so its being implemented. Fantastic. At the same time the vast chunk of people who come here to complain don't add much to the conversation that hasn't already been said. The lines have been drawn more or less and BW knows what it needs to do.
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