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It's too late


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The Empire on my server is gearing it's alts with BM gear now, I really do not see a way out of this mess Bioware created now. Republic is so far behind it's pathetic. By the time people grind the gear out they'll be coming up against not only fully geared people but OP'd dream teams that will be impossible to duplicate on the Republic side.


It's a shame too, the setting was fantastic and there was a great deal of potential here, in the end people can bash this post all they like but it's these same people who will have no one to pvp against.


Maybe in the end pvp should have been multi-server based with no group option, and Illum, well there are enough threads covering that mess so no need here. And I will say Bio is seriously destroying pvp in of itself, enough said, I'm disgusted.

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I would say that everyone will hate your post because the majority of people are empire, but then i realized that they are all probably pvping having a gay ole time while republic gets the shaft.


No clue what your talking about most of us ignore ilum now aswell.

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they would have needed to man up and do the rollback. either valor only (if databases/backups allow that, which they should) or complete rollbacks.


not seeing the necessity of this action may have just killed gearing in swtor alltogether which may have very well completely destroyed level 50 gameplay, especially non-pvp since ive already seen imps complain about hardmode FPs being too easy with their t3 pvp gear (lol).


heres how level 50 looks like now: people that exploited the hell out of 1.1 on day 1 are completely geared now and can completely dominate any warzone and pve content.

republics wont even bother signing into 50 warzones any more at all, leaving them a complete wasteland.


what this basically means is that you can enjoy the single player (or "coop" for that matter) aspect of the game and enjoy the individual stories of the classes. but once you hit 50, its game over, nothing left to do since a wow-esque combat system like this doesnt allow for challenging raid content, nor does the group size (6=win), nor does the lack of parsing (proper raiding IS all about number crunching)

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they would have needed to man up and do the rollback. either valor only (if databases/backups allow that, which they should) or complete rollbacks.


not seeing the necessity of this action may have just killed gearing in swtor alltogether which may have very well completely destroyed level 50 gameplay, especially non-pvp since ive already seen imps complain about hardmode FPs being too easy with their t3 pvp gear (lol).


heres how level 50 looks like now: people that exploited the hell out of 1.1 on day 1 are completely geared now and can completely dominate any warzone and pve content.

republics wont even bother signing into 50 warzones any more at all, leaving them a complete wasteland.


what this basically means is that you can enjoy the single player (or "coop" for that matter) aspect of the game and enjoy the individual stories of the classes. but once you hit 50, its game over, nothing left to do since a wow-esque combat system like this doesnt allow for challenging raid content, nor does the group size (6=win), nor does the lack of parsing (proper raiding IS all about number crunching)


Not a waste land since Empire can fight Empire too lol Why not warzone your way up?

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I agree, but you have to realize it's a month into the game. If they don't give incentives to player Republic soon, then I'm re-rolling to Empire.


It wont do you any good, on my server the republic pretty much dont go to illum its pointless (Veela). Its a pathetic pvp zone now even getting the daily done is hard cuz the center is just full of empire grabin the boxes.

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Mmo company will never purposely roll back servers to erase progress from players because a few percentage of the population exploited a error for 10 hours, it would be a bad business decision, people saying they should roll back are just angry and not thinking with there heads.
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I'm republic. I think there's too much whine on these forums and huge exaggerations going on.


I am for them doing a partial rollback on valor (like, reduce the amount that everyone got on Wednesday to 30k max)..... But I don't really see the huge problems you guys are whining about.


I have 3 pieces of champion gear and I'm valor rank 43, btw.


Oh, and I probably win a little over 50% of my warzones and i solo queue.

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Not objecting to a rollback, but what is this about players somehow getting "maxxed out Battlemasters? Valor (60) simply allows you access to start opening BM Bags, it certainly wouldn't magically cause them to all be suddenly geared in full BM Gear. Hell I still don't have a full champion (T2) set and I've been able to open those bags for quite some time. Am I missing something here? Edited by pyradius
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i hate his post and i am not empire at all.

people complain every hour about more imps and how they have more BMs and how they are farming BM gear now.

look at the BM pvp vendor.

then take a look at the champion vendor.


BM gear is more cosmetic than anything. sure if someone gets a full set of BM (good luck with that) they will have a whopping 60 or so more expertise and stats. im sorry but that is not game breaking at all. the amount of time it takes to get a few pieces of BM gear compared to how long it takes to get a FULL set of champion gear is drastic. you will get, at the most, 16 or so BM bags per week. at the same time you can get 20 champion bags AT LEAST! thats not counting trading in the comms you get for doing your dailys/weeklys. i average about 30+ champ bags a week now since im not 60 valor yet. it took me 2 weeks to get a full set and the only thing i am missing is the DBL LS. i have 506 or so Expertise and thats without using the relics that have expertise that were just added which champion gear has as well.

having a bunch of imps in BM gear is not the problem for you. the fact that instead of doing MORE pvp and getting BETTER you are crying here on the forums about how unfair it is.


im sorry but if someone works harder than you and puts more time in their work they get paid more its as simple as that.

if you do not like it re-roll on a different server with a better rep:imp ratio with some dedicated pvpers on it.

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These post just need to stop seriously its not BW fault that everyone rolled empire


Did bioware send you an email saying roll republic?


They sure as heck didnt send me an email saying roll Empire...


It's not BioWare's fault they pushed ahead with a series of systemic issues that heavily favor Sith, from mirror imbalance issues to Ilum to Lord knows what else.

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