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Survey says, "Operatives are over powered."


"Our heals are too good"


"Our knockdown is over powered"


"Our damage is over powered"


"Our stealth is overpowered with HS"





2 or 3 knockbacks


1 stun


Massive DPS


Moderate to heavy mitigation




2 stun breaks


1 immunity


2 gap closers - If you count grapple


DPS monster in PVP


Mitigation through the roof


Sith War/Jedi


I lost count how many CC's.


1 KB


1 Gap closer


DPS spec has more DPS throughput than operative and on multiple targets simultaneously.


Sith Sorc/counselor


Talent spec blind when bubble breaks through duration of Knockdown on HS


Knockback + root


Outheals concealment spec by a large margin.


Similar DPS throughput of concealment spec


1 Gap closer


Can run through hostile obsticles such as fire pits and slime






1 Stun break - does not effect chain stunning and has no immunity


1 3 second KD - 100% resolve


1 AOE flash bang - 100% resolve


1 out of combat CC - 100% resolve - Does not work if target is in combat


1 4 second stun - does not give 100% resolve


1 proc'd stun that doesn't proc at all in PVP gg lacerate


Evasion - 100% dodge vs melee and ranged - Does not work and does not prevent stuns/cc's - Will remove damage debuffs


Toxic Scan - Does not remove all dots and only removes 1 dot at a time.


Poor range ability


0 Gap closers


0 Knockbacks


1 stun that cannot be chained at any given time. Muchless can we damage a target through the one chain stun ability we have. Debilitate + Flash bang - Flashbang breaks on damage.





Stop crying about operatives already.


It's old.


If anyone has a reason to cry nerf it's operatives/scoundrels. We are at a disadvantage in group PVP more than any other class. Hence why we are a 1v1 class. Hence why our damage is what it is.


In fact,


I would go so far as to say they need to allow us to stunlock more. Get rid of the 100% resolve on our KD. That should even things up across the board and piss off all the carebears at the same time since they'll have to rely on skill more to beat us instead of I-WIN button skills.

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2 stun breaks


1 immunity


2 gap closers - If you count grapple


DPS monster in PVP


Mitigation through the roof


this is a bad comparison, you are combining the DPS and the tanking trees of a PT. I play both PT and OPS and i feel my ops has much better DPS.


2 stun breaks can be gotten if they spec pyro instead of shield tech, but they lose their tanking skills this way. And to get jet charge, a PT needs to spec into a shield tech tree. But to get both 2 CC breaks and 2 Gap closers, its a pretty gimped build, neither a tank nor a DPS, dont think any PTs will wanna spec this way. PTs either make a DPS build or a tanking build, so its not likely u'll find a PT with 2 gap closers and 2 CC breakers. And if he does that, he will neither have a good DPS, or good mitigation.


So to list a PT having all the above as you said, its impossible.

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ppl just complain about least played class, cos they dont know how to play against them. It

s super easy to prevent operstive to hit for more than you can survive and completely avoid hidden strike, nobody complain about OP jugg jumping and sorc pulling in huttball, where we can just stare in our "OP" stealth



it's pathetic and BW shouldn't mind QQer here on forums and focus on real data.

Edited by Drom
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2 stun breaks


1 immunity


2 gap closers - If you count grapple


DPS monster in PVP


Mitigation through the roof



That is ********. You cannot just look at the abilities list and talent trees and say that we get all those abilities because we can't have them all at once. A more accurate post about PT is this:


1 Stun Break


1 Stun Break/Immunity/Speed Boost (can't have jet charge to get it though)


2 Gap Closers


DPS monster IF specced for DPS


Mitigation through the roof IF specced for Tanking.

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Sometimes I get tired of guildy complaints about Imperial Agents. It's always something specific that I can just reply to with "another class has that, but better or more."


"You have an AoE stun" -- "Bounty Hunters have one that doesn't break on damage. AND they have some kind of player displacement ability" (I'm a healer)

"Yeah, well at least you have a spell interrupt....and stealth....and a sap" -- "Assassins have all these things and AoE player displacement."


I feel like super-low-level assassins and sorcerers have more utility in Huttball that I do.

Edited by Maespa
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