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Chat Bubbles?


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I Don't Know if people have made this suggestion yet, but having chat bubbles for /say and /yell helps combine the conversations into the world and make it feel more like the people are actually there other than just seeing it up in the corner with all the other chat IMHO. If people don't like them you could just put a option in preferences to turn it off :D but I would really like them.
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I don't like chat bubbles. They break immersion for me totally. I do understand that some people can't seem to be able to role play without them so I hope they are introduced as an optional feature.


Chat bubbles really do help in my humble oppinion, i personally cannot be bothered reading the chat, as I can't be done with half of the kiddy speak that goes on most of the time. The games linear* (single player KOTOR3) enough. So having chat bubbles might make it more like an MMO, afterall, ALL MMOs have chat bubbles :eek:


Plus It'll help with RP :D and when you're focused on your group (being an healer), I don't want to take my eyes off my group to have to read the party chat when a bubble would suffice :o


* Linear: Very tunnel/corridor driven (great game so don't get me all wrong, it's just not what I'd call a true MMO)

Edited by nite_shade
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Chat bubbles really do help in my humble oppinion, i personally cannot be bothered reading the chat, as I can't be done with half of the kiddy speak that goes on most of the time. The games linear* (single player KOTOR3) enough. So having chat bubbles might make it more like an MMO, afterall, ALL MMOs have chat bubbles :eek:


Plus It'll help with RP :D and when you're focused on your group (being an healer), I don't want to take my eyes off my group to have to read the party chat when a bubble would suffice :o


* Linear: Very tunnel/corridor driven (great game so don't get me all wrong, it's just not what I'd call a true MMO)


I have to mention that not all MMOs have chat bubbles. I role played in an MMO without them for over 6 years. I do understand it's your preference, that's why I hope they introduce it but as an optional feature. Personally, I can role play without them easily and I dislike them as they break my immersion in the world. To each their own.


I got called a hater in general chat for disliking them once and I really don't understand people's reaction. If people want them, fine, I hope Bioware introduces them, since we might get more roleplayers that way. I do want to be able to turn them off though.

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Have to agree with Anamelle, chat bubbles does not fit into SW. It's ok for many other MMOs, mostly asian, but there are MMOs where it would looks just silly, swtor included.


I agree though that UI needs a big redesign including the chat look and feel to better help with filtering general spam from yells/says/roleplay. Best if we could change bars sizes and have multiple chat windows open (i like to have says/yells on bottom screen).


But chat bubbles would turn this in some kind of silly comics. I would expect to meet then longear halfnaked alien soon....


I guess it would be ok to have it as optional feature you can turn on, but to have better immersion it would be imo better, if character that says something did some kind of dialogue animation.

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