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Daily-Killer: Near Impossible to Complete Ilum Daily / Weekly Now After Patch 1.1a


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Can never understand the "Re-roll Republic" idea.


If he re-rolls Republic, he'll just avoid Ilum too. He and his entire guild can do that...and they'll still get rolled stepping into Ilum.


No need to roll the side with fewer PvE, PvP and economic options anyway. BW is being kind enough to open up more WZ to same-faction farming, along with thoughtfully having given you the ability to roll Repub alts to farm in Ilum.


You do know where the character-creation screen is and how to select Republic for your chum-alt, right?


Wonderful post. This is what happens when "some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world" design a pvp planet. Thanks for blowing me away!

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Lets stop blaming the bad behavior of Empire players on developers.


Bioware has to fix the Faction Imbalance, not the Players. They have to give the Republic something. Like a EP/Valor Buff if there is a strong imbalance and/or a new cool race.


I mean, they gave the Empire everything: Cool armor, better Abilities, better Animations, better Stories, better starting Area.

Edited by Teabaker
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Bioware has to fix the Faction Imbalance, not the Players. They have to give the Republic something. Like a EP/Valor Buff if there is a strong imbalance and/or a new cool race.


I mean, they gave the Empire everything: Cool armor, better Abilities, better Animations, better Stories, better starting Area.


I disagree. I love the republic. I found the sith starting area to be annoying. You may have a point about class balance.

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How is this logical? The respawn wait is so long, resulting in more-and-more people having to camp the center in larger numbers.


If the spawn timers weren't so long, or perhaps in other places, then people would actually be able to complete their quest in a reasonable amount of time. Thus not controlling any one portion of the zone for any given time.


My thoughts on this.


Some of the ideas seem good, others.... not so much.


a Idea I had was perhaps giving the undrepresented side a bolster buff to lower level players to balance things out without making it seem like "OMG MILLIONZ OF REPUBLIC NOOBS ARE OVERRUNING THINGS" Enough that lower level players will show up and at least dampen the zerg-rush.

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My thoughts on this.


Some of the ideas seem good, others.... not so much.


a Idea I had was perhaps giving the undrepresented side a bolster buff to lower level players to balance things out without making it seem like "OMG MILLIONZ OF REPUBLIC NOOBS ARE OVERRUNING THINGS" Enough that lower level players will show up and at least dampen the zerg-rush.


Not sure if an experience buff will do much.


Faction imbalance aside, Ilum is still absolutely pitiful, and the entire planet should be scrapped with new ideas and mechanics (imo).

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I mean, they gave the Empire everything: Cool armor, better Abilities, better Animations, better Stories, better starting Area.


Exactly! I don't know if I could agree on the better story or starting area due to me not wanting to roll an Empire factioned player... but they do indeed get better abilities, animations, and armor. For instance as a human knight Guardian, my animations look retarded. I see Sith humans getting to hold their sabers like ******es, have better animations in their attacks, etc.


Don't get me started on armor.. as our Champion/Battlemaster (knights) looks entirely retarded and like something Buzz Lightyear would wear out to dinner. Abilities, duh. We get lame faerie type of abilities opposed to their true Sith abilities.

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repub qq more... IMPS are the stronger species


Funny you'd equate a outnumbered odds as "stronger". Wouldn't any faction of species be stronger if it outnumbered the other in similar equipment (if not better due to farming) like 40 to 1??


Hell you guys fight eachother more than you do us, haha.

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It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.


The solution is to leave Sword of Ajunta Pall and roll a character on Ajunta Pall, which unlike the other servers has an relatively even population... even if the cowardly sith did run off today rather than face my guild in fair combat... maybe next time they'll bring healers.

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It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.


The Reasons:


1). Opposing faction no where in sight. I've been riding around on Ilum for almost 2 hours and have seen two Republic forces total. We're an Imperial-Heavy server like most, but the Republic has vanished. Perhaps its due to the nonsense from patch day.


Regardless, it's beyond frustrating. Particularly when the zone is so over-sized. Honestly, why is Ilum so large? It's seems the majority of time spent is just wasted riding around long distances, looking for nothing.


Same frustration applies to the Republic. When they actually do zone into the PvP-area, and upon leaving their base, they're immediately attacked by much larger Operation groups. It's simply counter-productive to both factions.


Republic players have absolutely no chance of getting their daily done. They can't stop from getting zerged, and the center nodes are almost always camped by Imperials.


2). Armament respawn timer is ridiculously long. Speaking of the Armament chests - why on earth is the re-spawn so long?


There's about 30 Imperials riding around right now trying to collect the same chest spawns. It's near impossible to reach 30 in a reasonable time. You can forgot about the Weekly. The spawn timer on each chest must be at least 10 minutes, containing one Armament per box. That's absolutely ridiculous.


I know I speak for others when I say that we (as a community) have lost respect for Gabe Amatangelo (lead PvP designer), and his ability to effectively design and manage the PvP sytem. I'm imploring you Gabe, from one Gator to another, please at least redo these quests!


Say what you want about the failures of Ilum. I think we can all agree, it is truly a calamity. Yet now the daily and weekly quests are absolutely absurd. Both the daily and weekly are simply not reasonable for either Hardcore players or Casuals alike to complete consistently.


I blame the Imperials.


It was Imperial faction which exploited it on Ilum Day. (I call it I-Day)


The Imperial faction which ended up with people hitting Battlemaster in a single day.


The Imperial faction which is over populated.


We, the Republic, can't do squat and we can't get our dailies and weeklies done on Ilum. So we are missing out on Battlemasters as well as Battlemaster and Champion gear bags.


If you really want to help your only option is to abandon the Empire, join the Republic, and balance out the population.

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I blame the Imperials.


It was Imperial faction which exploited it on Ilum Day. (I call it I-Day)


The Imperial faction which ended up with people hitting Battlemaster in a single day.


The Imperial faction which is over populated.


We, the Republic, can't do squat and we can't get our dailies and weeklies done on Ilum. So we are missing out on Battlemasters as well as Battlemaster and Champion gear bags.


If you really want to help your only option is to abandon the Empire, join the Republic, and balance out the population.


You blame a particular faction, but the fact remains that the planet's design and mechanics are still atrocious. This include the quests as well.


Even if the populations were even (or close to), that wouldn't fix the overall abysmal design that Ilum has become.

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Agree. They need to change this. If they made more armament crates spawn, and not just in middle, it would be a lot better. On my server, Ilum central assault is constantly swarmed with 30+ imps camping crates. Like 3-4 imps on one crate spawn, and everyone rush it and ninja. It's like those bridal gowns sales where women assault each other. "MY CRATE!" "NO, MINE!"
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I rarely ever post here. Too much QQ for my tastes, but I feel the need to chime in on the Ilum situation. I'm a Republic player on Darth Bandon, and every time I try and go to Ilum to get my daily the Sith outnumber us exponentially. I've tried going at different times of the day, and always run into ganking parties with superior numbers.


The way the pvp on Ilum is designed it also encourages this behavior. The larger faction, can control the nodes easier, yielding larger valor gains, as well as keeping control of the central area making farming dailies also easier. And since everyone in a raid group gets valor for the kill, without diminishing returns, there's no reason not to gank the same players over and over.


That makes it almost impossible to complete the Ilum dailies for some players, especially those of us in smaller guilds and those who are unguilded.


So while the larger faction grows stronger and stronger, the weaker faction continues to be outnumbered and out geared.


I don't blame folks on the Imperial side, and can completely understand those who do roll Imperial simply because of the imbalance issues. I do however thing something needs to be done about Ilum, and honestly think it needs to be shut down until something is done. Right now it's only making the faction imbalance that much stronger.


I like PVP, and have played it in many games, but I will avoid Ilum until something there changes, and just grind out valor and gear from warzones.

Edited by Axemagus
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Serious lack of foresight and planning. It is ironic that so many players especially on underpopulated faction could see this coming way b4 1.1 and were talking about this but Bioware had no clue ? Edited by Stovokor
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Bioware seems to think that they "fixed" Ilum because the amount of whines here on the forums went down. Fact is a lot of Republic players just gave up and quit the game or rerolled Imp.


I hear you, its must be frustrating as Imp, but it is impossible as Rep, at least on my Server. They wanted to encourage PvP.. Oh the irony.


Before the patch it was a lame trade off at cap points. Boring, but at least you could get the daily done in a decent time.


Now its either a lame killing trade off (usually right after the weekly resets, so more of a thing for students and players without a job in the EU timezone), or it is a lame ranged gankfest at the Rep base that totally screws over Melee classes.


Both versions involve about the same amount of real "PvP", with the difference that the new version will cost Bioware a lot of subscriptions. Should have known better once i heard that parts of the Warhammer team was involved. Maybe they still play Warhammer ? Sure feels like they never actually tried their "changes" on a live Server themselves.


When the Ilum drama started I gave Bioware the benefit of doubt and subscribed for one more month, playing a different char, hoping they would see the fatal flaws of their system. Doesnt look like it so far :(


With no interesting Endgame content whatsoever the only thing left was PvP. Take that away too and all you got is some buggy KotoR 2,5. It was worth the initial costs and a nice game, but not really worth a subscription, sorry.

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Getting my daily done is fairly easy.


I generally run with a few other folks and backcap away from the main zergs. We get smaller group fights and pick up kills fairly quickly. Occasionally when our zerg gets large enough we actually get a few solid fights going. We never trade kills.


Must be a server thing.

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It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.


The Reasons:


1). Opposing faction no where in sight. I've been riding around on Ilum for almost 2 hours and have seen two Republic forces total. We're an Imperial-Heavy server like most, but the Republic has vanished. Perhaps its due to the nonsense from patch day.


Regardless, it's beyond frustrating. Particularly when the zone is so over-sized. Honestly, why is Ilum so large? It's seems the majority of time spent is just wasted riding around long distances, looking for nothing.


Same frustration applies to the Republic. When they actually do zone into the PvP-area, and upon leaving their base, they're immediately attacked by much larger Operation groups. It's simply counter-productive to both factions.


Republic players have absolutely no chance of getting their daily done. They can't stop from getting zerged, and the center nodes are almost always camped by Imperials.


2). Armament respawn timer is ridiculously long. Speaking of the Armament chests - why on earth is the re-spawn so long?


There's about 30 Imperials riding around right now trying to collect the same chest spawns. It's near impossible to reach 30 in a reasonable time. You can forgot about the Weekly. The spawn timer on each chest must be at least 10 minutes, containing one Armament per box. That's absolutely ridiculous.


I know I speak for others when I say that we (as a community) have lost respect for Gabe Amatangelo (lead PvP designer), and his ability to effectively design and manage the PvP sytem. I'm imploring you Gabe, from one Gator to another, please at least redo these quests!


Say what you want about the failures of Ilum. I think we can all agree, it is truly a calamity. Yet now the daily and weekly quests are absolutely absurd. Both the daily and weekly are simply not reasonable for either Hardcore players or Casuals alike to complete consistently.


Well I guess you should've rolled Republic then?


No but really, faction imbalance hits the Empire as well, BioWare.

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I play on Darth Bandon, republic side.


In the past week I have tried to go to Ilum just to finish the daily. Every time I do, I am literally the ONLY republic player there. Empire knows it too. They don't even bother to attack me while I run around central grabbing armaments along side them, unless I try to capture the place.


Its getting absurd. You empire players need switch to republic.

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going to ilum on our server is nothing more than giving the imperials free kills, if i can't get my dailies done sure am not going to go there so they can get theirs done.


I imagine that is how all republic feel, I queue for a wz before heading to central assault, as soon as 10 imps jump me i zone into the wz, to deny them their kill

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BioWare can't fix the faction imbalance... People pay to play the game how they want, if they have people rolling Empire and making servers imbalanced they can't stop that; it's up to the community like the OP to change that.


Have you ever thought that the reasons the Repubs aren't going to Ilum is because of the HUGE faction imbalance on your server? Why go give a group free kills when they know they'll have an almost fair fight in WZ's?

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BioWare can't fix the faction imbalance... People pay to play the game how they want, if they have people rolling Empire and making servers imbalanced they can't stop that; it's up to the community like the OP to change that.


Have you ever thought that the reasons the Repubs aren't going to Ilum is because of the HUGE faction imbalance on your server? Why go give a group free kills when they know they'll have an almost fair fight in WZ's?


They can design quests and objectives that don't favour the imbalance though

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