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So I spec'd Rage...


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Normally on the forums you see me all for Annihilation. I love the survivability of Annihilation but I didn't want to stay ignorant so I spec'd rage...








it is so broken and I cry to think that Juggernauts do it better than us.

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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Normally on the forums you see me pro Annihilation. I love the survivability of Annihilation but I didn't want to stay ignorant so I spec'd rage...








it is so broken and I cry to think that Juggernauts do it better than us.

Explain how it is broken, otherwise what you are doing is attention wh**ing and trolling.

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You must have been bad at annihilation if you can't, at least in imagination, beat yourself 1v1 (annihilation should beat rage every time. Every. Time.


That being said you can't beat rage for hopping on some poor sonnuva with 25-50% health left, nor for those big cluster***** of people. It's just not a 1v1 build, even if skillful (read: cowardly) players can squeeze a win out 1v1 vs equal gear.

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You must have been bad at annihilation if you can't, at least in imagination, beat yourself 1v1 (annihilation should beat rage every time. Every. Time.


That being said you can't beat rage for hopping on some poor sonnuva with 25-50% health left, nor for those big cluster***** of people. It's just not a 1v1 build, even if skillful (read: cowardly) players can squeeze a win out 1v1 vs equal gear.


Wow ThisGuyThat, don't start pointing fingers and yelling other people suck just because I tried another spec. I am pretty good with my Annihilation I love it's survivability and I think the Marauder is fine class I just think we need to do something with half of our skills not working. Now talking about 1v1s of course Annihilation will always win in DPS on the long run but for flashpoints and Rage clears trash mobs so fast, I just roll my face on the keyboard and I'm done the flashpoint.


For Warzone, the our duty as a damage dealing class is to deal as much damage as possible. Yes utility is important giving Predation out to party members and so on. But when it comes to dealing pure burst Rage does it pretty damn well. I go in roll my face on the keyboard and everybody already has half their HP bar and they are backing up. Clearing objectives became so much more easier whether its on huttball or voidstar.


Explain how it is broken, otherwise what you are doing is attention wh**ing and trolling.


I'm saying its Broken GOOD.





On another topic about Juggernauts doing it better than us. I am wondering if this is really true? They do get the extra 30% Smash Damage, 6% Extra STR(+60str is a big deal to me) the ability to Sunder. However they do lose out on the cheaper Smash Cost, and spamming Smash is important when your rage. Marauders have a second hand weapon(I don't know if the 2nd weapon's damage apply's to rage or not, I will test it out). We can Predation and Bloodthirst. We might actually do Rage better than Juggernauts despite popular belief.

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On another topic about Juggernauts doing it better than us. I am wondering if this is really true? They do get the extra 30% Smash Damage, 6% Extra STR(+60str is a big deal to me) the ability to Sunder. However they do lose out on the cheaper Smash Cost, and spamming Smash is important when your rage. Marauders have a second hand weapon(I don't know if the 2nd weapon's damage apply's to rage or not, I will test it out). We can Predation and Bloodthirst. We might actually do Rage better than Juggernauts despite popular belief.


I don't believe the offhand applies to smash, it's not technically a dual-wield ability.

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i can't seem to use an expertise buff + the WZ expertise buff at the same time anymore so i guess the over 9000 dmg numbers are now legends for juggs and the 6.8k dmg for marauders too...infact, on pvp gear ppl i think 6k is a legend too lol Edited by ReFlexionn
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I'm saying its Broken GOOD.





On another topic about Juggernauts doing it better than us. I am wondering if this is really true? They do get the extra 30% Smash Damage, 6% Extra STR(+60str is a big deal to me) the ability to Sunder. However they do lose out on the cheaper Smash Cost, and spamming Smash is important when your rage. Marauders have a second hand weapon(I don't know if the 2nd weapon's damage apply's to rage or not, I will test it out). We can Predation and Bloodthirst. We might actually do Rage better than Juggernauts despite popular belief.

My apologies then. I misread and misunderstood.


I agree with you on the spammable smash. I was arguing in another thread that "quick recovery" was not that indispensable as a talent. There as well I admit I was wrong.

However, I think I lose dps because I just can't hit smash when the shockwave and dominate effects are not applied.

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i can't seem to use an expertise buff + the WZ expertise buff at the same time anymore so i guess the over 9000 dmg numbers are now legends for juggs and the 6.8k dmg for marauders too...infact, on pvp gear ppl i think 6k is a legend too lol


Tell that to light armor. 6k crits with adrenal + relic are pretty normal with smash.

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