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Why do you stay with your (buggy/broken) trooper instead of rolling bounty hunter?


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Multiple choice?


1.Is it because you like the story better?


2.Is it because yo have friends that play republic? or like the side better?


3.Is it because you think trooper looks cooler?


4.Is it because you leveled your trooper too high and now you just do not want to re-roll?


5.Is it because you do not think the bugs are that bad?


6.Or did you quit your trooper already?


All of the above? :)

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Multiple choice?


1.Is it because you like the story better?


2.Is it because yo have friends that play republic? or like the side better?


3.Is it because you think trooper looks cooler?


4.Is it because you leveled your trooper too high and now you just do not want to re-roll?


5.Is it because you do not think the bugs are that bad?


6.Or did you quit your trooper already?


All of the above? :)


1) Hunter story line was blah to me. Trooper storyline is less blah.

2) Most of my friends actually play on Empire. Sadly, most of them are people I wouldn't want to play with (great people, fun to hang around with, horrible horrible gamers... Empire deserves them ;)

3) I personally like the look of a lot of the trooper armor. I like a lot of the Bounty Hunter armor too. Kind of a tie here.

4) I deleted more level 85s in WoW then a person should. Re-rolling is never something that has been a problem for me.

5) The bugs are annoying, but most of them aren't game breaking (to me). The number of times my one bounty hunter got knocked out of the area doing Doing versus my Trooper doing Mortar is significant. Mortar may be slower, but it tends to actually do all it's damage for me.

6) Heck no.


7) My most important reason is simple. My wife dislikes the Empire side. When she actually wants to play, we roll on Republic. My crafting armada is setup over there (never have to worry about gear ever for her entire lifetime). Just no reason to play Empire.

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Funny... I never realized my Trooper was buggy or broken. All the mobs seem to die and my XP keeps going up... is something else supposed to happen? Perhaps the trooper lacks a breakdance routine, or the Thunderclap needs a new Cappuccino maker?
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I left my BH and my guild shortly after launch, because there were too many Siths and I originally wanted to play on Republic's side.


Our bugs are cosmetic, mostly. The skills register their damage at the correct time, just the animation and number popup is delayed.


And of course, I like Trooper's story and our companions.

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I was excited to be a bounty hunter but then I found out they were Empire only. Not really a fan of the usual dark faction I decided I'd stick with troopers since I still like the guy that get's things done without stealth or magic (force).


The delay on Mortar Volley is damned annoying but it beats playing on the Empire any day. Trooper story has been pretty decent so far too, though I'll miss not being a mercenary :p

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Multiple choice?


1.Is it because you like the story better?


2.Is it because yo have friends that play republic? or like the side better?


3.Is it because you think trooper looks cooler?


4.Is it because you leveled your trooper too high and now you just do not want to re-roll?


5.Is it because you do not think the bugs are that bad?


6.Or did you quit your trooper already?


All of the above? :)


Numbers 2 and 4...


All of my friends have Republic main characters and I have put in so much time on my Trooper that re-rolling yet another Republic character and hearing the quest NPC conversations a third time (my trooper is my second ever character after I re-rolled from a gunslinger) would be pure meh and add to the fact that I am extremely close to finishing the story and near to hitting level 50.

Edited by kinglanevothree
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Myself I like the trooper armor more, I think a lot of the BH animations are lame or just down right stupid.


I think being bent over spamming missiles was sort of stupid looking for merc's.

I think Powertechs should have gotten carbines instead of the dinky single pistol.

The powertech Aoe that has them flying up in the air spinning around looks like some ballerina move.


Granted there rocket jump, and death from above look better then the trooper versions.



The sad thing, I might end up switching myself, republic seems so dead. And I'm thinking it might even be worse come next week.

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Myself I like the trooper armor more, I think a lot of the BH animations are lame or just down right stupid.


I think being bent over spamming missiles was sort of stupid looking for merc's.

I think Powertechs should have gotten carbines instead of the dinky single pistol.

The powertech Aoe that has them flying up in the air spinning around looks like some ballerina move.


Granted there rocket jump, and death from above look better then the trooper versions.



The sad thing, I might end up switching myself, republic seems so dead. And I'm thinking it might even be worse come next week.




I started a BH and the difference in the number of players you encounter is vast. I remember in my Commando, I was the only person in my server in Voss :eek: I feel 'alone' (at least on my server) playing as Republic if not for my friends playing the same faction (whom I also rarely encounter because of level differences). I guess I would just have to wait for all of my friends to have roughly the same level so we can do stuff together and then decide if I should just quit and join the Imperials :D

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I switched to a BH when I hit lvl 31 with my trooper. My friends that I started the game with switched to the emp side and I went with them.


So far, I feel the BH just plays a little smoother then the trooper does (both are spec'd the same) and the story (to me) is better. Stat wise the BH can be maxed out a little bit more, because the offhand pistol the merc uses is better then the offhand generator is.


Part of the problem is server imbalance, as it's tough to find people to group with for the flashpoints I need to do in my level range, or even to find people to do the heroics with on planets republic side. I don't have those problems with my BH.


But since I switched, I still play my trooper, getting him up to lvl 36 so far, but also getting him to a 400 skill in armormech, and selling crafted armor. I also think there are better options with armor for the trooper, because there are some really cool looking sets between lvl 43-50.


The Bounty Hunter has almost the exact opposite problem of the trooper. The trooper is a rainbow warrior in the lower levels, and the high level bounty hunter armors are all bright pastel colors.


Endgame I am wanting to play my trooper more, mainly because I've planned out all the armor I want to use for myself and my companions, to have the right look for the ending of the class quests (no rainbow squad there, all desert camo armor).

Edited by Flying-Brian
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I actually rerolled after the 1.1 patch from BH to Trooper. While the bugs/issues the class suffers from were noticeable almost straight away for me after the reroll, I personally find the Trooper's storyline to be a bit more engaging then that of the BH. For one, you have a more clear (set of) antagonist(s).


While I do hope the fixes are comming some time soon, I find the class -- and the Republic side for that matter -- a lot more enjoyable than Empire and BH.


...Though I wish they'd made High Impact Bolt look and sound a bit cooler though. Rail Shot definitely wins that competition, I must admit, because HIB sounds like somthing just when splat in a cartoon. :o

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Multiple choice?


1.Is it because you like the story better?


2.Is it because yo have friends that play republic? or like the side better?


3.Is it because you think trooper looks cooler?


4.Is it because you leveled your trooper too high and now you just do not want to re-roll?


5.Is it because you do not think the bugs are that bad?


6.Or did you quit your trooper already?


All of the above? :)


1. I've never tried a BH, so I can't say anything about their story. But when I first rolled troops, I did so because I really wanted to be a Combat Medic, but I was actually worried I wouldn't be into their story at all. But when I tried it, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than the Consular I tried to roll, who never made it past level 3.


2. Although he doesn't want to play atm because he's busy with college, when my brother plays this game he wanted to roll Republic. And I did too after finding out it was the less populated faction. I hate being on the "swarm" faction, I'd rather be the underdog. Also, I do prefer being good to being mindlessly evil, though I know you can be a Light Side Sith.


3. I like the Stormtrooper look of the troopers, but then I also like the Boba Fett look of the BHs, so yes and no.


4. Funny thing about this, when I first started playing MMOs with WoW, for the first year or two I had terrible reroll-itis. I would constantly reroll after getting a character to around level 20. But now that it's been cured, nowadays I'm very hesitant to reroll unless I have a very good reason.


5. I... actually don't even know what bugs everyone's talking about >_>


6. Nope.


All of the above? Nope ^_^

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