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Sighface at level 50


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So finally got to level 50 a day or so ago with my whopping 12k hp and zero expertise and just cannot compete.


Atfer 20 stupid rick roll bags zero nothing nudda not 1 item, RNG is RNg I understand but getting your face rolled from 1-49 was bad enough(realise patch was yesterday) now to go in the high end bracket with everyone kitted out fully who all fed off the lower levels just to get facerolled is dumb.


How can a new level 50 compete in pvp without getting items? farmed for 14 hours for tottaly nothing just more anger and resentment in this game


I dont mind woking towards gear but this is just stupid when the guy I levelled with got 3 items out of 6 bags, how does it justify his gameplay being better then mine????


And all i got all day was ( FFS another new level 50... go pve)


I thought it would get better at 50 its just got facepalm worse


Please Please Please sort the bags out if your not going to bother sorting it and letting the rest of us get facerolled please let us know so we can cancel out accounts.

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because pve gives me more expertise right???


why should i pve to pvp?


bet you most of the fully champ bm gear guys havent even set foot in the dungeons they have ben to busy steam rolling level 10s for easy commendations..oh wait i was one of those getting steamrolled

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