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Click to move??


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Am I missing something or is there no click to move what so ever... searched through options and settings but I cant find anything so you can right click on the ground to move there etc?? anyone have any ideas or know of any legal/approved in game mods to help with this...
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Ya I miss that too but that feature is not in SWTOR. I was pissed at the start but I have to press WASD and double click to move. May be a pain at start but you get used to it in time. Still... the click to move feature should be available imo.
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Click to move is quite honestly one of the most horrid things I have ever tried to play with.


I was going to try Guild Wars to get a backstory and idea on the world there for Guild wars 2, Click to move as default...


I made it nearly an hour before I had to say it wasn't going to happen, purely because of the click to move.


Couldn't you just turn it off if you don't like it? WASD and holding both mouse buttons would still work.

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I just like it so you can click way off in the distance and do stuff its kinda like auto run but I know the exact location where I will end up and stop moving when I want automatic I dont use click to move for combat just roaming the world map especially long distances so you can smoke take a drink etc as you move along lol Edited by Manodith
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Arguing about how bad you are if you use click to move, is the same as arguing with people who click all of thier abilities. You will NEVER change thier mind until they force themselves to play like a normal person.


It doesnt matter if you beat them 100 times to 0, they will claim every excuse in the book.

It doesnt matter if you outdps them or they die in every fire in the game, they will claim every excuse in the book.


Just let them be bad, and let them complain that nobody wants to play with them. They will get the hint and adapt to be a better player.

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  • 3 months later...

Noone said change it completely but merely suggesting to add it. i see haters will be haters however maybe you guys need to see why people need click to move(or macros in WoW). for starters the disabled, the impaired and the people who are not like you. Yes you Mr. cicktomoveisbad and also you Mr WASDisawesome..


Its just another way of playing this game. Don't be afraid youll still beat them 100% of the time as you claim or agree this to be true. Also if the devs didn't put this function ingame and you cant play without it, then it tells you a message doesnt it? adapt or dont play at all;;;leave this to the cool guys the wasd crowd

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This has to rank among the top 5 stupidest complaints about swtor I've read today.


You haven't played click to move mmos have you?

I find it ironic you said that, because it shows how stupid you are. Click to move can be very useful sometimes.

Yeah, movement keys and mouse are easier, but good players can pull off great feats while using click to move.


YOUR comment is one of the stupidest posts today.

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You haven't played click to move mmos have you?

I find it ironic you said that, because it shows how stupid you are. Click to move can be very useful sometimes.

Yeah, movement keys and mouse are easier, but good players can pull off great feats while using click to move.


YOUR comment is one of the stupidest posts today.


Heh yeah click to move, opens a TON of micromanagement options

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