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Bioware: Worst MMO Mistakes, Ever?


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You clearly have nobody on the developer team who has plays many (if any) MMOs extensively (or at all).


Ilum issues in 1.1 would have been forseen if you properly tested patches prior to implementation.


PvP now ruined at level 50 because of ridiculous queue times: clearly it was too early to implement this system, could have also been forseen instead of bowing to the cries of outraged casuals on the forums.


Lack of properly functioning raid master loot system, BoP item trading to group/raid members, ability to pass on all items without them DISAPPEARING, multiple specialization trees, etc. would all exist if you had anyone on staff that had a clue what was going on.


Customer Support BEYOND HORRIBLE. When there's a bug that affects us personally we get told "Sorry, can't help" Or "Galactic Droid CT2012414 here, thanks for the report it's been forwarded on" always ended by "....masters of customer service". I've been on raids where multiple of the same item from a boss went to the same guy, and GM REFUSED to fix the issue. I've been on a raid where an entire boss was un-lootable, GM REFUSED to fix the issue.


Let's not even get started on the terrible technical design flaws in this game that affect performance and stability, the list is already long enough.


So were you trying to make a game that wouldn't last a year or do you want to change your policies and start using your heads or, fire whoever is your current 'head', and replace it with someone who knows how an MMO in 2012 should actually function, what players EXPECT from customer support, and what features have come to be not only expected but necessary for an enjoyable user experience?



That being said I'm still on the fence on re-subbing: might renew for 30 more days to see if anything gets better, but I definitely might not.

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Garbage customer support is pretty much a given in an MMO. Why? Because the subscribers put up with it. If enough people state they don't like it and CANCEL THEIR SUBSCRIPTION, you'll see them do something real quick to fix customer support.


They don't do anything because people complain and whine about it, but in the end, they don't do anything about it. They never cancel their subscription. That's the thing with companies in general. If they can screw you over to save a couple of dollars without reducing how much money they make, they will do it.


It's stupidity like this that allows companies to screw people over repeatedly and has gotten worse over time. I'm not happy with some aspects of this game, so I cancelled my subscription until they are fixed, if ever.


So you come to the forums and complain about it, but you're still paying them, aren't you?

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I think one thing wrong with the combat is that healing is too slow compared to DPS. If you're a healer you should notice how much of a longer cooldown you have on ALL of your heals, when the DPS can keep whacking on you.


I just noticed that in a warzone from the new patch. I had one DPS whacking on me, and I couldn't even keep myself up cause my heals couldn't match his DPS. And I matched that PVP experience with PVE (since PVE is slower I can monitor the speed of the cooldown a lot better) and the cooldown on all of my Scoundrel heals is so damn slow (global cooldown goes on ALL of my heal spells, so I can't even do an instant cast if I've done a cast heal)!


DPS are so much more favoured in PVP atm :<. Everyone roll DPS!

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I don't think anyone will ever top Blizzard for worst MMO mistakes, except for maybe APB.


I played a fire mage in Vanilla. "Oh lets do Molten Core!" "Ok cool!" "Oh wait everything in the instance is immune to me."


Oh please... Blizzards "mistakes" garnered them 12 million subscribers... think this game will ever be anywhere near that you're crazy...

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Oh please... Blizzards "mistakes" garnered them 12 million subscribers... think this game will ever be anywhere near that you're crazy...


You mean Blizzard and Warham..I mean Warcraft's name generated 12 mill...err I mean 3 million actual subscribers and 7 million Asian cafes.

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XD. Way to overstate it. I've probably been playing MMO's way more than you. Guessing your experience is solely wow only. But, mistakes like these happen with just about any MMO and no matter how much you complain and fearmonger, it doesn't change the fact the developers are only human.
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Can I borrow your crystal ball?


You don't need a crystal ball to see the obvious. This game will NEVER garner the number of subscriptions WoW has experienced. Look at this game you seriously think they have a chance!?!?

Edited by Taurusaud
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I'm going to ask you if you know what an earnings call is and why that would be a good indicator as opposed to what you posted. If you know this why are you posting that?


If you don't know this, stop posting.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Exactly you just gotta wonder how they make these mistakes no gamer with any love for the genre would make...


I had to laugh out loud at this. After nearly 10 years of playing MMOs, the one thing I know for certain is that input from "gamers" destroys games. We gamers have to be the most self-important, self-righteous group on the planet with the least reason to believe that. A game designe by gamers would actually have bears with frikkin' laserbeams coming out of their eyes.


No thanks.

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Lets see... An article connects a stock price change to some random analyst's prediction, which is based on... what?


So I think, given the fact that I have at least 2 functioning brain cells, I can not consider that article to be helpful.

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