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how could obi win if...


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Attack of the clones : dooku wipes the floor with him,even tells him "LOL U SUCK NOOB,QUI-GON SAID U WERE GOOD"


revenge of the sith :dooku beats obi again ,tosses him aside like a rag-doll.

then anakin beats dooku,with relative ease i must say(expertise gear,i assume).

then anakin turns dark side,gains in power ..and loses to obi in a duel?


So if dooku wipes obiwan(twice) like hes nothing and then anakin beats dooku ,how on earth did anakin lose 1v1 to obi?

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Ok to give a real universe explanation, Dooku's lightsaber style outclasses Obi-Wan's doesn't matter that Obi was THE master of his form Dooku's style beats his.


"Dooku's elegant Makashi strokes and jabs worked away at Kenobi's defense; many of Kenobi's cutting parries missing Dooku's blade entirely; while his feints confused the Jedi and forced him to retreat, ultimately bringing him down."


As for EP 3, Obi was beat by the Count using the force.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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However the lore explanation is quite simply, they are Master and Apprentice, they have spent literally thousands of hours sparing each other and thousands more in War side by side watching each other fight.


They know each others moves/combat styles as well as they know their own. Due to this when they fight they are complete equals.


(Much like two chess masters playing each other a few thousand times, once they work out each other strategy, all future games end in stalemate).


If Anakin and Kenobi had been strangers, Anakin would have wiped the floor with Kenobi.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Dooku practices Form 2, a style of Saber vs Saber combat that a lot of Jedi never bothered to learn since they thought the Sith were gone. Hell, if Dooku hadn't of just faught Skywalker and Kenobi in episode 2, Yoda might of even lost the saber fight to him.


In terms of saber skill Windu was the only real combatant in Dooku's league. Would of been a great fight to watch.


As for Obi-wan vs Skywalker. Skywalker didn't use form 2, plus as another poster has stated, they both knew how each other faught.

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Anakin was the superior with the saber, was even mentioned many times. But he was a rash youth and Obi-wan outsmarted him forcing him into a no win situation. Obi-wan pleaded with him knowing Anakin had no means to win from the position he was stuck in, but anger clouded Anakin's mind and he went for a killing blow on Obi-wan anyhow. Obi-wan simply had to swing his saber in a sweeping motion to literally cut his legs out from beneath him.
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"the high ground"



The style being just superior to his makes sense,i guess i can be ok with that explanation.But the part about obi-wan knowing anakin inside out and vice-versa,that leaves anakin new found powers having turned to the darkside.Wich admitedlly would have been quite small but when you are faced with your exact equal,wouldnt the slightest edge give you the win?


edit ;

pestilence,you mentioned anger clouding anakin mind.having started down the darkside wouldnt that anger make him more powerful,more focused?


In the end ,i understand that Obi-wan is gonna win for plot sake.

Edited by carliiiiito
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Like others have said, it was because Obi Wan was Anakin's master and had trained him. Anakin was much more powerful, but inexperienced and reckless. Obi Wan had the experience and could calmly counter Anakin's moves and keep him at bay. this is why Yoda sent Obi Wan to deal with Anakin...Yoda knew that Sidious was much too powerful for Obi Wan to handle and even though Anakin was also more powerful, Obi Wan was smarter then him.
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Dooku practices Form 2, a style of Saber vs Saber combat that a lot of Jedi never bothered to learn since they thought the Sith were gone. Hell, if Dooku hadn't of just faught Skywalker and Kenobi in episode 2, Yoda might of even lost the saber fight to him.


In terms of saber skill Windu was the only real combatant in Dooku's league. Would of been a great fight to watch.


As for Obi-wan vs Skywalker. Skywalker didn't use form 2, plus as another poster has stated, they both knew how each other faught.


More bull please. Anakin said HI!

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The style being just superior to his makes sense,i guess i can be ok with that explanation.But the part about obi-wan knowing anakin inside out and vice-versa,that leaves anakin new found powers having turned to the darkside.Wich admitedlly would have been quite small but when you are faced with your exact equal,wouldnt the slightest edge give you the win?


I think your getting a little too technical. If we converted there power into number say obi = 100 and Anakin 101 (+1 for DS powers) that doesn't mean Anakin wins every time. You have to consider location, terrain, weather, state of mind, previous injuries, fatigue. A whole host of things that can sway a fight one way or another given the situation. So yeah Obi-wan wins in Epi 3 but I would assume that was more of a 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 win for him. Anakin was proper confused by dark side at the time and he had just hurt his wife and His judgement was off. Not to mention the completely ridiculous location of the fight meaning there were fighting the lava river as much as they were fighting each other. Also Obi-wan hadnt done any fighting in a while. Anakin had just dropped every separatist on the base even if they pose no threat doesn't mean he didn't use some energy etc.


Stable ground, leveled headed fight = Anakin win. But thats not what happened.


Another thing I have just thought about. You cant be sure what either was thinking, maybe Anakin couldn't make himself take that final blow and was hesitating whenever he saw a hole in Obi-wan's defence. Maybe there was enough light side still in him that he unable to fight like he wanted to kill Obi-wan. Then he never really had a chance. I believe Obi-wan changes his mind about not "killing" Anakin during the fight, at first trying to talk him down.

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revenge of the sith :dooku beats obi again ,tosses him aside like a rag-doll.

then anakin beats dooku,with relative ease i must say(expertise gear,i assume).

then anakin turns dark side,gains in power ..and loses to obi in a duel?



Yeppp, at the beginning of Ep3 Anakin acquired the Champion set.


However when Obi-Wan killed Grievous he hit Valor lvl60 and instantly get Battlemaster gear - so he could defeat Anakin. :)

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However the lore explanation is quite simply, they are Master and Apprentice, they have spent literally thousands of hours sparing each other and thousands more in War side by side watching each other fight.


They know each others moves/combat styles as well as they know their own. Due to this when they fight they are complete equals.


(Much like two chess masters playing each other a few thousand times, once they work out each other strategy, all future games end in stalemate).


If Anakin and Kenobi had been strangers, Anakin would have wiped the floor with Kenobi.


Uh...Something like 98% of all master ranked chess games end in stalemates even if it IS their first game together..

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First, a word about Forms.


The Jedi Order practiced seven distinct forms of lightsaber combat, each with a particular foucs


Count Dooku practiced Form II, Makashi, which was intended primarily to counter other lightsabers. It can be thought of as roughly analogous to real-world fencing. It is designed around economy of movement, conservation of energy and momentum, and deflection of energy.


Obi-Wan studied Form IV, Ataru, under Qui-Gon Jinn. After Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan began studying Soresu, Form III. Ataru is an acrobatic and active form, and Obi-Wan believes Qui-Gon died because Darth Maul lured him into a confined space, where Ataru's acrobatics were impossible. Soresu is a form of perfect defense, focusing on, above all else, preventing the user from being struck. Whether by blasters or lightsabers, Soresu is all about not getting hit.


Anakin studies Djem So, one of two variants in Form V. Djem So is all about raw physical power. It works well for Anakin, given his height, and is all about putting the most kinetic energy behind each and every blow.


Dooku beats Obi and Ani because that's what Makashi is designed to do. . . defeat other lightsaber wielders. However, Makashi does have a flaw, which Anakin exploits when he "unleashed" against Dooku in RotS: Makashi is a form about conservation of energy, and so simply does not generate enough kinetic energy to meet the raw physical power of Djem So head-on. Anakin's physical power, bolstered by his teetering on the brink of the Dark Side, batters through Dooku's genteel, delicate parries. In essence, Anakin hacks through Dooku's elegant and artistic form with a battleaxe.


When it comes down to Anakin versus Obi-Wan, Soresu is designed for defense above all else. Anakin cannot batter through Obi-Wan's defenses as he did Dooku's, and now Anakin's strength becomes a weakness. . . focusing on putting as much power in every blow as possible, he wears himself out faster. Drawing on the Force to replenish his strength and stamina goes only so far, and by the time they fight on the lava river, Anakin has probably spent most of his strength battering uselessly against Obi-Wan's defenses. Obi-Wan has enough conserved energy and foresight to grab the tactical advantage (the high ground), and from there Anakin is already defeated.

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I don't get the logic here. Even if Anakin > Dooku and Obi-wan < Dooku, it still doesn't not compute.


A fight is not a mathematical equation. Just because Obi-wan lost to Dooku, and Anakin beat Dooku, it does not mean that Anakin will win against Obi-Wan.

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First, a word about Forms.


The Jedi Order practiced seven distinct forms of lightsaber combat, each with a particular foucs


Count Dooku practiced Form II, Makashi, which was intended primarily to counter other lightsabers. It can be thought of as roughly analogous to real-world fencing. It is designed around economy of movement, conservation of energy and momentum, and deflection of energy.


Obi-Wan studied Form IV, Ataru, under Qui-Gon Jinn. After Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan began studying Soresu, Form III. Ataru is an acrobatic and active form, and Obi-Wan believes Qui-Gon died because Darth Maul lured him into a confined space, where Ataru's acrobatics were impossible. Soresu is a form of perfect defense, focusing on, above all else, preventing the user from being struck. Whether by blasters or lightsabers, Soresu is all about not getting hit.


Anakin studies Djem So, one of two variants in Form V. Djem So is all about raw physical power. It works well for Anakin, given his height, and is all about putting the most kinetic energy behind each and every blow.


Dooku beats Obi and Ani because that's what Makashi is designed to do. . . defeat other lightsaber wielders. However, Makashi does have a flaw, which Anakin exploits when he "unleashed" against Dooku in RotS: Makashi is a form about conservation of energy, and so simply does not generate enough kinetic energy to meet the raw physical power of Djem So head-on. Anakin's physical power, bolstered by his teetering on the brink of the Dark Side, batters through Dooku's genteel, delicate parries. In essence, Anakin hacks through Dooku's elegant and artistic form with a battleaxe.


When it comes down to Anakin versus Obi-Wan, Soresu is designed for defense above all else. Anakin cannot batter through Obi-Wan's defenses as he did Dooku's, and now Anakin's strength becomes a weakness. . . focusing on putting as much power in every blow as possible, he wears himself out faster. Drawing on the Force to replenish his strength and stamina goes only so far, and by the time they fight on the lava river, Anakin has probably spent most of his strength battering uselessly against Obi-Wan's defenses. Obi-Wan has enough conserved energy and foresight to grab the tactical advantage (the high ground), and from there Anakin is already defeated.


Err....Obi-Wan looked pretty worn down during the fight, Anakin was bull rushing him throughout the whole thing he didn't look the least bit tired compared to Obi-Wan.

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