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My New Demands (Catharsis and Satire)


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xxxvii) : My companion should be Silvio Berlusconi, possibly portrayed as a charicaturized deformed gnome and i should be able to dress him as the gimp (from pulp fiction) and carry him around on a leash. I also want to recieve +5 friendship/reputation with him every time i kick him.



how did you guess I'm italian???? :confused:

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18. Replacement of the facepalm emote with a lifelike voiced replica of Captain Picard explaining how stupid that person has just been - whilst also facepalming, of course.


19. In honour of launching on the 20th, 19 must be replaced with 20. Everywhere.

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SubParagraph A.) Sonic Screwdriver to replace all known "Mission Items" in inventory.


Ex. Hi, my cat has gone missing in the Spice Mines of Kessel, will you go retrieve it and return it to me here on Tattooine?

-=-=-Use Sonic Screwdriver-=-=-

/Give Lady cat


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Official Response from the Original Poster


A - Okay, the Ship should be one that we can morph into either the Enterprise (whichever brand we like), Death Star, a Star Destroyer, or Tardis. Anyone who gets the Black Pearl gets laughed at for breaking Genre... I mean... come on, that's not vaccuum worthy.


B - Many of the additional demands are quite good. Especially the idea of me getting paid to play the game, and also the ability to wipe anyone who picks a name I had wanted.


Let me add an additional point:


20. All the copies of the collectors edition that have been threatened to be cancelled should be sent to me - especially the ones belonging to the people who pre-ordered multiple copies of the collectors edition. I mean, I don't know why I would need multiple statues, but apparently pre-ordering 3 CE means that you are awesome. Therefore, I demand at least 50 Darth Malgus status to be sent to me. Plus at least 25 Master Shan statues. Get to work on making those.


+ + + + + + + + + +


As a note, I do not have a guild, otherwise y'all could be in it. But I think I might be interested in forming one for the not so serious -- one that could span multiple servers. I suggest the following:


If you have a sense of humor, form and/or join on your server:


Republic - Unfulfilled Demands

Imperial - Unmet Demands


If I see these, I'll try and join. Like I said - I'm not on yet... because I was foolish and didn't enter my code when I got it. Oh well. But I'll join in your unfulfilled or unmet demands =o)

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1) A Lightherring.... a lot like a lightsaber but better Its a Herring!

2) The ability to pickle my Lightherring

3) My spaceship should be the restraunt at the end of the universe where its allways Christmas and the dancers in the show go topless

4) All dancers in the game have a piece of clothing missing that would intrest the gender and sexual prefrence of the person playing the game... not to hard right?

7) Give the gunslinger /chew /spitinspitton /smoke emotes... it may cause cancer but heck they ARE gunslingers

8) Honnor Harrington as my Jedi (knight or counselor) companion

9) Sith (warriors and inquisitors) get the /behead emote and the head pops off the offending NPC

10) Anyone who gets to lvl 4 Darkside gets access to emote above using their main weapon

11) Maids a singing

12) A partridge in a plum tree... Im hungry and plum sauce is better than pear sauce

42) the answer to life the universe and everything


if you get #42.... *applaud*

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