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Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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God I am getting so irritated with these crappy customer service people. Beyond not being able to read or speak English they don't even read the previous tickets before giving you dumb information. I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game. First email says for me to email swtor.com from my accounts email address to get my money back. HELLO??? swtor.com is not an email address. After many more emails the most recent says no to a refund and I will have to get it from Origin.


ORIGIN SAYS TO GET IT FROM YOU!!! One of you needs to give me and all the other people who are pissed over this broken game our money back. PERIOD!!








Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid K8-F2 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding to get you money back.


In order to do this, we would ask that you email swtor.com from the email address associated with the account you wish to close.


Following receipt of this request your details will be removed from our system. Please note that this will include the deletion of any pre-order code that is registered to that account.


Also, we would like to advise you that it is not currently possible to delete a username, so if you decide at some point that you would like to create a new account it will not be possible for you to have the same username as you had on your deleted account.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid K8-F2 aka June

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!







Another Email




Greetings Athendar,


I am Protocol Droid A0-L9, Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your account closure and refund request.


Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated email for account cancelation requests. Cancelations are normally done through the SWTOR website by going to this link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1876

On your main account page you can then click on the ‘Subscription’ option in the sidebar menu. Once the subscription management page has opened, you can choose the option to cancel your membership from there.


If you are experiencing any issues related to cancelling your subscription, please do not hesitate to contact our Account and Billing support team directly by emailing support@swtor.com or through the following phone numbers:



USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

UK, Germany, France: 00800 0246 9273 (008000 BIOWARE)

If you’re calling from a country other than the USA, UK, France or Germany, you may call us on +44 203 564 2555, but please be advised that international call rates may apply.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid A0-L9 (aka Michael)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!





Most Recent Email




Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid W5-W5 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your request for a refund.


However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to assist you with this since this is an issue with the game that has been purchased through Origin or other retailers.


Please conatact the Origin Live Support Team or the game retailer where you have bought the game from for the possibility of a refund.


We apologize for any inconvinience that this may cause.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty.



Protocol Droid W5-W5 aka Kenneth

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!


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I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game.


Generally speaking you can never get a refund on software, because even if you return it, that doesn't mean you haven't made copy or something else.


Go to a store, buy any other program and try to return it...

Edited by VanorDM
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You bought a game, redeemed the code for the free 30 days of play, used that time, and now you want your money back??


Wow... just wow.


Lemme guess, you're the type of person who goes to a restaurant, orders a meal, eats the whole thing, only to complain to the manager that something was wrong and demand he comp your meal???

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If you gotthe game through origin use there cs on the site to talk to a rep. They were giving full refunds up till a few weeks ago when ea told them to stop. People are still grtting refunds but not as easily as before. Mght just have to get lucky. If youvr had the game for more then 2-3 weeks chances might be a bit slim though.
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This must be your first launch MMO..... u know this game was just released... and it has had one of the best if not best launches in the history of mmo's...


games not broke... your expectations are. if u just dont like the game thats another thing.

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If you gotthe game through origin use there cs on the site to talk to a rep. They were giving full refunds up till a few weeks ago when ea told them to stop. People are still grtting refunds but not as easily as before. Mght just have to get lucky. If youvr had the game for more then 2-3 weeks chances might be a bit slim though.


You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.

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You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.


I would like to know what game breaking issues you've found after playing for 10 hours.

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You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.


You can fix game breaking issues from home... in 10 hours!?

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You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.


Odd how some people get on and say there's 100's of game breaking issues yet none of my friends who play nor any of the hundred people in my guild has mentioned even 1.


I am not saying there are not bugs of course there are but "game breaking" I haven't seen or heard of any.


I think peoples attitudes are what "breaks" the game for them.

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Odd how some people get on and say there's 100's of game breaking issues yet none of my friends who play nor any of the hundred people in my guild has mentioned even 1.


I am not saying there are not bugs of course there are but "game breaking" I haven't seen or heard of any.


I think peoples attitudes are what "breaks" the game for them.


This is so true, actually the only real issue I have with the game is the big blue dudes on voss not having walking animations on occasion. Everthing else, the wierd AH, ability delays, graphical bugs, getting stuck in wierd places... all of the things that seem to just send some obsessives over the edge... I just work around. Things will be fixed as time goes on, im not stressed about anything at all, and I am enjoying the game thorughly.

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I would like to know what game breaking issues you've found after playing for 10 hours.



Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.

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