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As if a million voices suddenly cried out in terror... and were suddenly silenced.


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Yesterday there were dozens of threads proclaiming THE END OF SWTOR, because of the whole Ilum thing. Now.... gone. ;-) Bioware is on the ball, people freak out at the drop of a pin.


funny, I used that quote yesterday to respond to BW shutting down THEIR OWN THREAD on the matter of the patch....

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Yesterday there were dozens of threads proclaiming THE END OF SWTOR, because of the whole Ilum thing. Now.... gone. ;-) Bioware is on the ball, people freak out at the drop of a pin.


yer i remember when i was lvl 30 too..i thought the game was great then also....

Edited by Milkmaid
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Dont worry they already have a new rally cry dincha hear? BW wont let you cancel your sub. Yeah yeah I know that if you really went and checked....the cancel button is there. But people had screen shots and all and those cant be faked like an email about being banned for dancing.
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yer i remember when i was lvl 30 too..i thought the game was great then also....


Level 50, half champ set, 1 synth epic because most of synth sucks. Running EV and HM's. Not fully endgame. But cute that you try to attack me thinking it will weaken my argument.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.


You may want to check out the bug and suggestion compilation threads made by the community, which are being regularly looked at by our developers and provide a fantastic outlet for you to post constructive feedback.

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