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The Proper Way to Farm Valor in Ilum (Updated for Patch)


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Suspension for what ? It says no where (If any, please point me to the direction) that players are obligated (by contract: a.k.a EULA) in any way shape or form to attack another player.


Bioware PvP was developed by people who obviously never played MMOs before and thus decided to let players roll characters on both sides of the same server and hence, mass coordinated cheating.


Solution: Force players to chose One side and offer free character transfers to different servers if you have chars on both sides of the same.


In no way is it the CUSTOMERs fault that Bioware is run by people with Degrees from colleges rather than passionate players and coders. The entire industry has taken a crap since diploma'd management without passion for the product took over these artistic ventures.

Edited by Hurkk
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If I was Bioware I'd hand out a temporary suspension to every person they can identify in that video.


Meanwhile many threads are created demanding "proof" of exploit and no one seems to step forward...


On servers where this happened all day yesterday, they were pulling in serious valor. In this one, they are easily breaking 2.4k valor every ten minutes. It's easy to see that the valor system is now completely broken. So is Ilum.

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In no way is it the CUSTOMERs fault that Bioware is run by people with Degrees from colleges rather than passionate players and coders. The entire industry has taken a crap since diploma'd management without passion for the product took over these artistic ventures.


It's the same everywhere, idiots with college degrees (ie they went to high school for a few extra years) making decisions for things based on their studying out of date text books rather than on any first hand experience.


In my business i would employ someone with 4 years experience doing a job over someone with 4 years sitting in a classroom reading about doing a job any day of the year.

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Meanwhile many threads are created demanding "proof" of exploit and no one seems to step forward...


On servers where this happened all day yesterday, they were pulling in serious valor. In this one, they are easily breaking 2.4k valor every ten minutes. It's easy to see that the valor system is now completely broken. So is Ilum.


everyone demanding proof are the star wars fanbois, just ignore them, in theire rose colored glasses bw will never do any wrong, many of them have been signed up waiting for this game since 2008/2009 so they are emotionally invested in it.

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It's the same everywhere, idiots with college degrees (ie they went to high school for a few extra years) making decisions for things based on their studying out of date text books rather than on any first hand experience.


In my business i would employ someone with 4 years experience doing a job over someone with 4 years sitting in a classroom reading about doing a job any day of the year.


You don't even need a degree. Just ask like 10 random MMORPGs on 'what clever way can you think of to exploit this', and assuming those guys are being truthful, it is virtually certain one of them would've thought of 'trade kills with the enemy for the win' immediately. Offer to pay $100 for the first guy to think of a cool way to exploit the system if you want an incentive for people to tell the truth. I'll certainly tell them that for $100.

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Ban everyone in the video. Actually, deleting their characters would be better.




It's not just player mentality, it's dev mentality.


If the same players were exploiting a PVE instance, they would be banned, as BW would race to protect the integrity of their PVE systems.


But it's a key PVP system that is on the line here.


And devs in most games will just let it go ...




P.S. thank you for posting this video. I hope your friends dont give you too much grief over it.

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My character name is clear as day in this video. If I wanted to hide, I just wouldn't have posted anything. If BioWare wants to ban me or anyone else in this video, that is their call. It's people calling for "ban" that just don't understand that issues need to be reported before they can be fixed.
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It's not just player mentality, it's dev mentality.


If the same players were exploiting a PVE instance, they would be banned, as BW would race to protect the integrity of their PVE systems.


But it's a key PVP system that is on the line here.


And devs in most games will just let it go ...




P.S. thank you for posting this video. I hope your friends dont give you too much grief over it.


While I understand the desire to penalize inappropriate actions. This is the perfect demonstration of the problem. When you don't cut valor based on the group size, you open yourself up to this nonsense. This is the problem. This is the same problem from yesterday. When a group of 25 republic heal a turret while 75 imps fodder themselves, both sides saw massive valor. Why? Because as long as you tagged it, you got valor. The amount of valor from that place needs to be fixed. The exploit is indicative of the underlying issue. The offender punishment is important, but fixing the exploitable content is top priority as well.

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If you think the pvp lead dev should be held accountable, sign this petition and share with friends. I want to play the game again but refuse to do so until something is done by BW to show that such massive failure will not be repeated. If you feel the same, then please sign.



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People complain about PVP valor exploits because they are either Republic (and got stomped due to E/R Ratio), or are not high enough level empire to join in.


Slicers didn't complain about the huge influx of income from the bad balance on returns for crew missions.


*rubs chin*


Both look like game design logic flaws to me. One effects actual economy, one accelerates an in game grind with no actual gains (Battlemaster gear is not that much better than Champion Gear).


Both are issues, but the camping of Republic bases in Ilum yesterday wasn't even the correct thing to patch. The lack of proper DR is the issue that needs to be fixed to prevent valor farming groups. The fact that the dev team incharge of responding to it did not even realize that diminishing returns were responsible, makes me wonder why BioWare doesn't hire actual exploiters to run dev logic through correct QA passes.

Edited by Shazbawt
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You know the worst part...


it's those cardboard cutout walkers that shoot imaginary lasers.




Bioware had no idea what they were doing when they designed pvp... none... could've dragged any random people off the street and you would've had at least as good a design, if not much better.


Making a non-punitive pvp system that rewards farming is silly... yes... players WILL figure the easiest way to farm... just like they'll figure every exploit in the game.

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and this is exactly what happens when idiots make a game requiring you to grind pvp for pvp gear.........the "wow kiddy factor". gotta reward the kids for pvp'ing or they won't do it.


pvp is supposed to be about the fun and challenge of fighting unpredictable opponents rather than linear pve boring opponents, not this garbage.


That's all well and good, but Bioware (and other developers) have decided that they need to fill up player time with developing as little content as possible, and so PvP is a natural avenue for this. It's not going away.

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lulz epic fail on BWs part.

Having DAoC devs, you'd think the OWPvP(RvR) system would be stellar.

Guess I'll enjoy this game with friends until GW2 comes out.


When EA takes over a company, they give plush packages to the owners and very high-ups then dismiss and resize the divisions which leads to much of the talent being dismissed. This happend with Mythic when EA took over and the result was a 'Mythic' game(Warhammer) being produced and made by EA devs under the name of Mythic. End result? Mechanics vaguely similar but in the end fail. This entire venture of SWTOR seems eerily similar.


People saying 'ban' these guys trading kills in the video should relax, I bet a few days back the very same people were happy to 'trade' killing vehicles on the battlefield, this is only a step further. I waited for this game a year and now give it at best 5% chance of keeping a decent population more than a few months :/

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