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SWTOR and Subscibtion based games. is the end near?


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I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I want to pay $15 a month anymore. I'm nearly finished with subscription based MMOs now. I'm shelling out a monthly fee for what really? Server stability? Weekly patches? Added features that should have been there in the first place. (UI Changes. dual spec etc)



Then after a year pay another $50 for an expansion that adds features that should have been there in the first place?


The genre itself is getting annoying. I've played some decent f2p games but in order to be successful or competitive you have to shell out a decent amount of cash just to keep up.


Truth is maybe I just the type of player that likes to spend a one-time fee and enjoy the for what it's worth. Uncharted, D2, Mass effect, KOTOR, God of war, half life series, and many other game to long to list I still play without a monthly fee.



You know too bad there is no off-topic forum. I know this will be deleted but I'm curious how others feel.

Edited by DarthTenor
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Same thing here man. I have really took a liking to F2P games thanks to League of Legends and play them casually along side my one time buy games that I get used at 50% half price.


The service of sub based mmorpg's does not live up to $15 a month. For this game I'd consider $5 a month ($60 a year, makes sense since what they add in a years time is generally equal to the content length of a new game).


The only MMO I am even considering in the future now is GW2 mainly for the fact that its But to Play, and I know I will at least get $50 of fun out of it.

Edited by Falcono
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I do think the genre is going to increasingly move away from the subscription model. Most MMOs that have struggled to get players in the door see their problems vanish almost overnight upon going F2P with microtransaction support.


However, this genre is extremely conservative and developments move at a glacial pace, so I think we're going to see subs for a couple more years yet.

Edited by marshalleck
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$15 dollars a month is pocket change for people with jobs. The end is not near, people just have a honeymoon relationship with F2P at the moment and that will all change eventually.


So let me get this straight:


You're saying that people with jobs are more willing to simply throw money at something without regard to what that money is actually paying for?


If what you're saying is true, I need to set up a fund. I'll call it "The Best Time Ever: Rainbow Bazooka Edition" and set up a subscription service for it.


What's the fund for? Don't you worry about that! Your money is being put to use!



I'm bound to make MILLIONS!

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$15 dollars a month is pocket change for people with jobs. The end is not near, people just have a honeymoon relationship with F2P at the moment and that will all change eventually.


What's that quote about assumptions again?

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I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I want to pay $15 a month anymore. I'm nearly finished with subscription based MMOs now. I'm shelling out a monthly fee for what really? Server stability? Weekly patches? Added features that should have been there in the first place. (UI Changes. dual spec etc)



Then after a year pay another $50 for an expansion that adds features that should have been there in the first place?


The genre itself is getting annoying. I've played some decent f2p games but in order to be successful or competitive you have to shell out a decent amount of cash just to keep up.


Truth is maybe I just the type of player that likes to spend a one-time fee and enjoy the for what it's worth. Uncharted, D2, Mass effect, KOTOR, God of war, half life series, and many other game to long to list I still play without a monthly fee.



You know too bad there is no off-topic forum. I know this will be deleted but I'm curious how others feel.



Sure, and then once it hits F2P you can end up spending way more than $15 a month on the cash shop for features that you should have had in the first place.

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F2P costs more for the average gamer than P2P but they do it in a sneakier manner

nickel and dimeing you until your paying 20-30 dollars a month


It sure can, but for the competent gamer its cheaper. I limit myself to $5 a month on new skins in LoL. This lets me buy some content I enjoy and support the game I enjoy in a less costly manner. F2P gives you the choice....Subscription based does not.

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On the contrary the age where you pay a monthly fee to play any game is probably getting closer and closer.


When the internet infrastructure ever gets to the point it can support services like on live everywhere, developers will be all over that. One hundred percent total control of their IP, and forced obsolescence whenever they choose.

Edited by savagepotato
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Pay-to-play keeps the whiners away!


[Well, it's a theory anyway] ;)


Just buy play cards and use them when you want to play instead of paying month-to-month. You will pay less and take a needed break every couple of months.


[by "pay less", I mean if you don't use the play card immediately after the time runs out, you will eventually pay less than you would paying a montly sub.] I only wish they had 30-day cards instead of 60.

Edited by Force_Me
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there is a reason f2p is f2p.


So no f2p games dont cost money unless you spend money on them. its free of choice and free to play.


f2p most often translates as p2win.


Most f2p games lock out classes/races/areas unless you pay for them. CoH does it, AoC does it, etc, etc.

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Sure, and then once it hits F2P you can end up spending way more than $15 a month on the cash shop for features that you should have had in the first place.


Oh you mean like $150 for a collectors edition that wasn't worth it. Plus the $15 subscription fee that I just paid. Lemme see, $165 into SWTOR now, but some how it is cheaper than me spending a few bucks on a F2P game.


Your logic fails you, sir.

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Honestly I play World of Tanks, it's free to play, and I have a blast. I also play LOTRO, that is free to play, and I also enjoy that game.


Just because a game goes F2P does not mean its a bad game.


You are correct..it just BECOMES a bad game unfortunately.


No money from players = less and less content updates and pay to win crap

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f2p most often translates as p2win.


Most f2p games lock out classes/races/areas unless you pay for them. CoH does it, AoC does it, etc, etc.


That isn't pay-to-win, that is subscribe to experience the entire game.


Subscription is still part of the business goal.

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there is a reason f2p is f2p.


So no f2p games dont cost money unless you spend money on them. its free of choice and free to play.


sure if you don't want to play in the new zones or use a new race/class then sure but if

you actually want what would be in a subbed game then you must pay

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Oh you mean like $150 for a collectors edition that wasn't worth it. Plus the $15 subscription fee that I just paid. Lemme see, $165 into SWTOR now, but some how it is cheaper than me spending a few bucks on a F2P game.


Your logic fails you, sir.


Consider it this way, you just payed $165 dollars to learn a lesson. One don't buy collectors edition anything, it's never worth it. Two don't jump on a new MMO if you are not into taking risks.

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Consider it this way, you just payed $165 dollars to learn a lesson. One don't buy collectors edition anything, it's never worth it. Two don't jump on a new MMO if you are not into taking risks.


It wouldn't be a risk if the developers actually delivered on what they advertise, and didn't make incompetent design decisions.


And lesson learned - I'll never buy a Collector's Edition again.

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